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CodeQL Pylint


Dice bot for MvK ruleset...

Invite My instance:


Example on CentOS Stream9:

  1. Install python: yum install python3.11 python3.11-devel python3.11-pip python3.11-pip-wheel python3.11-wheel
  2. Make a venv: python3.11 -m venv --symlinks --system-site-packages .venv
  3. Install requirements into venv: ./.venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Copy mvkdicebot.example.ini to mvkdicebot.ini
  5. Create a bot account and get a token:
  6. Put the token into mvkdicebot.ini
  7. Generate an invite URL:
    • Scopes: bot, applications.commands
    • Bot Permissions: Read Messages/View Channels, Send Messages, Send Messages in Threads

Tech Stack

freiheit/MvKDiceBot is built on the following main stack:

Full tech stack here