read more about the fzp format at:
TO DO: use template.fzp to load the structure of the fzp
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module fritzingVersion="x.y.z" moduleId="mod-id-rev" referenceFile="ref.file">
<description>some words about the part</description>
A complete sample file can be found here
the template.fzp has a checkLevel identifier for the automated travis checks.
this checkLevel defines how important the xml-tag of the fzp-xml is, for the fritzing-part.
<module fritzingVersion="x.y.z" moduleId="mod-id-rev" referenceFile="ref.file">
Store the part version
Store the part title
<description>some words about the part</description>
Store the part description (you can use simple html, as defined by Qt's Rich Text)
Store the part author
Store the part date
Store the part's url if it is described on a web page
Store the default part label prefix
Store the part's tags
Store the parts family (what other parts is this related to)
Store the part's variant (this makes it unique from all other parts in the same family)
<property name="x">...</property>
<property name="x">the-value</property>
<property name="x">...</property>
Store the part's properties
<layers image="breadboard/part.svg">
<layer layerId="breadboard"/>
<layers image="schematic/part.svg">
<layer layerId="schematic"/>
<layers image="pcb/part.svg">
<layer layerId="copper0"/>
<layer layerId="silkscreen"/>
<layer layerId="copper1"/>
<layers image="icon/part.svg">
<layer layerId="icon"/>
<connector id="connector15" name="B1" type="male">
<description>Channel 1 voltage low</description>
<p layer="breadboard" svgId="connector15pin" terminalId="connector15terminal"/>
<p layer="schematic" svgId="connector15pin" terminalId="connector15terminal"/>
<p layer="copper1" svgId="connector15pin"/>
<p layer="copper0" svgId="connector15pin"/>