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Core Team Meeting 2019-02-19


Core team

Present: Heather Turner (HT), Tania Allard (TA), Emily Dodwell (ED), Kevin O'Brien (KO) - via slack Absent:, Jenny Bryan (JB), Di Cook (DC), Jasmine Dumas (JD), Jonathan Godfrey (JG), Isabella Gollini (IG), Julie Josse (JJ), Tanja Kecojevic (TK), Michael Lawrence (ML), Augustina Ragwitz (AR), David Smith (DS), Heather Turner (HT)


Core team/General

  • ED: We received a tip about a broken link from Vanessa Morales via the Forwards email account:
    • Here (in the "...Landivar (2013) Disparities in STEM Employment by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin..." part). Looks like their website has dropped the file. Here is a working link to the publication on another website.


  • ED to reach out to members for About page update and interest review during upcoming slackathon (opportunity to contact and touch base).
  • HT to fix broken link on webpage.

Community team

  • KO has been involved with connecting people from RUGs and R Ladies across Africa. There was a meeting a few weeks ago to gather leaders for discussion of organization of SatRdays or bigger conferences, strategies to build community and learn from each other, opportunities for volunteers to help.
    • There are opportunities for a remote talk to show support and spread knowledge more widely. This can be a talk already given at a RUG or conference.
    • New Twitter: @AfricaRUsersTwitter curators from various countries to take over for a week. Spread the word to contacts in Africa to get involved. Forwards will support with retweets, etc. about ways to get involved.
  • TA will be giving a talk at LGBT+Networks of the Wellcome Genome Campus in Cambridge.
  • TA is joining Microsoft developer advocates to focus on communities that traditionally have not been involved or are new to data, R and Julia, statistical computing. This involves going to conferences and developing tools that tie into Forwards community work.
  • NT busy with SatRday in Berlin. We should advertise when they have more information available on site.

Conferences team

  • HT: Diversity scholarships for useR! are closing soon (3/1 deadline) -- advertise on Twitter
    • 8-9 people have volunteered for scholarship review.
  • Upcoming events/conferences:
    • Applications for Grace Hopper due in early March
    • AL involved in unconf in Chicago March 9-10.
    • NYR Conference is in May (strong R Ladies presence among speakers)
  • HT is very involved in useR! again and will encourage diversity among participants to keep up with recent changes and suggestions.
    • Remote participants: Google hangouts for keynote speakers, discussions with HW about an interview.
    • KO is also looking into options for RUG community (e.g. panel streamed or recorded for remote participation).


  • JR will update homepage with upcoming conferences/events of interest.

On-ramps team

  • AL hosting Forwards workshop in Chicago this weekend.

Social media team

  • HT: It would be nice to have more action on blog, including individual posts or compendium of grant-funded workshops (ED/JR for NYC high school girls workshop, AL for Chicago women's package workshop, DC on workshops in Australia and NZ.
  • Any update from IG on R Journal article?


  • ED to reach out on slack about organization of blog post material on slack.
  • Goal should be to develop trend (a few years worth) of material on website about surveys, workshops, etc.


  • TK has taken over useR! 2018 survey analysis so hopefully this will get things moving again. Standards, tables, plots for each question. Very similar to 2017 version, so hopefully won't be too much work to rerun for 2018 data.
  • Gather more help for timely execution of analysis to keep updated on website.


  • HT: We've reached goal of hosting high school and women's package workshops in both US and Australia/NZ for R Consortium grant.
  • DC interested in another high school girls workshop.
  • Contact in Europe for workshop organization? Reach out for leads. (ED look in minutes)


  • Organize materials in GitHub more consistently for sharing (currently mix of powerpoints and keynotes, etc.) and future use.


  • Next slackathon will be in March 1-4.