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rpcd - ratpoison control daemon

This project provides a limited interaction surface for (non-local) users, allowing them to load layouts into the ratpoison window manager as well as enabling them to start/stop a set of previously approved processes.

This allows non-privileged users to run eg. games or view videos on a big screen without having to give them local shell access to start the software.

Additionally, it provides an automation controller to update the display contents based on external factors.

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This project consists of several modules


This tool interacts with ratpoison and the underlying Linux system, loading layouts and managing processes. It provides an external API via HTTP, which is detailed in endpoints.txt. Additionally, the automated control feature provides an optional internal API, which is described in detail in a later section.


This module provides an interactive frontend to the daemon API, using HTML and JavaScript. It can also be served from a machine other than the one providing the API.


The cli module provides a command line interface (rpcd-cli), which can be used for automating interaction with rpcd servers.

Build instructions

To build the daemon, the following prerequisites are needed

  • libx11-dev
  • GNU make
  • A C compiler

Once those are met, running make in the root directory should suffice to build all the modules.

Setup & Configuration

To install the web client, copy the directory to a path served by an HTTP daemon and modify the API URL in js/config.js to your setup.

To install the daemon, simply create your configuration file and run the daemon executable on the host running ratpoison (preferrably not as root). The first and only argument to the daemon executable is the configuration file to be used.

To install the command line interface, run make install within the cli directory.

The daemon configuration file closely mirrors the standard ini file format. An example configuration may be found in daemon/rpcd.conf. Sub-configuration files can be pulled in while parsing with an include <file> line. Lines starting with a semicolon ; are treated as comments and ignored. Inline comments are not yet supported.

Some section types (layout, command and x11) describe named elements. This name is provided in the section header, separated from the keyword by a space. Names are unique for a specific type, except for layout names, which are unique per display.

Section Option Default value Example value Description Notes
[api] bind none 8080 HTTP API host and port
[control] socket none /tmp/rpcd Unix domain socket for automation control Created if missing
fifo none /tmp/rpcd-fifo FIFO for automation control Created if missing
[variables] VariableName none DefaultValue Define an automation variable as well as its default value
[automation] Automation instructions none assign foo bar/1 Automation control script (see below)
[x11 *name*] display :0 :0.0 X11 display identifier to use
deflayout none layout_name Layout to apply on reset
repatriate none yes Store current window-frame mapping
[layout *name*] file none path/to/file.sfdump Path to a ratpoison sfdump Either read-layout or file is required
read-layout none yes Read the layout data from a running ratpoison
[command *name*] description none What does it do Command help/description
command none /bin/echo %Var1 Command to execute including arguments required
windows none no Indicates that the command will not open an X window
chdir none /home/foo/bar/ Working directory to execute the command in
VariableName none string Arg1 Command argument variable specification (see below)
[window *name*] command none /bin/xecho %AutoVar Command executed to start the window required
chdir none /home/foo/baz Working directory to start the window in
mode lazy ondemand Window swap/kill mode (see below)

User commands

Commands may have any number of user-specifiable arguments, which replace the %Variable placeholders in the command specification. Argument configuration is specified in command sections by assigning configuration to an option with the same name, ie to configure the variable %Var1, you assign the specification to the option Var1.

Variables may either be of the type enum, providing a fixed set of values (separated by space characters) for the user to choose from, or of the type string, allowing free-form user entry via a text field. For enum arguments, variable values exactly match the specified options. For string arguments, an optional hint may be supplied, which is displayed as an entry hint within the web client.

Placeholders for which no argument configuration is specified are not replaced.

Display automation

rpcd can be used to update the contents of the managed displays based on an automation script. This feature is optional. Automated windows are only displayed when a display is not busy with user commands. The windows to be shown can be started and stopped by rpcd automatically, based on the automation script and current variable values.

Automation variables

Automation variables occupy variable space distinct from user command variables. They may be set via the control inputs or the configuration file. All spawned window processes receive the entire automation variable space in their environment. Variable arguments to window processes also refer to the automated variable space.

Automation variables are required to follow the naming conventions for environment variables, that is the can only consist of the ASCII characters A-z (upper- and lowercase), as well as the digits 0-9 and the underscore (_). Variable names may not start a number, to be able to distinguish them from constants and may not contain spaces.

Automation scripting

The automation script, given in an [automation] section in the control file, consists of line-by-line instructions executed sequentially when

  • rpcd is first started
  • A child (window or command) terminates
  • The reset API endpoint is invoked
  • An automated window process maps an X11 window

Changes are only made on displays that are not currently running any user commands.

The automation script may contain the following instructions:

Instruction Arguments Example Description
default Display name default gpu Apply the default layout on a display if set
layout Layout name layout gpu/foo Activate a layout
assign Command, frame assign bar gpu/1 Assign an automated window to a frame
skip # Instructions skip 5 Skip the next n instructions
done - done Terminate automation script execution
if Conditional if empty baz, done If condition is not met, skip the next statement

Conditionals may be negated using the syntax if not. Valid conditional expressions are

  • a < b: Expression a numerically less than b
  • a > b: Expression a numerically greater than b
  • a = b: Expression a contains same string as b
  • empty a: Expression a contains an empty string

Expressions may either be

  • Automation variable names
  • Numeric constants
  • Strings encapsulated in double quotes (")

For each display, the last default/layout instruction decides the final layout to be applied, overwriting previous layout calls. In a similar fashion, later assign calls overwrite earlier ones referring to the same display/frame combination or window.

Note that cascading conditional statements, while possible, will not work as intended due to the internal implementation of the automation engine.

When assigning a window active on one display to a frame on another display, rpcd will stop and restart the window process to execute it on the new display. When defining a window with the ondemand kill-mode (see below), the process is terminated as soon as the window is no longer mapped on any display.

Automation input

External processes may update the automation variable space and trigger a re-evaluation of the automation script by using one of the configured control inputs (Unix domain socket or FIFO).

To update a variable, write or send a \n-terminated line of the following format:


Automated windows

Variables (for example %AutoVar) used as parameters are replaced with their value (from the automation variable space) before execution. Variables reflect the content they had when the window was started, as updates at a later time are not possible. A method to restart a window on variable change may be implemented in the future.

The following swap/kill modes are supported for windows:

  • default (lazy): The process is started when required, and stopped only when when shutting down or mapping the window to another X server (necessitating an update of the environment).
  • ondemand: Start the process when the window is mapped, terminate the process when it is unmapped.
  • keepalive: Start the process on rpcd startup (on the default display), stop only when shutting down or switching X servers.

Usage (Web Interface)

  • To run a command

    • Point your browser to the web client
    • Select a command to see its options
    • Fill the options to your liking
    • Click Run to start the command
    • Click Stop to kill the program
  • To change the layout

    • Point your browser to the web client
    • Select a layout to view it
    • Click Apply to activate it on the screen

Usage (Command Line Interface)

The command line interface client for the HTTP API may for example be used for automating interaction with rpcd. The module accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Example Description
--help, help, -? Print a short help summary
commands List all commands supported by the server
layouts List all layouts supported by the server
apply <layout> apply gpu/fullscreen Load a layout on a display
run <command> <args> run xecho Text=foo Run a command with arguments, formatted as key=value
stop <command> stop xecho Stop a command
reset Reset the rpcd instance, stopping all commands and loading the default layouts
status Query server status
--fullscreen, -F Run a command in fullscreen mode
--frame <frame>, -f -f gpu/0 Select a frame to run a command in
--json, -j Print machine-readable JSON output
--host <host>, -h -h display-server Select the target host (Default: localhost)
--port <port>, -p -p 8080 Select the API port (Default: 8080)

Usage (Daemon)

Interaction with the daemon is mostly limited to the HTTP API. It is documented in endpoints.txt and may be accessed either directly or through the provided interfaces.

To generate a layout dump from an existing ratpoison instance for use with rpcd, run ratpoison -c sfdump and store the output to a file.


Some of the features may not be immediately obvious or may have interesting background information.

Reloading the daemon configuration

When the daemon receives SIGHUP, it will try to reload the configuration file it was started with. When a user command is running, the configuration reload is postponed until the command terminates. Upon receiving a second SIGHUP while waiting for command termination, the configuration is force-reloaded, which will terminate all running commands.

Should the reloaded configuration contain an error, rpcd will not shut down but respond as if no configuration would have been read. This implies that the daemon will not respond on any API endpoint.

Process termination

When sending a stop command to the API, rpcd first sends SIGTERM to the process group it spawned for the start command. This should terminate all processes within that group. Should a process misbehave and not terminate upon receiving SIGTERM, the next stop command will send SIGKILL to the process.

Fullscreen checkbox

The fullscreen checkbox (and the fullscreen parameter to the start endpoint) cause rpcd to execute the ratpoison command only (take window fullscreen on this screen) before running the command, as well as executing undo at termination, rolling back the last layout change.

Commands without windows

Indicating that a command creates no X windows (for example, to implement control commands for another running command) has the following consequences:

  • The command will not have a DISPLAY variable in its environment
  • The frame, display and fullscreen parameters are ignored
    • This implies that there will be no interaction with ratpoison at all for the command
  • The command will not block the execution of any automation script

Default display

In a multihead environment (that is, one where rpcd manages multiple ratpoison instances on different X servers), the specific display a command is to be run on needs to be passed. To stay compatible with single-head deployments, this option may be omitted and the first display defined in the configuration is used.

In the same manner, layouts may still be defined with the old configuration syntax (omitting the display a layout is defined on). The default display will then be used for the layout.

Mapping windows to processes

There is no inherently reliable way for an external process like rpcd to map X11 window IDs to the processes that spawned them. This is a known problem, for which the _NET_WM_PID protocol was created. For child processes (commands and automated windows) supporting this protocol (which is most), all features work as intended. For processes not supporting it, a "window filter" feature is intended to be implemented at a later stage. Sadly, some applications refuse to set any identifying information within the window properties. If a user command is running, rpcd may assign such a window to the last command started as a last-resort heuristic. The following features may be broken for such processes:

  • Loading a layout while the command is running may hide the window without terminating the command
  • Display automation may not run even though there is no window displayed, as the display is still considered busy until the command terminates
  • The window may not show up at all (with this not being recognized as a bug in rpcd)


  • Nesting conditionals in the automation configuration will pass the parser, but execution will not be straightforward and may produce unintended side effects due to the internal implementation.
  • Special characters and spaces in layout/command names currently cause problems. This may be fixed in the (near) future.
  • string arguments allow free-form user supplied data to be passed to spawned commands, presenting a possible security risk if not properly sanitized. Properly checking and sanitizing user input is the responsibility of the called command.
  • All programs started by rpcd should support the _NET_WM_PID protocol for rpcd to be able to reliably map X11 windows to child processes.