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Core Team Meeting 2019-06-27


Core team

Present: Heather Turner (HT), Angela Li (AL), Tanja Kecojevic (TK), Emily Dodwell (ED), Isabella Gollini (IG), Noa Tamir (NT), Kevin O'Brien (KO)
Absent: Tania Allard (TA), Jenny Bryan (JB),Jonathan Godfrey (JG), Julie Josse (JJ), Michael Lawrence (ML), Augustina Ragwitz (AR)


Core team/General

  • About page has been updated with 2019 Membership:
    • Additions:
      • AL stepped up as teaching team lead
      • RM joined as teaching team member
      • NT moved to conferences team lead
    • DC and DS stepped down as team leads; JD stepped down from taskforce
  • Core team vacancies: Social media, Surveys, On-ramps
  • Need someone to take over as Facebook group moderator from GM.


  • Articulation of goals for groups? Aim to do at useR!
  • Let other members know on slack when you're planning on attending a local conference/meetup so there may be an opportunity to meet in person.

Community team

  • Organization of satRdays: Berlin, underserved places (e.g. Africa, Indonesia, Nepal)

Conferences team

  • (NT) useR! CoC:
    • Aligned with Organisers and they would like to have a second Forwards volunteer. I have a few non-Forwards options from the Buddies sign-up. It would be great to get a contact from LGBTQ+ R leads for a diverse team of responders.
    • Waiting for organisers' feedback on active CoC enforcement vs. passive only.
  • UseR Buddies:
    • We have 10 volunteers and I have all the details for the meeting from HT. I will send invites to scholars and buddies tomorrow.
    • Update here
    • Flyer
  • Support for conference organisers:
    • After useR! I'm planning to expand the CoC resources available to organisers by providing blue prints on how to set up the following: response team, active response scheme, passive response scheme, and maybe offer "office hours" to support preparation and reporting.
    • (AL) This would be super helpful to provide the resources for people to organize effective teams. I'm also on the useR 2020 team, so I want to get some info from you all.
  • Contacts for useR! 2020 include Jesse Mostipak, Katherine Simeon and other local St, Louis folk involved in diversity/CoC issues.


  • Send agenda items for cross-community meeting.

On-ramps team

(No items at this time.)

Social media team

(No items at this time.)


  • (HT) There are issues with running survey at useR! Local organisers have stipulated the following:
    • must run on our own server
    • must be anonymous
    • all questions optional
    • meet GDPR requirements stating basis for legal processing, etc.
    • remove ethnicity question (not legal/acceptable in France)
  • HT will ask RFCC if they will pay for hosted LIMESurvey instance. Even with aggregating response options we cannot make survey completely anonymous, so it needs to meet requirements enabling people to rectify/delete their data. This will be difficult to implement, but we can ask people to note down their respondent number to enable them to request changes in separate form. Also need to minimise the data collected, so we will need to change some questions (e.g. ask for age in 5-year bands vs. age in years.)


  • Blog post draft here.
    • What are missing workshop locations?
    • (TK) initiative (in Serbia) for youngsters age 13-18 years.


  • Make materials known to R-Ladies groups to be adopted and used in workshops: capture up-to-date and good practices.
  • Set a goal of 3 package workshops in the US: NYC, Chicago, somewhere on West Coast? (AL to help with initiative.)
  • Identify contact in Europe who may be able to run a high school workshop there.High school workshop in Europe?
  • TK will read blog draft and propose an addition if her workshops fit in; otherwise separate post.


  • Next Slackathon 20-21 or 27-28 July