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Core Team Meeting 2019-10-22


Core team

Present: Heather Turner (HT), Emily Dodwell (ED), Lorna Maria Aine (LM), Tatjana Kecojevic (TK), Liz Hare (LH), Kevin O'Brien (KO), Noa Tamir (NT), Tania Allard (TA), Damiano Cerasuolo (DCerasuolo)
Absent: Jenny Bryan (JB), Jonathan Godfrey (JG), Isabella Gollini (IG), Julie Josse (JJ), Michael Lawrence (ML), Angela Li (AL), Shakirah Nakalungi (SN)


Core team/General

  • Samantha Toet has joined as a regular member of the Community Team (lead of R Consortium's R Community Diversity and Inclusion working group)
  • HT may be going to conference celebrating 20th anniversary of release of R v1.0 -- Copenhagen in February 2020
    • Includes talk on diversity in the R community (not yet official), for which she invites ideas and feedback
    • As people are thinking about past, present, future of R community, this is a good opportunity to address community and challenge status quo by presenting ideas that are important to people


  • Keep us posted about upcoming events people are attending/leading/hosting so we can promote (tag JR so she can include on the website or put in #social_media channel):
    • Upcoming efforts with TK
    • NT workshop on programming from scratch, including introduction to bash (at a conference for women in business)

Community team

  • KO: Looking into YouTube live streaming for remote participants to join and ask questions - hopefully use for Cardiff SatRday.
    • Negative is you can't see slides. They may be shared separately via Github for access and readalong-type capability, although requires they be available in advance.
    • (see slack for remarks)
  • DCerasuolo: Looking into funding for conferences.
    • Speaking with Francesca for eRum in Milan May 2020
    • (HT) QueerinAI has funding that may be used for event by end of the year (i.e. Meetup, conference, joint meeting)
  • TA organized Hacktoberfest with RLadies, PyLadies, PyData
    • Meetup in Mexico was successful (although oversubscribed)
    • Running future similar events
    • Share materials and experience re: connecting different groups


  • TA blog post on recent (and upcoming) events

Conferences team

  • LH has shared draft of Best Practices for Disability Inclusion
    • Includes consideraton about social media, searching web, consultation with other disability groups. Separate considerations need to be made re: sensory, food-related, and mobility limitations.
    • General overview of accessibility of website for conferences, contact for accessibility, mention of accessibility services (because people may decide whether or not to attend based on that information)
    • See references for more information.
  • TA has accessibility checklist she can share
  • NT: Diversity Cookbook and NumFOCUS point of view
    • Working on version for shorter events (i.e. Meetups) for submission to cookbook
    • Tools and practices for creation of invitation text that is more inclusive and less biased
    • Re: useR! 2020, waiting for things to move forward; will provide another update in November
  • NT to contacting Bioconductor for repository: Levi Waldron is chairing Bioconductor 2020 (and handled diversity efforts for 2019)


  • Follow up with Bioconductor (NT)
  • Look into accessibility of useR! site (tools for automated checking or anectodally) (LH). See followup on #conferences here.

On-ramps team

  • From team call, goal was set to encourage people to make their first pull request.
    • NC set up website designed for people to make a first pull request (step through process and add name to list of contributors, so change is simple and focus is on process).
    • Repo will be passed to Forwards to promote as optional exercise in workshops and to help participants get started contributing.
    • Encourage labeling of issues.

Social media team

  • LM: Blog post about workshops has been published.
    • Another blog post is in progress on AfricaR initiatives, which will hopefully be published around November. Coordinating with leads that KO has connected with (see #community thread here)
  • SN is handling another blog post with AL.
  • Any issue tagged with social media team may be useful for coordination and follow-ups.


  • Wishlist: Develop LinkedIn page (SN or another volunteer)
    • AL originally raised as a way for members to increase visibility of volunteer experience on personal pages by tagging Forwards
    • See ongoing discussion on #social_media.
    • Considerations: (KO) consideration of branding strategy for visibility with sponsors and contacts. (NT) This may be a broader effort than just LinkedIn page.
  • LM and SN coordinate on creation of a blog posting schedule (i.e. once or twice a month, time dependent)
    • End-of-year post for each team on 2019 efforts


  • Met in July, and most activity has been related to analysis of current year's useR! survey.


  • TK blog post about surveys (when time)


  • Workshop in York in early 2020. Application is open for scholarships.
  • Ongoing efforts to converting Teaching materials into more streamlined form. See HT's comment here
    • Goals: overall better organization because it has been hard to keep track of new materials for each workshop
    • Better organization of Edu page on website for access to workshops, materials, teaching examples, links to other data sources, etc.
  • AL began blogdown about logistics of organizing a workshop.


  • Next slackathon will be November 8-11th.