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Slackathon 2019-03-01


Core team

Present: David Smith (DS), Heather Turner, Emily Dodwell (ED), Kevin O'Brien (KO)
Absent: Tania Allard (TA), Jenny Bryan (JB), Di Cook (DC), Jasmine Dumas (JD), Jonathan Godfrey (JG), Isabella Gollini (IG), Julie Josse (JJ), Tanja Kecojevic (TK), Michael Lawrence (ML), Augustina Ragwitz (AR), Joyce Robbins (JR)


Present: Angela Li (AL)
Absent: Stella Bollmann (SB), Carolin Strobl (CS), Rudolf Debelak (RD), Andrea Foulkes (AF), John Fox (JF), Gina Griffin (GG), Madlene Hamilton (MH), Liz Kellogg (LK), Joslynn Lee (JL), David Meza (DM), Gina Merchant (GM), Ileena Mitra (IM), Wenfeng Qin (WQ), Maëlle Salmon (MS), Tracy Shen (TS), Noa Tamir (NT), Charlotte Wickham (CW), Hadley Wickham (HW), Yizhe Xu (YX)


Core team/General

  • TA is diversity chair for the UK Research Software Engineers conference.

Community team

  • (HT) Note this workshop for deaf useRs, presented in ASL, March 25-29.
  • (HT) LesbiansWhoTech summit has a livestream this weekend. You need to register for a free ticket here.
  • KO is involved in efforts and actions to progress Africa R users.

Conferences team

  • (HT) useR! are planning live-captioning for keynotes and some sort of auto-captioning otherwise.
  • (HT) AL and others have been doing some great work helping R in Finance to improve their inclusivity (see AL message here).
  • (NT) SatRday Berlin will be June 15th at Hertie School of Governance. We will update the website and open the CfP shortly. We’re now working on getting more funding to fly in some keynote speakers and pay for food and IT things. Any leads would be appreciated.

On-ramps team

(No items at this time.)

Social media team

(No items at this time.)


  • (AL): Stephanie Kirmer has put together an analysis of the results from the Women’s Package Workshop we taught in Chicago this past weekend, take a look at how much people learned!
    • (HT): This is great Angela and Stephanie! Surprised how many had GitHub accounts in the pre-survey - did you ask them to sign up first?
    • (AL): Yes, we sent out the Computing Requirements ahead of time and asked that they try to follow them.


  • (HT) Following Angela's successful workshop, other Chicago R-Ladies are interested in running the workshops. I suggested they raise issues on GitHub of they have any queries.


  • Next slackathon will be in May. Vote for your preferred weekend via the survey in Slack