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Blog App BE

This project is a RESTful API developed using Node.js and Express. This API is designed for a Blog App project and handles blog, category, comment and like operations. The API interacts with a MongoDB database and is documented with Swagger.



Table of Contents

Live Demo

Blog App BE

Technologies Used

  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • Express: A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
  • Mongoose: An ODM (Object Data Modeling) library for MongoDB and Node.js, providing a straight-forward, schema-based solution to model your application data.
  • dotenv: A zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env.
  • cors: A node.js package for providing a Connect/Express middleware that can be used to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) with various options.
  • express-async-errors: A small utility to handle errors in async/await routes in Express.
  • redoc-express: A middleware for hosting OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation using ReDoc.
  • request-ip: A simple way to retrieve a user's IP address in a Node.js application.
  • swagger-autogen: A tool to automatically generate Swagger/OpenAPI documentation from existing code.
  • swagger-ui-express: A middleware for serving the Swagger UI bound to your Swagger/OpenAPI specification.




  • GET /users: Lists all users.
  • POST /users: Creates a new user.
  • GET /users/:userId: Displays a specific user.
  • PUT /users/:userId: Updates information of a specific user.
  • DELETE /users/:userId: Deletes a specific user.


  • POST /auth/login: Provides user login.
  • GET /auth/logout: Terminates the user session.


  • GET /blogs: Lists all blogs.
  • POST /blogs: Creates a new blog.
  • GET /blogs/:blogId: Displays a specific blog.
  • PUT /blogs/:blogId: Updates information of a specific blog.
  • DELETE /blogs/:blogId: Deletes a specific blog.
  • GET /blogs/:blogId/getLike: Displays the number of likes on a specific blog.
  • POST /blogs/:blogId/postLike: Create a new like or remove an already created like.
  • GET /blogs?author=:userId: Displays only blog posts created by a specific user.


  • GET /categories: Lists all blog categories.
  • POST /categories: Creates a new blog category.
  • GET /categories/:categoryId: Displays a specific blog category.
  • PUT /categories/:categoryId: Updates information of a specific blog category.
  • DELETE /categories/:categoryId: Deletes a specific blog category.


  • GET /comments: Lists all comments.
  • POST /comments: Creates a new comment.
  • GET /comments/:commentId: Displays a specific comment.
  • PUT /comments/:commentId: Updates information of a specific comment.
  • DELETE /comments/:commentId: Deletes a specific comment.

Project Skeleton

Blog App BE (folder) 
├── src
│    ├── configs
│    │     ├── dbConnection.js
│    │     └── swagger.json
│    ├── controllers
│    │     ├── auth.js     
│    │     ├── blog.js          
│    │     ├── category.js          
│    │     ├── comment.js          
│    │     ├── product.js     
│    │     ├── token.js     
│    │     └── user.js
│    ├── helpers
│    │     ├── passwordEncrypt.js    
│    │     └── sync.js 
│    ├── middlewares 
│    │     ├── authentication.js 
│    │     ├── errorHandler.js 
│    │     ├── permissions.js     
│    │     └── queryHandler.js
│    ├── models                        
│    │     ├── blog.js          
│    │     ├── category.js          
│    │     ├── comment.js              
│    │     ├── token.js     
│    │     └── user.js
│    └── routes                
│          ├── auth.js     
│          ├── blog.js     
│          ├── category.js     
│          ├── comment.js     
│          ├── document.js     
│          ├── index.js         
│          ├── token.js     
│          └── user.js
├── .gitignore
├── index.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── swaggerAutogen.js
└── vercel.json