- Increase keycloak-admin-client to v25.0.6 (KEYCLOAK-24)
- Bumped up applications-poc-tools dependencies to 1.5.6 to support Hostname Verification for TLS connections
- Fix duplicated timers (MODSCHED-16)
- Upgrade keycloak-client to v25.0.1 (KEYCLOAK-11)
- Implemented timer events update while application upgrade (MODSCHED-8)
- Pack application to Docker Image and push into ECR (RANCHER-1515)
- Apply build SslContext from app-poc-tools lib with support of keystore custom type (APPPOCTOOL-20)
- Implement new event format from mgr-tenant-entitlements (MGRENTITLE-21)
- Added TLS support for keycloak clients (MODSCHED-9)
- Fixed Integer.MAX_VALUE as max value for default retries (EUREKA-66)