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72 lines (53 loc) · 2.27 KB

File metadata and controls

72 lines (53 loc) · 2.27 KB

Formatting Scripts

This can be added as a dependency to .main.kts script to share code for scripts between repositories.


The published artifact contains a wrapper to run ktlint on the repository or on given files. To use it create ktlint.main.kts and add the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env kotlin


import com.freeletics.gradle.scripts.KtLintCli
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.main


This can then be executed using ./kotlinw ktlint.main.kts --help

Kotlin wrapper

It is recommended to create an executable file called kotlinw in the root of the repository with the following content. This will allow to run kts scripts with ./kotlinw foo.main.kts and automatically takes care of downloading and updating the Kotlin compiler for the execution. For this to work the libs.versions.toml version catalog needs to include a version called kotlin.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

ROOT_DIR="$(dirname $0)"
KOTLIN_VERSION="$(grep -m 1 '^kotlin \?=' $ROOT_DIR/gradle/libs.versions.toml | cut -d'"' -f2)"

function internal_kotlinw() {
  if [ ! -f "${BINARY_DIR}/kotlin" ]; then

  local current_version
  current_version="$("${BINARY_DIR}/kotlin" -version 2> /dev/null)"
  local expected_version_regex
  expected_version_regex="Kotlin version ${KOTLIN_VERSION}.*"
  if ! [[ "${current_version}" =~ ${expected_version_regex} ]]; then

  # this works around an issue where the Kotlin compiler used by ktlint accesses code that JDK 12+ don't allow access to
  export JAVA_OPTS="--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED"

  "${BINARY_DIR}/kotlin" "$@"

function internal_install_and_link_kotlin_compiler() {
  echo "Downloading Kotlin ${KOTLIN_VERSION}"
  rm -rf "${INSTALLATION_DIR}"
  local temp_file
  temp_file=$(mktemp /tmp/
  curl -sLo "${temp_file}" "${KOTLIN_VERSION}/kotlin-compiler-${KOTLIN_VERSION}.zip"
  unzip -q "${temp_file}" -d "${INSTALLATION_DIR}"
  rm -f "${temp_file}"

internal_kotlinw "$@"