This is a simple but powerful online service you can use to validate quality of Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) diagrams for free.
Our virtual organization freebpmnquality provides various online autonomous services.
- FBPMNQ Demo - validate BPMN 2.0 models free online to design high-quality business process diagrams.
- BPMN Scorecard Validation Tool - the industry benchmark of BPMN model quality.
- bumonft - a blockchain-driven NFT protocol for BPMN, ARIS, ArchiMate, and other business models.
- BlockPMN - BPMN business process examples of crypto saving, staking, DeFi, and investing activities.
Our comprehensive digital ecosystem for BPMN models exchange, quality analysis, and cost estimation:
- EtherBPMN - free online software to exchange BPMN models in a distributed blockchain-driven collection.
- QualiBPMN - free online software to validate BPMN business process diagrams and find modeling mistakes.
- FinBPMN - free online software to estimate design efforts and cost of BPMN business process diagrams.
- SCOR® SCM Calculator - SCOR-driven and BPMN business process centric Supply Chain Management (SCM) calculator to plan ordering, shipping, and returning product streams between suppliers and customers.
- exOnviZZ - build attractive data visualization graphs and charts online for FREE using Excel XLS XLSX document reports exported from 1C, BAS, and other enterprise accounting information systems.
- BR2SQL - translate natural language business rules into SQL DDL database creation scripts ONLINE FOR FREE, ready data types, primary and foreign keys, and unique indexes for database tables.
- BusinessModelShack - cross-industry collection of BPMN 2.0 business process models.
- Bloxience - R&D implementation of the blockchain data structure in JavaScript.
- Efforteum - tokenize web software development efforts using the address of a website.