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Witherable laws

This document describes the Witherable laws with more detail than included in the haddock.

A Functor t is Witherable if t equips wither function below, and wither satisfy these three properties.

wither :: Applicative f => (a -> f (Maybe b)) -> t a -> f (t b)
  • Naturality

    For every applicative transformation tr,

    tr . wither f = wither (tr . f)
  • Identity

    wither (Identity . Just) = Identity
  • Composition

    wither (Compose . fmap (witherMaybe g) . f) = Compose . fmap (wither g) . wither f

    Here, witherMaybe is the wither method of Witherable Maybe instance, which is defined as

    witherMaybe :: Applicative f => (a -> f (Maybe b)) -> Maybe a -> f (Maybe b)
    witherMaybe f = fmap join . traverse f

    Or more concretely

    witherMaybe _ Nothing = pure Nothing
    witherMaybe f (Just a) = f a

These facts follow from the laws.

  • Witherable t implies Traversable t by the following definition of traverse.

    traverse :: (Witherable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
    traverse f = wither (fmap Just . f)

    Check Traversable laws.

    • Traversable-Naturality

      -- tr is an Applicative transformation
      tr . traverse f
       = tr . wither (fmap Just . f)
       = wither (tr . fmap Just . f)
       = wither (fmap Just . tr . f)
       = traverse (tr . f)
    • Traversable-Identity

      traverse Identity
       = wither (fmap Just . Identity)
       = wither (Identity . Just)
         -- Identity law
       = Identity
    • Traversable-Composition

      Compose . fmap (traverse g) . traverse f
       = Compose . fmap (wither (fmap Just . g)) . wither (fmap Just . f)
       = wither (Compose . fmap (witherMaybe (fmap Just . g)) . fmap Just . f)
       = wither (Compose . fmap (witherMaybe (fmap Just . g) . Just) . f)
       = wither (Compose . fmap (fmap join . traverse (fmap Just . g) . Just) . f)
       = wither (Compose . fmap (fmap join . fmap Just . fmap Just . g) . f)
       = wither (Compose . fmap (fmap Just . g) . f)
       = wither (fmap Just . Compose . fmap g . f)
       = traverse (Compose . fmap g . f)

    Thus it's reasonable to require Traversable as a superclass of Witherable, where traverse matches the above default definition. This requirement is named conservation law.

    • Conservation (relates Witherable and Traversable)

      wither (fmap Just . f) = traverse f
  • Witherable t implies Filterable t by the following definition of mapMaybe.

    mapMaybe :: Witherable t => (a -> Maybe b) -> t a -> t b
    mapMaybe f = runIdentity . wither (Identity . f)

    mapMaybe satisfies the Filterable laws.

    • Filterable-Conservation

      -- Shorthand
      I = Identity
      unI = runIdentity
      mapMaybe (Just . f)
       = unI . wither (I . Just . f)
         -- By parametricity
       = unI . wither (I . Just) . fmap f
         -- Identity law
       = fmap f
    • Filterable-Composition

      mapMaybe f . mapMaybe g
       = unI . wither (I . f) . unI . wither (I . g)
       = unI . unI . fmap (wither (I . f)) . wither (I . g)
       = unI . unI . getCompose . Compose . fmap (wither (I . f)) . wither (I . g)
       = unI . unI . getCompose . wither (Compose . fmap (witherMaybe (I . f)) . I . g)
         -- (unI . getCompose :: Compose Identity Identity ~> Identity)
         -- is Applicative transformation
       = unI . wither (unI . getCompose . Compose . fmap (witherMaybe (I . f)) . I . g)
       = unI . wither (unI . fmap (witherMaybe (I . f)) . I . g)
       = unI . wither (unI . I . witherMaybe (I . f) . g)
       = unI . wither (witherMaybe (I . f) . g)
       = unI . wither (fmap join . traverse (I . f) . g)
       = unI . wither (fmap join . I . fmap f . g)
       = unI . wither (I . (f <=< g))
       = mapMaybe (f <=< g)

    Thus it's reasonable to require Filterable as a superclass of Witherable, where mapMaybe matches the above default definition. This requirement is named pure filter law.

    • Pure filter

      runIdentity (wither (Identity . f)) = mapMaybe f

      or more concisely,

      wither (Identity . f) = Identity . mapMaybe f
  • Because gen (Identity a) = pure a is an applicative transformation Identity ~> g for any Applicative g, combining Pure Filter and Naturality you can conclude

    wither (pure . f) = pure . mapMaybe f

From the above laws, it can be proven that lawful wither is unique given traverse and mapMaybe:

  • Canonicity

    wither f = fmap catMaybes . traverse f


Note that catMaybes = mapMaybe id.

Compose . fmap Identity . fmap catMaybes . traverse f
 = Compose . fmap (Identity . catMaybes) . traverse f
 = Compose . fmap (wither Identity) . wither (fmap Just . f)
 = wither (Compose . fmap (witherMaybe Identity) . (fmap Just . f))
 = wither (Compose . fmap (witherMaybe Identity . Just) . f)
 = wither (Compose . fmap Identity . f)
   -- (Compose . fmap Identity :: g ~> Compose g Identity)
   -- is an applicative transfromation
 = Compose . fmap Identity . wither f

Because (Compose . fmap Identity) is an isomorphism, we can conclude the equation we wanted to show.

fmap catMaybes . traverse f = wither f

Witherable laws, alternative formulation

These two laws are equivalent to the above set of laws.

  • Canonicity

    wither f = fmap catMaybes . traverse f
  • Distributivity

    traverse f . catMaybes = fmap catMaybes . traverse (traverse f)

It's already showed that the original laws imply Canonicity. They imply Distributivity too.


Compose . Identity . traverse f . catMaybes
 = Compose . fmap (traverse f) . Identity . catMaybes
 = Compose . fmap (wither (fmap Just . f)) . wither Identity
 = wither (Compose . fmap (witherMaybe (fmap Just . f)) . Identity)
 = wither (Compose . Identity . witherMaybe (fmap Just . f))
 = wither (Compose . Identity . traverse f)
   -- (Compose . Identity) is an applicative transformation
 = Compose . Identity . wither (traverse f)
   -- Canonicity is already proven equation
 = Compose . Identity . fmap catMaybes . traverse (traverse f)

And (Compose . Identity) is isomorphism. We can conclude

traverse f . catMaybes = fmap catMaybes . traverse (traverse f)

Then let's do the other direction. Canonicity + Distributivity, along with Filterable and Traversable laws, prove all three of Witherable laws + Conservation + Pure filter.


-- Naturality
n . wither f
   -- Canonicity
 = n . fmap catMaybes . traverse f
   -- n is natural transformation
 = fmap catMaybes . n . traverse f
   -- Naturality of traverse
 = fmap catMaybes . traverse (n . f)
   -- Canonicity
 = wither (n . f)

-- Conservation
wither (fmap Just . f)
   -- Canonicity
 = fmap catMaybes . traverse (fmap Just . f)
 = fmap catMaybes . fmap (fmap Just) . traverse f
 = fmap (catMaybes . fmap Just) . traverse f
 = fmap (mapMaybe Just) . traverse f
   -- Filterable law
 = traverse f

-- Pure filter
wither (Identity . f)
   -- Canonicity
 = fmap catMaybes . traverse (Identity . f)
   -- Traversable law, Identity
 = fmap catMaybes . Identity . fmap f
 = Identity . catMaybes . fmap f
 = Identity . mapMaybe f

-- Identity
wither (Identity . Just)
   -- use Pre filter
 = Identity . mapMaybe Just
   -- Filterable law
 = Identity

-- Composition
Compose . fmap (wither g) . wither f
   -- Canonicity
 = Compose . fmap (fmap catMaybes . traverse g) . fmap catMaybes . traverse f
 = Compose . fmap (fmap catMaybes) . fmap (traverse g . catMaybes) . traverse f
   -- Distributivity
 = Compose . fmap (fmap catMaybes) . fmap (fmap catMaybes . traverse (traverse g)) . traverse f
 = Compose . fmap (fmap catMaybes) . fmap (fmap catMaybes) . fmap (traverse (traverse g)) . traverse f
   -- The definition of fmap for Compose
 = fmap (catMaybes . catMaybes) . Compose . fmap (traverse g) . traverse f
   -- Traversable law, composition
 = fmap (catMaybes . catMaybes) . traverse (Compose . fmap (traverse g) . f)
   -- Filterable law, composition
 = fmap (catMaybes . fmap join) . traverse (Compose . fmap (traverse g) . f)
 = fmap catMaybes . fmap (fmap join) . traverse (Compose . fmap (traverse g) . f)
 = fmap catMaybes . traverse (fmap join . Compose . fmap (traverse g) . f)
   -- Canonicity
 = wither (Compose . fmap (fmap join . traverse g) . f)
   -- Definition of witherMaybe
 = wither (Compose . fmap (witherMaybe g) . f)