This software is currently developed and tested with django version 1.10.
The system is currently used with mod_wsgi in an apache environment. However, it is also possible to use fastcgi. An example of a working apache config for mod_wsgi looks like:
Alias /static/ /var/www/sabot/django/static/
Alias /media /var/www/sabot/django/media
<Directory /var/www/sabot/django/static>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<Directory /var/www/sabot/django/media>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
Options -Indexes
<Directory /var/www/sabot/django/media/invoice_pdfs>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
WSGIDaemonProcess sabot user=sabot group=sabot python-path=/var/www/sabot/django processes=2 threads=15 display-name=%{GROUP}
WSGIProcessGroup sabot
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/sabot/django/sabot/
<Directory /var/www/sabot/django/sabot>
Order allow,deny
allow from all
In order to test the software, you may simply (as usual for django projects) use "./ runserver"
Before you start
- run "sudo pip install -r requirements.txt"
- create the following config files:
- sabot/
- sabot/
- sabot/ (and sabot/ if you want to distinguish a development and a production version) from their example files ( needs the same parameters)
- run "./ migrate" to setup your database
- run "./ createsuperuser" to create your admin account
If you want to use the invoice creation functionality, it is required that you have libreoffice (or openoffice) installed on the server.
Here is a pretty good tutorial to run django apps with guniocorn behind an apache webserver: (easy to adopt for SaBoT)