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+# build output
+# generated types
+# dependencies
+# logs
+# environment variables
+# macOS-specific files
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+++ b/docs/CNAME
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Starlight Starter Kit: Basics
+[![Built with Starlight](https://astro.badg.es/v2/built-with-starlight/tiny.svg)](https://starlight.astro.build)
+npm create astro@latest -- --template starlight
+[![Open in StackBlitz](https://developer.stackblitz.com/img/open_in_stackblitz.svg)](https://stackblitz.com/github/withastro/starlight/tree/main/examples/basics)
+[![Open with CodeSandbox](https://assets.codesandbox.io/github/button-edit-lime.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/github/withastro/starlight/tree/main/examples/basics)
+[![Deploy to Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/img/deploy/button.svg)](https://app.netlify.com/start/deploy?repository=https://github.com/withastro/starlight&create_from_path=examples/basics)
+[![Deploy with Vercel](https://vercel.com/button)](https://vercel.com/new/clone?repository-url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fwithastro%2Fstarlight%2Ftree%2Fmain%2Fexamples%2Fbasics&project-name=my-starlight-docs&repository-name=my-starlight-docs)
+> ๐งโ๐ **Seasoned astronaut?** Delete this file. Have fun!
+## ๐ Project Structure
+Inside of your Astro + Starlight project, you'll see the following folders and files:
+โโโ public/
+โโโ src/
+โ โโโ assets/
+โ โโโ content/
+โ โ โโโ docs/
+โ โ โโโ config.ts
+โ โโโ env.d.ts
+โโโ astro.config.mjs
+โโโ package.json
+โโโ tsconfig.json
+Starlight looks for `.md` or `.mdx` files in the `src/content/docs/` directory. Each file is exposed as a route based on its file name.
+Images can be added to `src/assets/` and embedded in Markdown with a relative link.
+Static assets, like favicons, can be placed in the `public/` directory.
+## ๐ง Commands
+All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:
+| Command | Action |
+| :------------------------ | :----------------------------------------------- |
+| `npm install` | Installs dependencies |
+| `npm run dev` | Starts local dev server at `localhost:4321` |
+| `npm run build` | Build your production site to `./dist/` |
+| `npm run preview` | Preview your build locally, before deploying |
+| `npm run astro ...` | Run CLI commands like `astro add`, `astro check` |
+| `npm run astro -- --help` | Get help using the Astro CLI |
+## ๐ Want to learn more?
+Check out [Starlightโs docs](https://starlight.astro.build/), read [the Astro documentation](https://docs.astro.build), or jump into the [Astro Discord server](https://astro.build/chat).
diff --git a/docs/astro.config.mjs b/docs/astro.config.mjs
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
+import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight';
+// https://astro.build/config
+export default defineConfig({
+ site: 'https://trippy.cli.rs',
+ integrations: [
+ starlight({
+ title: 'Trippy',
+ editLink: {
+ baseUrl: 'https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/edit/master/docs/',
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+ 'zulip': 'https://trippy.zulipchat.com',
+ 'x.com': 'https://x.com/FujiApple852v2',
+ },
+ sidebar: [
+ {
+ label: 'Start Here',
+ autogenerate: { directory: 'start' }
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Guides',
+ autogenerate: { directory: 'guides' }
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Reference',
+ autogenerate: { directory: 'reference' },
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Development',
+ autogenerate: { directory: 'development' },
+ },
+ ],
+ }),
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+ "start": "astro dev",
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+import { defineCollection } from 'astro:content';
+import { docsSchema } from '@astrojs/starlight/schema';
+export const collections = {
+ docs: defineCollection({ schema: docsSchema() }),
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/development/crates.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+title: Crates
+description: A reference for the Trippy crates.
+The following table lists the crates that are provided by Trippy. See [crates](crates/README.md) for more information.
+| Crate | Description |
+| [trippy](https://crates.io/crates/trippy) | A binary crate for the Trippy application and a library crate |
+| [trippy-core](https://crates.io/crates/trippy-core) | A library crate providing the core Trippy tracing functionality |
+| [trippy-packet](https://crates.io/crates/trippy-packet) | A library crate which provides packet wire formats and packet parsing functionality |
+| [trippy-dns](https://crates.io/crates/trippy-dns) | A library crate for performing forward and reverse lazy DNS resolution |
+| [trippy-privilege](https://crates.io/crates/trippy-privilege) | A library crate for discovering platform privileges |
+| [trippy-tui](https://crates.io/crates/trippy-tui) | A library crate for the Trippy terminal user interface |
diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/guides/faq.md b/docs/src/content/docs/guides/faq.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f984ee25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/guides/faq.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+title: Frequently Asked Questions
+description: Frequently asked questions about Trippy.
+ order: 5
+## Why does Trippy show "Awaiting data..."?
+If you are using Windows you _must_ [configure](#how-do-i-allow-incoming-icmp-traffic-in-the-windows-defender-firewall)
+the Windows Defender firewall to allow incoming ICMP traffic
+When Trippy shows โAwaiting data...โ it means that it has received zero responses for the probes sent in a trace. This
+indicates that either probes are not being sent or, more typically, responses are not being received.
+Check that local and network firewalls allow ICMP traffic and that the system `traceroute` (or `tracert.exe` on
+Windows) works as expected. Note that on Windows, even if `tracert.exe` works as expected, you
+_must_ [configure](#how-do-i-allow-incoming-icmp-traffic-in-the-windows-defender-firewall) the Windows Defender
+firewall to allow incoming ICMP traffic.
+For deeper diagnostics you can run tools such as https://www.wireshark.org and https://www.tcpdump.org to verify that
+icmp requests and responses are being send and received.
diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/guides/privileges.md b/docs/src/content/docs/guides/privileges.md
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index 00000000..0905a45d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/guides/privileges.md
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+title: Privileges
+description: A reference for the Trippy privileges.
+ order: 2
+Trippy normally requires elevated privileges due to the use of raw sockets. Enabling the required privileges for your
+platform can be achieved in several ways, as outlined below. Trippy can also be used without elevated privileged on
+certain platforms, with some limitations.
+## Unix
+1: Run as `root` user via `sudo`:
+sudo trip example.com
+2: `chown` `trip` as the `root` user and set the `setuid` bit:
+sudo chown root $(which trip) && sudo chmod +s $(which trip)
+3: [Linux only] Set the `CAP_NET_RAW` capability:
+sudo setcap CAP_NET_RAW+p $(which trip)
+Trippy is a capability aware application and will add `CAP_NET_RAW` to the effective set if it is present in the allowed
+set. Trippy will drop all capabilities after creating the raw sockets.
+## Windows
+Trippy must be run with Administrator privileges on Windows.
+## Unprivileged mode
+Trippy allows running in an unprivileged mode for all tracing modes (`ICMP`, `UDP` and `TCP`) on platforms which support
+that feature.
+Unprivileged mode is currently only supported on macOS. Linux support is possible and may be added in the future.
+Unprivileged mode is not supported on NetBSD, FreeBSD or Windows as these platforms do not support the `IPPROTO_ICMP`
+socket type. See [#101](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/issues/101) for further information.
+The unprivileged mode can be enabled by adding the `--unprivileged` (`-u`) command line flag or by adding the
+`unprivileged` entry in the `trippy` section of the [configuration file](#configuration-reference):
+unprivileged = true
+The `paris` and `dublin` `ECMP` strategies are not supported in unprivileged mode as these require manipulating the
+`UDP` and `IP` and headers which in turn requires the use of a raw socket.
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/docs/src/content/docs/guides/recommendation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+title: Recommended Tracing Settings
+description: Recommended settings for Trippy.
+ order: 3
+Trippy provides a variety of configurable features which can be used to perform different types of analysis. The choice
+of settings will depend on the analysis you wish to perform and the environment in which you are working. This guide
+lists some common options along with some basic guidance on when they might be appropriate.
+The Windows `tracert` tool uses ICMP by default, whereas most Unix `traceroute` tools use UDP by default.
+## ICMP
+By default Trippy will run an ICMP trace to the target. This will typically produce a consistent path to the target (a
+single flow) for each round of tracing which makes it easy to read and analyse. This is a useful mode for general
+network troubleshooting.
+However, many routers are configured to rate-limit ICMP traffic which can make it difficult to get an accurate picture
+of packet loss. In addition, ICMP traffic is not typically subject to ECMP routing and so may not reflect the path that
+would taken by other protocols such as UDP and TCP.
+To run a simple ICMP trace:
+trip example.com
+Due to the rate-limiting of ICMP traffic, some people prefer to hide the `Loss%` and `Recv` columns in the Tui as
+these are easy to misinterpret.
+trip example.com --tui-custom-columns hosavbwdt
+These settings can be made permanent by adding them to the Trippy configuration file:
+custom-columns = "hosavbwdt"
+The `Sts` column shows different color codes to reflect packet loss at intermediate vs the target hop, see the
+[Column Reference](#column-reference) for more information.
+#### UDP/Dublin with fixed ports
+UDP tracing provides a more realistic view of the path taken by traffic that is subject to ECMP routing.
+Setting a fixed target port in the range 33434-33534 may allow Trippy to determine that the probe has reached the target
+as many routers and firewalls are configured to allow UDP probes in that range and will respond with a Destination
+Unreachable response.
+However, running a UDP trace with a fixed target port and a variable source port will typically result in different
+paths being followed for each probe within each round of tracing. This can make it difficult to interpret the output as
+different hosts will reply for a given hop (time-to-live) across rounds.
+By using the `dublin` ECMP strategy, which encodes the sequence number in the IP `identifier` field, Trippy can fix both
+the source and target ports, typically resulting in a _single_ path for each probe within each round of tracing.
+UDP/Dublin for IPv6 encodes the sequence number as the payload length as the IP `identifier` field is not available in
+Keep in mind that every probe is an _independent trial_ and each may traverse a completely different path. In practice,
+ICMP probes often follow a single path, whereas the path of UDP and TCP probes is typically determined by the 5-tuple of
+protocol, source and destination IP addresses and ports.
+Also beware that the return path may not be the same as the forward path, and may also differ for each probe. Strategies
+such as `dublin` and `paris` assist in controlling the path taken by the forward probes, but do not help control the
+return path. Therefore it is recommended to run a trace in both directions to get a complete picture.
+To run a UDP trace with fixed source and target ports using the `dublin` ECMP strategy:
+trip example.com --udp --multipath-strategy dublin --source-port 5000 --target-port 33434
+The source port can be any valid port number, but the target port should usually be in the range 33434-33534 or whatever
+range is open to UDP probes on the target host.
+These settings can be made permanent by adding them to the Trippy configuration file:
+protocol = "udp"
+multipath-strategy = "dublin"
+source-port = 5000
+target-port = 33434
+## UDP/Dublin with fixed target port and variable source port
+As an extension to the above, if you do not fix the source port when using the `dublin` ECMP strategy, Trippy will
+vary the source port per _round_ of tracing (i.e. each probe within a given round will share the same source port, and
+the source port will vary for each round). This will typically result in the _same_ path being followed for _each_ probe
+within a given round, but _different_ paths being followed for each round.
+These individual flows can be explored in the Trippy Tui by pressing the `toggle-flows` key binding (`f` key by
+Adding the columns `Seq`, `Sprt` and `Dprt` to the Tui will show the sequence number, source port and destination port
+respectively which makes this easier to visualize.
+trip example.com --udp --multipath-strategy dublin --target-port 33434 --tui-custom-columns holsravbwdtSPQ
+These settings can be made permanent by adding them to the Trippy configuration file:
+protocol = "udp"
+multipath-strategy = "dublin"
+target-port = 33434
+custom-columns = "holsravbwdtSPQ"
+To make the flows easier to visualize, you can generate a Graphviz DOT file report of all tracing flows:
+trip example.com --udp --multipath-strategy dublin --target-port 33434 -m dot -C 5
+## UDP/Paris
+UDP with the `paris` ECMP strategy offers the same benefits as the `dublin` strategy with fixed ports and can be used
+in the same way.
+They differ in the way they encode the sequence number in the probe. The `dublin` strategy uses the IP `identifier`
+field, whereas the `paris` strategy uses the UDP `checksum` field.
+To run a UDP trace with fixed source and target ports using the `paris` ECMP strategy:
+trip example.com --udp --multipath-strategy paris --source-port 5000 --target-port 33434
+The `paris` strategy does not work behind NAT as the UDP `checksum` field is typically modified by NAT devices.
+Therefore the `dublin` strategy is recommended when NAT is present.
+Trippy can detect the presence of NAT devices in some circumstances when using the `dublin` strategy and the `Nat`
+column can be shown in the Tui to indicate when NAT is detected. See the [Column Reference](#column-reference) for more
+#### TCP
+TCP tracing is similar to UDP tracing in that it provides a more realistic view of the path taken by traffic that is
+subject to ECMP routing.
+TCP tracing defaults to using a target port of 80 and sets the source port as the sequence number which will typically
+result in a different path being followed for each probe within each round of tracing.
+To run a TCP trace:
+trip example.com --tcp
+TCP tracing is useful for diagnosing issues with TCP connections and higher layer protocols such as HTTP. Often UDP
+tracing can be used in place of TCP to diagnose IP layer network issues and, as it provides ways to control the path
+taken by the probes, it is often preferred.
+Trippy does not support the `dublin` or `paris` ECMP strategies for TCP tracing and so you cannot fix both the source
+and target ports. See the [tracking issue](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/issues/274) for details.
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+title: Usage Examples
+description: Examples of how to use the Trippy command line interface.
+ order: 1
+Basic usage with default parameters:
+trip example.com
+Trace without requiring elevated privileges (supported platforms only, see [privileges](#privileges)):
+trip example.com --unprivileged
+Trace using the `udp` (or `tcp` or `icmp`) protocol (also aliases `--icmp`, `--udp` & `--tcp`):
+trip example.com -p udp
+Trace to multiple targets simultaneously (`icmp` protocol only,
+see [#72](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/issues/72)):
+trip example.com google.com crates.io
+Trace with a minimum round time of `250ms` and a grace period of `50ms`:
+trip example.com -i 250ms -g 50ms
+Trace with a custom first and maximum `time-to-live`:
+trip example.com --first-ttl 2 --max-ttl 10
+Use custom destination port `443` for `tcp` tracing:
+trip example.com -p tcp -P 443
+Use custom source port `5000` for `udp` tracing:
+trip example.com -p udp -S 5000
+Use the `dublin` (or `paris`) ECMP routing strategy for `udp` with fixed source and destination ports:
+trip example.com -p udp -R dublin -S 5000 -P 3500
+Trace with a custom source address:
+trip example.com -p tcp -A
+Trace with a source address determined by the IPv4 address for interface `en0`:
+trip example.com -p tcp -I en0
+Trace using `IPv6`:
+trip example.com -6
+Trace using `ipv4-then-ipv6` fallback (or `ipv6-then-ipv4` or `ipv4` or `ipv6`):
+trip example.com --addr-family ipv4-then-ipv6
+Generate a `json` (or `csv`, `pretty`, `markdown`) tracing report with 5 rounds of data:
+trip example.com -m json -C 5
+Generate a [Graphviz](https://graphviz.org) `DOT` file report of all tracing flows for a TCP trace after 5 rounds:
+trip example.com --tcp -m dot -C 5
+Generate a textual report of all tracing flows for a UDP trace after 5 rounds:
+trip example.com --udp -m flows -C 5
+Perform DNS queries using the `google` DNS resolver (or `cloudflare`, `system`, `resolv`):
+trip example.com -r google
+Lookup [AS][autonomous_system] information for all discovered IP addresses (not yet available for the `system` resolver,
+see [#66](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/issues/66)):
+trip example.com -r google -z
+Set the reverse DNS lookup cache time-to-live to be 60 seconds:
+trip example.com --dns-ttl 60sec
+Lookup and display `short` (or `long` or `location` or `off`) GeoIp information from a `mmdb` file:
+trip example.com --geoip-mmdb-file GeoLite2-City.mmdb --tui-geoip-mode short
+Parse `icmp` extensions:
+trip example.com -e
+Hide the IP address, hostname and GeoIp for the first two hops:
+trip example.com --tui-privacy-max-ttl 2
+Customize Tui columns (see [Column Reference](#column-reference)):
+trip example.com --tui-custom-columns holsravbwdt
+Customize the color theme:
+trip example.com --tui-theme-colors bg-color=blue,text-color=ffff00
+List all Tui items that can have a custom color theme:
+trip --print-tui-theme-items
+Customize the key bindings:
+trip example.com --tui-key-bindings previous-hop=k,next-hop=j,quit=shift-q
+List all Tui commands that can have a custom key binding:
+trip --print-tui-binding-commands
+Specify the location of the Trippy config file:
+trip example.com --config-file /path/to/trippy.toml
+Generate a template configuration file:
+trip --print-config-template > trippy.toml
+Generate `bash` shell completions (or `fish`, `powershell`, `zsh`, `elvish`):
+trip --generate bash
+Generate `ROFF` man page:
+trip --generate-man
+Use the `de` Tui locale:
+trip example.com --tui-locale de
+List supported Tui locales:
+trip --print-locales
+Run in `silent` tracing mode and output `compact` trace logging with `full` span events:
+trip example.com -m silent -v --log-format compact --log-span-events full
diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/guides/windows_firewall.md b/docs/src/content/docs/guides/windows_firewall.md
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+title: Windows Defender Firewall
+description: Allow incoming ICMP traffic in the Windows Defender firewall.
+ order: 4
+The Windows Defender firewall rule can be created using PowerShell.
+New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "ICMPv4 Trippy Allow" -Name ICMPv4_TRIPPY_ALLOW -Protocol ICMPv4 -Action Allow
+New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "ICMPv6 Trippy Allow" -Name ICMPv6_TRIPPY_ALLOW -Protocol ICMPv6 -Action Allow
+The rules can be enabled as follows:
+Enable-NetFirewallRule ICMPv4_TRIPPY_ALLOW
+Enable-NetFirewallRule ICMPv6_TRIPPY_ALLOW
+The rules can be disabled as follows:
+Disable-NetFirewallRule ICMPv4_TRIPPY_ALLOW
+Disable-NetFirewallRule ICMPv6_TRIPPY_ALLOW
+The Windows Defender firewall rule may also be configured manually,
+see [here](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/issues/578#issuecomment-1565149826) for a step-by-step guide.
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+title: "Trippy: a network diagnostic tool"
+description: a network diagnostic tool.
+template: splash
+ tagline: Trippy combines the functionality of traceroute and ping and is designed to assist with the analysis of networking issues.
+ image:
+ alt: Trippy, man!
+ light: ../../assets/trippy-logo-emblem-light.svg
+ dark: ../../assets/trippy-logo-emblem-dark.svg
+ actions:
+ - text: Get Started
+ link: /start/getting-started/
+ icon: right-arrow
+ - text: Read the docs
+ link: /reference/cli/
+ icon: open-book
+ variant: secondary
+ - text: View on GitHub
+ link: https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy
+ icon: github
+ variant: secondary
+import { Card, CardGrid } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
+import { Icon } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
+ - `ICMP`, `UDP` & `TCP` over `IPv4` & `IPv6` protocols
+ - Fully customizable tracing options
+ - `dublin` ๐ฎ๐ช and `paris` ๐ซ๐ท ECMP algorithms
+ - `ICMP` extensions (e.g. `MPLS`)
+ - Reverse `DNS` and `ASN` lookups
+ - `NAT` detection
+ - Run in unprivileged mode
+ ![Trippy main screen](../../assets/main_screen.png)
+ - Lookup GeoIp information and show on world map
+ - Support for both `MaxMind` and `IPinfo` databases
+ ![Trippy GeoIp world map](../../assets/world_map.png)
+ - Runs on `Linux`, `macOS`, `Windows`, `*BSD`
+ - Supports `x86_64`, `aarch64`, `arm7` architectures
+ - Available from most native package managers
+ - Customizable columns, color themes and key bindings
+ - Hop detail navigation mode
+ - Hop privacy mode
+ - Show individual tracing flows
+ - Various charts and statistics
+ - Persist configuration to file
+ ![Trippy settings](../../assets/settings.png)
+ TUI translated into 10 languages:
+ - Chinese ๐จ๐ณ, English ๐บ๐ธ, French ๐ซ๐ท, German ๐ฉ๐ช
+ - Italian ๐ฎ๐น, Portuguese ๐ต๐น, Russian ๐ท๐บ, Spanish ๐ช๐ธ
+ - Swedish ๐ธ๐ช and Turkish ๐น๐ท
+ ![Trippy main screen in Chinese](../../assets/help_screen_zh.png)
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+title: Key Bindings Reference
+description: A reference for customizing the Trippy TUI key bindings.
+ order: 3
+The following table lists the default Tui command key bindings. These can be overridden with the `--tui-key-bindings`
+command line option or in the `bindings` section of the configuration file.
+| Command | Description | Default |
+| `toggle-help` | Toggle help | `h` |
+| `toggle-help-alt` | Toggle help (alternative binding) | `?` |
+| `toggle-settings` | Toggle settings | `s` |
+| `toggle-settings-tui` | Open settings (Tui tab) | `1` |
+| `toggle-settings-trace` | Open settings (Trace tab) | `2` |
+| `toggle-settings-dns` | Open settings (Dns tab) | `3` |
+| `toggle-settings-geoip` | Open settings (GeoIp tab) | `4` |
+| `toggle-settings-bindings` | Open settings (Bindings tab) | `5` |
+| `toggle-settings-theme` | Open settings (Theme tab) | `6` |
+| `toggle-settings-columns` | Open settings (Columns tab) | `7` |
+| `next-hop` | Select next hop | `down` |
+| `previous-hop` | Select previous hop | `up` |
+| `next-trace` | Select next trace | `right` |
+| `previous-trace` | Select previous trace | `left` |
+| `next-hop-address` | Select next hop address | `.` |
+| `previous-hop-address` | Select previous hop address | `,` |
+| `address-mode-ip` | Show IP address only | `i` |
+| `address-mode-host` | Show hostname only | `n` |
+| `address-mode-both` | Show both IP address and hostname | `b` |
+| `toggle-freeze` | Toggle freezing the display | `ctrl+f` |
+| `toggle-chart` | Toggle the chart | `c` |
+| `toggle-map` | Toggle the GeoIp map | `m` |
+| `toggle-flows` | Toggle the flows | `f` |
+| `expand-privacy` | Expand hop privacy | `p` |
+| `contract-privacy` | Contract hop privacy | `o` |
+| `expand-hosts` | Expand the hosts shown per hop | `]` |
+| `expand-hosts-max` | Expand the hosts shown per hop to the maximum | `}` |
+| `contract-hosts` | Contract the hosts shown per hop | `[` |
+| `contract-hosts-min` | Contract the hosts shown per hop to the minimum | `{` |
+| `chart-zoom-in` | Zoom in the chart | `=` |
+| `chart-zoom-out` | Zoom out the chart | `-` |
+| `clear-trace-data` | Clear all trace data | `ctrl+r` |
+| `clear-dns-cache` | Flush the DNS cache | `ctrl+k` |
+| `clear-selection` | Clear the current selection | `esc` |
+| `toggle-as-info` | Toggle AS info display | `z` |
+| `toggle-hop-details` | Toggle hop details | `d` |
+| `quit` | Quit the application | `q` |
+| `quit-preserve-screen` | Quit the application and preserve the screen | `shift+q` |
+The supported modifiers are: `shift`, `ctrl`, `alt`, `super`, `hyper` & `meta`. Multiple modifiers may be specified, for
+example `ctrl+shift+b`.
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index 00000000..4819d34e
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+title: CLI Reference
+description: A reference for the Trippy command line interface.
+ order: 1
+A network diagnostic tool
+Usage: trip [OPTIONS] [TARGETS]...
+ [TARGETS]...
+ A space delimited list of hostnames and IPs to trace
+ -c, --config-file
+ Config file
+ -m, --mode
+ Output mode [default: tui]
+ Possible values:
+ - tui: Display interactive TUI
+ - stream: Display a continuous stream of tracing data
+ - pretty: Generate a pretty text table report for N cycles
+ - markdown: Generate a Markdown text table report for N cycles
+ - csv: Generate a CSV report for N cycles
+ - json: Generate a JSON report for N cycles
+ - dot: Generate a Graphviz DOT file for N cycles
+ - flows: Display all flows for N cycles
+ - silent: Do not generate any tracing output for N cycles
+ -u, --unprivileged
+ Trace without requiring elevated privileges on supported platforms
+ [default: false]
+ -p, --protocol
+ Tracing protocol [default: icmp]
+ Possible values:
+ - icmp: Internet Control Message Protocol
+ - udp: User Datagram Protocol
+ - tcp: Transmission Control Protocol
+ --udp
+ Trace using the UDP protocol
+ --tcp
+ Trace using the TCP protocol
+ --icmp
+ Trace using the ICMP protocol
+ -F, --addr-family
+ The address family [default: Ipv4thenIpv6]
+ Possible values:
+ - ipv4: Ipv4 only
+ - ipv6: Ipv6 only
+ - ipv6-then-ipv4: Ipv6 with a fallback to Ipv4
+ - ipv4-then-ipv6: Ipv4 with a fallback to Ipv6
+ -4, --ipv4
+ Use IPv4 only
+ -6, --ipv6
+ Use IPv6 only
+ -P, --target-port
+ The target port (TCP & UDP only) [default: 80]
+ -S, --source-port
+ The source port (TCP & UDP only) [default: auto]
+ -A, --source-address
+ The source IP address [default: auto]
+ -I, --interface
+ The network interface [default: auto]
+ -i, --min-round-duration
+ The minimum duration of every round [default: 1s]
+ -T, --max-round-duration
+ The maximum duration of every round [default: 1s]
+ -g, --grace-duration
+ The period of time to wait for additional ICMP responses after the
+ target has responded [default: 100ms]
+ --initial-sequence
+ The initial sequence number [default: 33434]
+ -R, --multipath-strategy
+ The Equal-cost Multi-Path routing strategy (UDP only) [default:
+ classic]
+ Possible values:
+ - classic:
+ The src or dest port is used to store the sequence number
+ - paris:
+ The UDP `checksum` field is used to store the sequence number
+ - dublin:
+ The IP `identifier` field is used to store the sequence number
+ -U, --max-inflight
+ The maximum number of in-flight ICMP echo requests [default: 24]
+ -f, --first-ttl
+ The TTL to start from [default: 1]
+ -t, --max-ttl
+ The maximum number of TTL hops [default: 64]
+ --packet-size
+ The size of IP packet to send (IP header + ICMP header + payload)
+ [default: 84]
+ --payload-pattern
+ The repeating pattern in the payload of the ICMP packet [default: 0]
+ -Q, --tos
+ The TOS (i.e. DSCP+ECN) IP header value (TCP and UDP only) [default: 0]
+ -e, --icmp-extensions
+ Parse ICMP extensions
+ --read-timeout
+ The socket read timeout [default: 10ms]
+ -r, --dns-resolve-method
+ How to perform DNS queries [default: system]
+ Possible values:
+ - system: Resolve using the OS resolver
+ - resolv: Resolve using the `/etc/resolv.conf` DNS configuration
+ - google: Resolve using the Google `` DNS service
+ - cloudflare: Resolve using the Cloudflare `` DNS service
+ -y, --dns-resolve-all
+ Trace to all IPs resolved from DNS lookup [default: false]
+ --dns-timeout
+ The maximum time to wait to perform DNS queries [default: 5s]
+ --dns-ttl
+ The time-to-live (TTL) of DNS entries [default: 300s]
+ -z, --dns-lookup-as-info
+ Lookup autonomous system (AS) information during DNS queries [default:
+ false]
+ -s, --max-samples
+ The maximum number of samples to record per hop [default: 256]
+ --max-flows
+ The maximum number of flows to record [default: 64]
+ -a, --tui-address-mode
+ How to render addresses [default: host]
+ Possible values:
+ - ip: Show IP address only
+ - host: Show reverse-lookup DNS hostname only
+ - both: Show both IP address and reverse-lookup DNS hostname
+ --tui-as-mode
+ How to render autonomous system (AS) information [default: asn]
+ Possible values:
+ - asn: Show the ASN
+ - prefix: Display the AS prefix
+ - country-code: Display the country code
+ - registry: Display the registry name
+ - allocated: Display the allocated date
+ - name: Display the AS name
+ --tui-custom-columns
+ Custom columns to be displayed in the TUI hops table [default:
+ holsravbwdt]
+ --tui-icmp-extension-mode
+ How to render ICMP extensions [default: off]
+ Possible values:
+ - off: Do not show `icmp` extensions
+ - mpls: Show MPLS label(s) only
+ - full: Show full `icmp` extension data for all known extensions
+ - all: Show full `icmp` extension data for all classes
+ --tui-geoip-mode
+ How to render GeoIp information [default: short]
+ Possible values:
+ - off: Do not display GeoIp data
+ - short: Show short format
+ - long: Show long format
+ - location: Show latitude and Longitude format
+ -M, --tui-max-addrs
+ The maximum number of addresses to show per hop [default: auto]
+ --tui-preserve-screen
+ Preserve the screen on exit [default: false]
+ --tui-refresh-rate
+ The TUI refresh rate [default: 100ms]
+ --tui-privacy-max-ttl
+ The maximum ttl of hops which will be masked for privacy [default: none]
+ If set, the source IP address and hostname will also be hidden.
+ --tui-locale
+ The locale to use for the TUI [default: auto]
+ --tui-theme-colors
+ The TUI theme colors [item=color,item=color,..]
+ --print-tui-theme-items
+ Print all TUI theme items and exit
+ --tui-key-bindings
+ The TUI key bindings [command=key,command=key,..]
+ --print-tui-binding-commands
+ Print all TUI commands that can be bound and exit
+ -C, --report-cycles
+ The number of report cycles to run [default: 10]
+ -G, --geoip-mmdb-file
+ The supported MaxMind or IPinfo GeoIp mmdb file
+ --generate
+ Generate shell completion
+ [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]
+ --generate-man
+ Generate ROFF man page
+ --print-config-template
+ Print a template toml config file and exit
+ --print-locales
+ Print all available TUI locales and exit
+ --log-format
+ The debug log format [default: pretty]
+ Possible values:
+ - compact: Display log data in a compact format
+ - pretty: Display log data in a pretty format
+ - json: Display log data in a json format
+ - chrome: Display log data in Chrome trace format
+ --log-filter
+ The debug log filter [default: trippy=debug]
+ --log-span-events
+ The debug log format [default: off]
+ Possible values:
+ - off: Do not display event spans
+ - active: Display enter and exit event spans
+ - full: Display all event spans
+ -v, --verbose
+ Enable verbose debug logging
+ -h, --help
+ Print help (see a summary with '-h')
+ -V, --version
+ Print version
+Trippy command line arguments may be given in any order and my occur both before and after the targets.
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+title: Column Reference
+description: A reference for customizing the Trippy TUI columns.
+ order: 4
+The following table lists the columns that are available for display in the Tui. These can be overridden with the
+`--tui-custom-columns` command line option or in the `tui-custom-columns` attribute in the `tui` section of the
+configuration file.
+| Column | Code | Description |
+| `#` | `h` | The time-to-live (TTL) for the hop |
+| `Host` | `o` | The hostname(s) and IP address(s) for the host(s) for the hop
May include AS info, GeoIp and ICMP extensions
Shows full hop details in hop detail navigation mode |
+| `Loss%` | `l` | The packet loss % for the hop |
+| `Snd` | `s` | The number of probes sent for the hop |
+| `Recv` | `r` | The number of probe responses received for the hop |
+| `Last` | `a` | The round-trip-time (RTT) of the last probe for the hop |
+| `Avg` | `v` | The average RTT of all probes for the hop |
+| `Best` | `b` | The best RTT of all probes for the hop |
+| `Wrst` | `w` | The worst RTT of all probes for the hop |
+| `StDev` | `d` | The standard deviation of all probes for the hop |
+| `Sts` | `t` | The status for the hop:
- ๐ข Healthy hop
- ๐ต Non-target hop with packet loss (does not necessarily indicate a problem)
- ๐ค Non-target hop is unresponsive (does not necessarily indicate a problem)
- ๐ก Target hop with packet loss (likely indicates a problem)
- ๐ด Target hop is unresponsive (likely indicates a problem) |
+| `Jttr` | `j` | The round-trip-time (RTT) difference between consecutive rounds for the hop |
+| `Javg` | `g` | The average jitter of all probes for the hop |
+| `Jmax` | `x` | The maximum jitter of all probes for the hop |
+| `Jint` | `i` | The smoothed jitter value of all probes for the hop |
+| `Seq` | `Q` | The sequence number for the last probe for the hop |
+| `Sprt` | `S` | The source port for the last probe for the hop |
+| `Dprt` | `P` | The destination port for the last probe for the hop |
+| `Type` | `T` | The icmp packet type for the last probe for the hop:
- TE: TimeExceeded
- ER: EchoReply
- DU: DestinationUnreachable
- NA: NotApplicable |
+| `Code` | `C` | The icmp packet code for the last probe for the hop |
+| `Nat` | `N` | The NAT detection status for the hop |
+| `Fail` | `f` | The number of probes which failed to send for the hop |
+| `Floss` | `F` | A _heuristic_ for the number of probes with _forward loss_ for the hop |
+| `Bloss` | `B` | A _heuristic_ for the number of probes with _backward loss_ for the hop |
+| `Floss%` | `D` | The _forward loss_ % for the hop |
+The default columns are `holsravbwdt`.
+The columns will be shown in the order specified in the configuration.
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+title: Configuration Reference
+description: A reference for customizing the Trippy configuration.
+ order: 2
+Trippy can be configured with via command line arguments or an optional configuration file. If a given configuration
+item is specified in both the configuration file and via a command line argument then the latter will take precedence.
+The configuration file location may be provided to Trippy via the `-c` (`--config-file`) argument. If not provided,
+Trippy will attempt to locate a `trippy.toml` or `.trippy.toml` configuration file in one of the following locations:
+- The current directory
+- The user home directory
+- the XDG config directory (Unix only): `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` or `~/.config`
+- the Windows data directory (Windows only): `%APPDATA%`
+A template configuration file
+for [0.12.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/blob/0.12.0/trippy-config-sample.toml) is available to
+download, or can be generated with the following command:
+trip --print-config-template > trippy.toml
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+title: Locale Reference
+description: A reference for customizing the Trippy TUI locale.
+ order: 6
+ badge:
+ text: New
+ variant: note
+The following table lists the supported locales for the Tui. These can be overridden with the `--tui-locale` command
+line option or in the `tui-locale` attribute in the `tui` section of the configuration file.
+| Locale | Language | Region |
+| `zh` | Chinese | all |
+| `en` | English | all |
+| `fr` | French | all |
+| `de` | German | all |
+| `it` | Italian | all |
+| `pt` | Portuguese | all |
+| `ru` | Russian | all |
+| `es` | Spanish | all |
+| `sv` | Swedish | all |
+| `tr` | Turkish | all |
+If you are able to help validate translations for Trippy, or if you wish to add translations for any additional
+languages, please see the [tracking issue](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/issues/506) for details of how to
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+title: Theme Reference
+description: A reference for customizing the Trippy TUI theme.
+ order: 5
+The following table lists the default Tui color theme. These can be overridden with the `--tui-theme-colors` command
+line option or in the `theme-colors` section of the configuration file.
+| Item | Description | Default |
+| `bg-color` | The default background color | `Black` |
+| `border-color` | The default color of borders | `Gray` |
+| `text-color` | The default color of text | `Gray` |
+| `tab-text-color` | The color of the text in traces tabs | `Green` |
+| `hops-table-header-bg-color` | The background color of the hops table header | `White` |
+| `hops-table-header-text-color` | The color of text in the hops table header | `Black` |
+| `hops-table-row-active-text-color` | The color of text of active rows in the hops table | `Gray` |
+| `hops-table-row-inactive-text-color` | The color of text of inactive rows in the hops table | `DarkGray` |
+| `hops-chart-selected-color` | The color of the selected series in the hops chart | `Green` |
+| `hops-chart-unselected-color` | The color of the unselected series in the hops chart | `Gray` |
+| `hops-chart-axis-color` | The color of the axis in the hops chart | `DarkGray` |
+| `frequency-chart-bar-color` | The color of bars in the frequency chart | `Green` |
+| `frequency-chart-text-color` | The color of text in the bars of the frequency chart | `Gray` |
+| `flows-chart-bar-selected-color` | The color of the selected flow bar in the flows chart | `Green` |
+| `flows-chart-bar-unselected-color` | The color of the unselected flow bar in the flows chart | `DarkGray` |
+| `flows-chart-text-current-color` | The color of the current flow text in the flows chart | `LightGreen` |
+| `flows-chart-text-non-current-color` | The color of the non-current flow text in the flows chart | `White` |
+| `samples-chart-color` | The color of the samples chart | `Yellow` |
+| `samples-chart-lost-color` | The color of the samples chart for lost probes | `Red` |
+| `help-dialog-bg-color` | The background color of the help dialog | `Blue` |
+| `help-dialog-text-color` | The color of the text in the help dialog | `Gray` |
+| `settings-dialog-bg-color` | The background color of the settings dialog | `blue` |
+| `settings-tab-text-color` | The color of the text in settings dialog tabs | `green` |
+| `settings-table-header-text-color` | The color of text in the settings table header | `black` |
+| `settings-table-header-bg-color` | The background color of the settings table header | `white` |
+| `settings-table-row-text-color` | The color of text of rows in the settings table | `gray` |
+| `map-world-color` | The color of the map world diagram | `white` |
+| `map-radius-color` | The color of the map accuracy radius circle | `yellow` |
+| `map-selected-color` | The color of the map selected item box | `green` |
+| `map-info-panel-border-color` | The color of border of the map info panel | `gray` |
+| `map-info-panel-bg-color` | The background color of the map info panel | `black` |
+| `map-info-panel-text-color` | The color of text in the map info panel | `gray` |
+| `info-bar-bg-color` | The background color of the information bar | `white` |
+| `info-bar-text-color` | The color of text in the information bar | `black` |
+The supported [ANSI colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors) are:
+- `Black`, `Red`, `Green`, `Yellow`, `Blue`, `Magenta`, `Cyan`, `Gray`, `DarkGray`, `LightRed`, `LightGreen`,
+ `LightYellow`, `LightBlue`, `LightMagenta`, `LightCyan`, `White`
+In addition, CSS [named colors](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/named-color) (i.e. SkyBlue) and raw hex
+values (i.e. ffffff) may be used but note that these are only supported on some platforms and terminals and may not
+render correctly elsewhere.
+Color names are case-insensitive and may contain dashes.
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+title: Version Reference
+description: A reference for the Trippy versions.
+ order: 7
+The following table lists ths versions of Trippy that are available and links to the corresponding release note and
+| Version | Release Date | Status | Release Note | Documentation |
+| 0.13.0 | n/a | Development | n/a | [docs](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/tree/master) |
+| 0.12.0 | 2024-12-04 | Current | [note](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/tag/0.12.0) | [docs](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/tree/0.12.0) |
+| 0.11.0 | 2024-08-11 | Previous | [note](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/tag/0.11.0) | [docs](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/tree/0.11.0) |
+| 0.10.0 | 2024-03-31 | Previous | [note](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/tag/0.10.0) | [docs](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/tree/0.10.0) |
+| 0.9.0 | 2023-11-30 | Deprecated | [note](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/tag/0.9.0) | [docs](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/tree/0.9.0) |
+| 0.8.0 | 2023-05-15 | Deprecated | [note](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/tag/0.8.0) | [docs](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/tree/0.8.0) |
+| 0.7.0 | 2023-03-25 | Deprecated | [note](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/tag/0.7.0) | [docs](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/tree/0.7.0) |
+| 0.6.0 | 2022-08-19 | Deprecated | [note](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/tag/0.6.0) | [docs](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/tree/0.6.0) |
+Only the _latest patch versions_ of both the _current_ and _previous_ releases of Trippy are supported.
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+title: Features
+description: Learn about the features of Trippy.
+ order: 3
+- Trace using multiple protocols:
+ - `ICMP`, `UDP` & `TCP`
+ - `IPv4` & `IPv6`
+- Customizable tracing options:
+ - packet size & payload pattern
+ - start and maximum time-to-live (TTL)
+ - minimum and maximum round duration
+ - round end grace period & maximum number of unknown hops
+ - source & destination port (`TCP` & `UDP`)
+ - source address and source interface
+ - `TOS` (aka `DSCP + ECN`)
+- Support for `classic`, `paris`
+ and `dublin` [Equal Cost Multi-path Routing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal-cost_multi-path_routing)
+ strategies ([tracking issue](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/issues/274))
+- RFC4884 [ICMP Multi-Part Messages](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4884)
+ - Generic Extension Objects
+ - MPLS Label Stacks
+- Unprivileged mode
+- NAT detection
+- Tui interface:
+ - Trace multiple targets simultaneously from a single instance of Trippy
+ - Per hop stats (sent, received, loss%, last, avg, best, worst, stddev, jitter & status)
+ - Per hop round-trip-time (RTT) history and frequency distributing charts
+ - Interactive chart of RTT for all hops in a trace with zooming capability
+ - Interactive GeoIp world map
+ - Isolate and filter by individual tracing flows
+ - Customizable color theme & key bindings
+ - Customizable column order and visibility
+ - Configuration via both command line arguments and a configuration file
+ - Show multiple hosts per hop with ability to cap display to N hosts and show frequency %
+ - Show hop details and navigate hosts within each hop
+ - Freeze/unfreeze the Tui, reset the stats, flush the cache, preserve screen on exit
+ - Responsive UI with adjustable refresh rate
+ - Hop privacy
+ - Multiple language support
+- DNS:
+ - Use system, external (Google `` or Cloudflare ``) or custom resolver
+ - Lazy reverse DNS queries
+ - Lookup [autonomous system][autonomous_system] number (ASN) and name
+- GeoIp:
+ - Lookup and display GeoIp information from local [MaxMind](https://www.maxmind.com)
+ and [IPinfo](https://ipinfo.io) `mmdb` files
+- Generate tracing reports:
+ - `json`, `csv` & tabular (pretty-printed and markdown)
+ - Tracing `flows` report
+ - Graphviz `dot` charts
+ - configurable reporting cycles
+- Runs on multiple platform (macOS, Linux, Windows, NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD)
+- Capabilities aware application (Linux only)
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+title: Getting Started
+description: Get started with Trippy.
+ order: 1
+import { Steps } from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
+The following steps will guide you through the process of installing and running Trippy.
+1. Install Trippy:
+ ```shell
+ cargo install trippy --locked
+ ```
+ See the [installation guide](/start/installation/) for details of how to install Trippy on your system.
+2. Run Trippy:
+ To run an ICMP trace to `example.com`, use the following command:
+ ```shell
+ sudo trippy example.com
+ ```
+ See the [usage examples](/guides/usage/) and the [CLI reference](/reference/cli/) for details of how to use Trippy. To use Trippy without elevated privileges, see the [privileges guide](/guides/privileges/).
+3. Customize the key bindings, theme and columns:
+ See the [key bindings](/reference/bindings/), [theme reference](/reference/theme/) and [column reference](/reference/column/) for details of how to customize the appearance and behavior of Trippy.
+ These settings can be made permanent by adding them to the Trippy configuration file, see the [configuration guide](/reference/configuration/) for details.
+4. Review the tracing recommendations:
+ To get the most out of Trippy, review the [recommended tracing settings](/guides/recommendation/) for guidance on how to configure Trippy for different types of analysis.
+Happy tracing!
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+title: Installation
+description: Install Trippy on your platform.
+ order: 2
+Trippy can be installed on a variety of platforms using a variety of package managers. The following sections provide instructions for installing Trippy on your platform.
+## Distributions
+Trippy is available for a variety of platforms and package managers.
+### Cargo
+cargo install trippy --locked
+### APT (Debian)
+[![Debian 13 package](https://repology.org/badge/version-for-repo/debian_13/trippy.svg)](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/trippy)
+apt install trippy
+Only available for Debian 13 (`trixie`) and later.
+### PPA (Ubuntu)
+[![Ubuntu PPA](https://img.shields.io/badge/Ubuntu%20PPA-0.12.0-brightgreen)](https://launchpad.net/~fujiapple/+archive/ubuntu/trippy/+packages)
+add-apt-repository ppa:fujiapple/trippy
+apt update && apt install trippy
+Only available for Ubuntu 24.04 (`Noble`) and 22.04 (`Jammy`).
+### Snap (Linux)
+snap install trippy
+### Homebrew (macOS)
+[![Homebrew package](https://repology.org/badge/version-for-repo/homebrew/trippy.svg)](https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/trippy)
+brew install trippy
+### WinGet (Windows)
+[![winget package](https://img.shields.io/badge/WinGet-0.12.0-brightgreen)](https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs/tree/master/manifests/f/FujiApple/Trippy/0.12.0)
+winget install trippy
+### Scoop (Windows)
+[![Scoop package](https://img.shields.io/scoop/v/trippy?style=flat&labelColor=5c5c5c&color=%234dc71f)](https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Main/blob/master/bucket/trippy.json)
+scoop install trippy
+### Chocolatey (Windows)
+[![Chocolatey package](https://repology.org/badge/version-for-repo/chocolatey/trippy.svg)](https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/trippy)
+choco install trippy
+### NetBSD
+[![pkgsrc current package](https://repology.org/badge/version-for-repo/pkgsrc_current/trippy.svg)](https://pkgsrc.se/net/trippy)
+pkgin install trippy
+### FreeBSD
+[![FreeBSD port](https://repology.org/badge/version-for-repo/freebsd/trippy.svg)](https://www.freshports.org/net/trippy/)
+pkg install trippy
+### OpenBSD
+[![OpenBSD port](https://repology.org/badge/version-for-repo/openbsd/trippy.svg)](https://openports.pl/path/net/trippy)
+pkg_add trippy
+### Arch Linux
+[![Arch package](https://repology.org/badge/version-for-repo/arch/trippy.svg)](https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/trippy)
+pacman -S trippy
+### Gentoo Linux
+[![Gentoo package](https://repology.org/badge/version-for-repo/gentoo/trippy.svg)](https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/net-analyzer/trippy)
+emerge -av net-analyzer/trippy
+### Nix
+[![nixpkgs unstable package](https://repology.org/badge/version-for-repo/nix_unstable/trippy.svg)](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/tools/networking/trippy/default.nix)
+nix-env -iA trippy
+### Docker
+[![Docker Image Version (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/docker/v/fujiapple/trippy)](https://hub.docker.com/r/fujiapple/trippy/)
+docker run -it fujiapple/trippy
+### All Repositories
+[![Packaging status](https://repology.org/badge/vertical-allrepos/trippy.svg)](https://repology.org/project/trippy/versions)
+## Downloads
+Download the latest release for your platform.
+| OS | Arch | Env | Current (0.12.0) | Previous (0.11.0) | Previous (0.10.0) |
+| Linux | `x86_64` | `gnu` | [0.12.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.12.0/trippy-0.12.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz) | [0.11.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.11.0/trippy-0.11.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz) | [0.10.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.10.0/trippy-0.10.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz) |
+| Linux | `x86_64` | `musl` | [0.12.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.12.0/trippy-0.12.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz) | [0.11.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.11.0/trippy-0.11.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz) | [0.10.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.10.0/trippy-0.10.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz) |
+| Linux | `aarch64` | `gnu` | [0.12.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.12.0/trippy-0.12.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz) | [0.11.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.11.0/trippy-0.11.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz) | [0.10.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.10.0/trippy-0.10.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz) |
+| Linux | `aarch64` | `musl` | [0.12.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.12.0/trippy-0.12.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz) | [0.11.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.11.0/trippy-0.11.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz) | [0.10.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.10.0/trippy-0.10.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz) |
+| Linux | `arm7` | `gnueabihf` | [0.12.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.12.0/trippy-0.12.0-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz) | [0.11.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.11.0/trippy-0.11.0-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz) | [0.10.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.10.0/trippy-0.10.0-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz) |
+| Linux | `arm7` | `musleabi` | [0.12.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.12.0/trippy-0.12.0-armv7-unknown-linux-musleabi.tar.gz) | [0.11.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.11.0/trippy-0.11.0-armv7-unknown-linux-musleabi.tar.gz) | [0.10.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.10.0/trippy-0.10.0-armv7-unknown-linux-musleabi.tar.gz) |
+| Linux | `arm7` | `musleabihf` | [0.12.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.12.0/trippy-0.12.0-armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf.tar.gz) | [0.11.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.11.0/trippy-0.11.0-armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf.tar.gz) | [0.10.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.10.0/trippy-0.10.0-armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf.tar.gz) |
+| macOS | `x86_64` | `darwin` | [0.12.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.12.0/trippy-0.12.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz) | [0.11.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.11.0/trippy-0.11.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz) | [0.10.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.10.0/trippy-0.10.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz) |
+| macOS | `aarch64` | `darwin` | [0.12.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.12.0/trippy-0.12.0-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz) | [0.11.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.11.0/trippy-0.11.0-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz) | [0.10.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.10.0/trippy-0.10.0-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz) |
+| Windows | `x86_64` | `msvc` | [0.12.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.12.0/trippy-0.12.0-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip) | [0.11.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.11.0/trippy-0.11.0-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip) | [0.10.0](https://github.com/fujiapple852/trippy/releases/download/0.10.0/trippy-0.10.0-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip) |
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