Now we’re going to do ridge and lasso regression using
. First, let’s clean the missing values.
hitters <- ISLR::Hitters %>% na.omit()
Now assign the response variable and the predictors to matrices y
y <- hitters[["Salary"]]
x <- model.matrix(Salary∼., hitters )[,-1]
When alpha
argument in glmnet()
is equal to zero, the function
performs a ridge regression.
grid <- 10^seq(10, -2, length = 100)
ridge_mod <- glmnet(x, y, alpha = 0, lambda = grid)
We choose to compute the ridge regression using a range of lambda values that goes from 10^10 (very close to the null model, including only the intercept) to 10^(-2) (very close to the full OLS model).
standarized the variables by default, but we can change that
with standarize = FALSE
The output is a matrix of coeficients (rows) by each lambda (column).
## [1] 20 100
Checking differences in coeficients and (\ell_2) norm among different values of lambda.
First with (\lambda = 11498)
## [1] 11497.57
coef(ridge_mod, )[, 50]
## (Intercept) AtBat Hits HmRun Runs
## 407.356050200 0.036957182 0.138180344 0.524629976 0.230701523
## RBI Walks Years CAtBat CHits
## 0.239841459 0.289618741 1.107702929 0.003131815 0.011653637
## CHmRun CRuns CRBI CWalks LeagueN
## 0.087545670 0.023379882 0.024138320 0.025015421 0.085028114
## DivisionW PutOuts Assists Errors NewLeagueN
## -6.215440973 0.016482577 0.002612988 -0.020502690 0.301433531
coef(ridge_mod)[ -1 ,50]^2 %>% sum() %>% sqrt()
## [1] 6.360612
Now with (\lambda = 705):
## [1] 705.4802
coef(ridge_mod)[, 60]
## (Intercept) AtBat Hits HmRun Runs
## 54.32519950 0.11211115 0.65622409 1.17980910 0.93769713
## RBI Walks Years CAtBat CHits
## 0.84718546 1.31987948 2.59640425 0.01083413 0.04674557
## CHmRun CRuns CRBI CWalks LeagueN
## 0.33777318 0.09355528 0.09780402 0.07189612 13.68370191
## DivisionW PutOuts Assists Errors NewLeagueN
## -54.65877750 0.11852289 0.01606037 -0.70358655 8.61181213
coef(ridge_mod)[-1, 60]^2 %>% sum() %>% sqrt()
## [1] 57.11001
The coefficients tend to be larger with a lower value of lambda (although some of them can increase their value).
With predict()
we can recalculate the coefficients for new values of
predict(ridge_mod, s = 50, type = "coefficients") %>% as_vector()
## 20 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
## 1
## (Intercept) 4.876610e+01
## AtBat -3.580999e-01
## Hits 1.969359e+00
## HmRun -1.278248e+00
## Runs 1.145892e+00
## RBI 8.038292e-01
## Walks 2.716186e+00
## Years -6.218319e+00
## CAtBat 5.447837e-03
## CHits 1.064895e-01
## CHmRun 6.244860e-01
## CRuns 2.214985e-01
## CRBI 2.186914e-01
## CWalks -1.500245e-01
## LeagueN 4.592589e+01
## DivisionW -1.182011e+02
## PutOuts 2.502322e-01
## Assists 1.215665e-01
## Errors -3.278600e+00
## NewLeagueN -9.496680e+00
train_vec <- sample(1:nrow(x), nrow(x)/2)
test_vec <- -train_vec
y_test <- y[test_vec]
Fit ridge regression on training data, and evaluate MSE in test data, with lambda = 4.
ridge_train_mod <- glmnet(x[train_vec, ], y[train_vec],
alpha = 0, lambda = grid,
thresh = 1e-12)
ridge_pred <- predict(ridge_train_mod, s = 4, newx = x[test_vec, ])
## [1] 142199.2
Exploring the MSE of the null model (just the intercept), i.e. predicting the mean of the training data set
mean((mean(y[train_vec]) - y_test)^2)
## [1] 224669.9
It is very similar to fitting a ridge regression with very large lambda:
ridge_pred_large <-
predict(ridge_train_mod, s = 1e10, newx = x[test_vec, ])
## [1] 224669.8
Checking if performing ridge regression with lambda = 4 is better than just doing OLS.
ridge_pred_zero <-
predict(ridge_train_mod, s = 0, newx = x[test_vec, ])
## [1] 167789.8
Checking that the coefficients are the same between unpenalized LS and ridge with lambda = 0.
lm(y ~ x, subset = train_vec)
## Call:
## lm(formula = y ~ x, subset = train_vec)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) xAtBat xHits xHmRun xRuns
## 274.0145 -0.3521 -1.6377 5.8145 1.5424
## xRBI xWalks xYears xCAtBat xCHits
## 1.1243 3.7287 -16.3773 -0.6412 3.1632
## xCHmRun xCRuns xCRBI xCWalks xLeagueN
## 3.4008 -0.9739 -0.6005 0.3379 119.1486
## xDivisionW xPutOuts xAssists xErrors xNewLeagueN
## -144.0831 0.1976 0.6804 -4.7128 -71.0951
predict(ridge_train_mod, s = 0, exact = TRUE,
type = "coefficients",
x = x[train_vec, ], y = y[train_vec])[1:20, ]
## (Intercept) AtBat Hits HmRun Runs
## 274.0200994 -0.3521900 -1.6371383 5.8146692 1.5423361
## RBI Walks Years CAtBat CHits
## 1.1241837 3.7288406 -16.3795195 -0.6411235 3.1629444
## CHmRun CRuns CRBI CWalks LeagueN
## 3.4005281 -0.9739405 -0.6003976 0.3378422 119.1434637
## DivisionW PutOuts Assists Errors NewLeagueN
## -144.0853061 0.1976300 0.6804200 -4.7127879 -71.0898914
(If we want to run an unpenalized LS model we’re better off using lm()
because it provides a more useful output).
cv_out <- cv.glmnet(x[train_vec, ], y[train_vec],
alpha = 0, nfold = 10)
The output tell us which is the best value for lambda.
best_lambda <- cv_out[["lambda.min"]]
## [1] 141.1535
Now let’s use that value to predict y_test
and check the MSE:
ridge_pred_min <- predict(ridge_mod, s = best_lambda, newx = x[test_vec, ])
mean((ridge_pred_min - y_test)^2)
## [1] 114783.7
This is a lower MSE than when we used lambda = 4.
Now let’s estimate the coefficients using lambda = 141 on the full dataset.
out <- glmnet(x, y, alpha = 0)
predict(out, s = best_lambda, type = "coefficients")[1:20, ]
## (Intercept) AtBat Hits HmRun Runs
## 1.324373e+01 -3.585003e-02 1.190143e+00 -3.313109e-01 1.148155e+00
## RBI Walks Years CAtBat CHits
## 8.610628e-01 1.997286e+00 -1.376600e+00 1.055566e-02 7.373432e-02
## CHmRun CRuns CRBI CWalks LeagueN
## 4.997523e-01 1.461506e-01 1.555880e-01 -4.837991e-03 3.226350e+01
## DivisionW PutOuts Assists Errors NewLeagueN
## -1.017207e+02 2.124730e-01 5.940509e-02 -2.258594e+00 3.845681e+00
None of the coefficients are zero because the ridge doesn´t perform variable selection (it just shrinks the values).
It’s the same as the ridge regression, but using alpha = 1
lasso_mod <- glmnet(x[train_vec, ], y[train_vec], alpha = 1,
lambda = grid)
## Warning in regularize.values(x, y, ties, missing(ties)): collapsing to
## unique 'x' values
Now we perform cross validation to find the best value of lambda.
cv_out_lasso <- cv.glmnet(x[train_vec, ], y[train_vec],
alpha = 1, nfolds = 10)
best_lambda_lasso <- cv_out_lasso[["lambda.min"]]
lasso_pred <- predict(lasso_mod,
s = best_lambda_lasso,
newx = x[test_vec, ])
mean((lasso_pred - y_test)^2)
## [1] 144038.1
This is a bit higher than the MSE obtained with the ridge regression and its optimal lambda.
Now let’s estimate the coefficientes using the full data and the best lambda for the lasso.
out_lasso <- glmnet(x, y, alpha = 1, lambda = best_lambda_lasso)
lasso_coef <- predict(out_lasso,
type = "coefficient",
s = best_lambda_lasso)[1:20, ]
## (Intercept) AtBat Hits HmRun Runs
## 23.88292542 -0.37345358 3.04748875 0.00000000 0.00000000
## RBI Walks Years CAtBat CHits
## 0.00000000 2.60753187 -2.72089210 0.00000000 0.00000000
## CHmRun CRuns CRBI CWalks LeagueN
## 0.10202574 0.28159259 0.41024552 -0.05126403 25.02252335
## DivisionW PutOuts Assists Errors NewLeagueN
## -117.93277672 0.24438150 0.00000000 -0.80069648 0.00000000
lasso_coef[lasso_coef != 0]
## (Intercept) AtBat Hits Walks Years
## 23.88292542 -0.37345358 3.04748875 2.60753187 -2.72089210
## CHmRun CRuns CRBI CWalks LeagueN
## 0.10202574 0.28159259 0.41024552 -0.05126403 25.02252335
## DivisionW PutOuts Errors
## -117.93277672 0.24438150 -0.80069648
The lasso, as expected, did perform feature selection by setting some coefficients to zero.