The application is build the following way:
- Main Scene:
- Avatar: holds the male and female avatar ready and rigged (incl. eye and lip movement)
- Animations: in v3_Update/Female/
- Animators: in v2_Update/Animators/FemaleAssistantAnimator.controller
- Scripts:
- DatabaseManager.cs: store and retrieve the user data for each Q&A section
- PulseManager: Spatial Understanding at the beginning of the scene: scan a clean room representation and identify a suitable place to sit the patient, guide through placement of the menu
- ExerciseSectionController.cs: The decision tree for excluding exercises from the list of offered ones, based on the answers provided in the Q&A
- InteractionHandler.cs:
- Models/*: data models
- QuestionDisplayer.cs: responsible for bringing up the different sections of the Q&A
- RecorderButton.cs: speech to text, required for some of the question's answers
- RecorderToggle.cs: needed for the speech to text
- ToggleClickListener.cs
- ReportElementComponent.cs:
- ReportViewer.cs: user management and bringing up te reports
- ScriptedInteraction.cs: dialogue management
- SectionFourController.cs
- UIManager.cs: greetings and other main management of the UI
- UserElementComponent.cs
- Prefabs: panel UI elements