Get your .env from remote (HaspiCorp Vault) on deploy
Warning! This is very beginning alpha version without usable realise. Not recommended for using now
composer require freebuu/laravel-vault
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config --provider="FreeBuu\LaravelVault\LaravelVaultServiceProvider"
Add patches from Vault and variables to secrets in vault.php
'vars' => [
'patches' => [
'patch_variables' => [
'env' => 'production',
Make vault.json file with Vault options - structure MUST be same as vault.php
You can override here ALL options from vault.php
"connections": {
"vault": {
"host": "http://vault",
"role_id": "your_secret_id",
"secret_id": "your_secret_id"
base64 -w 0 vault.json | php artisan vault:get --stdin --b64
If all OK (credentials is actual and have access to secret patches), you see merged values from all patches:
| Key | Value |
| secret1 | value1 |
| secret2 | value2 |
- For save this in .env - add option --output=currentEnv
- For save this in - add option --output=nextEnv
Here is a shorthand command special from CI
- On runner, obtain a token docs
- Obtain .env with that token
php artisan vault:ci s.JYVfe67632rRDtyf --app=my_project --env=production
- s.JYVfe67632rRDtyf - Vault one-time token
- my_project - App name, set the 'app' patch variable. Optional.
- production - App env, set the 'env' patch variable. Optional.