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Stockings is a Clojure library that gives you easy access to financial data such as current and historical stock quotes, current currency exchange rates, stock symbol suggestions, stock and company info by exchanges and industry sectors, and more.


The stockings library is hosted on

Add [com.fxtlabs/stockings "1.0.0"] to the dependencies list in your project.clj file and run lein deps to download the library from the Clojars archives.


Copyright (C) 2011 Filippo Tampieri

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0, the same as Clojure.


Autodoc-generated API reference documentation can be found at

You can generate a local copy with lein autodoc; it will be saved in the autodoc directory under the project root.


Once you have the stockings JAR file on your classpath, you can run a REPL, load the library and start exploring. The following shows a few commands (see user>) and their output (formatted here for readability):

user> (use 'stockings.core)

user> (get-quote "YHOO")
{:symbol "YHOO",
 :last 16.02,
 :last-date-time #<DateTime 2011-05-27T20:00:00.000Z>,
 :name "Yahoo! Inc.",
 :low 15.95,
 :open 16.04,
 :previous-close 15.98,
 :high 16.19,
 :volume 20096766}

gets the current stock quote for YAHOO! Note that the time for the last trade is represented by a org.joda.time.DateTime object in UTC. Stockings uses the Joda-Time library for all its time-related values.

user> (get-quotes "GOOG" "NASDAQ:AAPL")
({:symbol "GOOG", ...}
 {:symbol "AAPL", ...})

gets the current stock quotes for Google and Apple. Note that stock symbols may optionally be prefixed with the name of an exchange (like NASDAQ:AAPL above); however, the Yahoo! Finance service providing the financial data does not recognize prefixed stock symbols, so the prefix is simply dropped.

user> (import [org.joda.time LocalDate])

user> (get-historical-quotes "YHOO" (LocalDate. 2011 4 1) (LocalDate. 2011 5 1))
(#:stockings.core.HistoricalQuote{:date #<LocalDate 2011-04-29>,
                                  :open 17.46,
                                  :high 17.77,
                                  :low 17.36,
                                  :close 17.7,
                                  :volume 30800000}
 #:stockings.core.HistoricalQuote{:date #<LocalDate 2011-04-28>,
                                  :open 17.22,
                                  :high 17.53,
                                  :low 17.17,
                                  :close 17.51,
                                  :volume 14414700}
 #:stockings.core.HistoricalQuote{:date #<LocalDate 2011-04-01>,
                                  :open 16.83,
                                  :high 16.98,
                                  :low 16.72,
                                  :close 16.84,
                                  :volume 12487400})

gets the historical stock quotes for Yahoo! for the period starting on April 1, 2011 and ending on May 1, 2011. There are a few things worth noting:

  • The quotes are returned in chronological order starting from the most recent.
  • There are no entries for dates that fall on a weekend or holiday.
  • The dates are represented by org.joda.time.LocalDate objects. Note that class LocalDate does not describe an exact instant in time (e.g. an instant down to millisecond precision); instead, it just refers to a given calendar day and no particular instant of time within it.
user> (get-stock "YHOO")
{:symbol "YHOO",
 :name "Yahoo! Inc.",
 :start-date #<LocalDate 1996-04-12>,
 :end-date #<LocalDate 2011-05-30>,
 :sector "Technology",
 :industry "Internet Information Providers",
 :full-time-employees 13600}

gets some info on a company.

user> (get-industry-sectors)
({:name "Basic Materials",
  :industries [{:id "112", :name "Agricultural Chemicals"}
               {:id "132", :name "Aluminum"}
               {:id "110", :name "Chemicals - Major Diversified"}
               {:id "111", :name "Synthetics"}]}
 {:name "Conglomerates",
  :industries [{:id "210", :name "Conglomerates"}]}

gets a list of all industry sectors and a list of industries for each sector.

user> (get-industry 112)
{:id "112",
 :name "Agricultural Chemicals",
 :companies [{:name "Agrium Inc.", :symbol "AGU"}
             {:name "American Vanguard Corporation", :symbol "AVD"}
             {:name "Yongye International, Inc.", :symbol "YONG"}]}

gets a list of all companies for a given industry (identified by its ID).

user> (get-exchange-rate :usd :eur)
{:base :usd,
 :quote :eur,
 :rate 0.7002,
 :ask 0.7003,
 :bid 0.7001,
 :date-time #<DateTime 2011-05-30T20:43:00.000Z>}

gets the current exchange rate from a base currency (USD) to a quote (or counter) currency (EUR). The currencies are denoted by their ISO 4217 3-letter designators used as strings or keywords. In other words:

user> (get-exchange-rate "USD" "EUR")

also works as above.

user> (get-symbol-suggestion "Terra Nitro")
[{:symbol "TNH",
  :name "Terra Nitrogen Company, L.P.",
  :exch "NYQ",
  :type "S",
  :exchDisp "NYSE",
  :typeDisp "Equity"}]

gets stock symbol suggestion for the company whose name starts with the given prefix. Note that large companies may be traded on several exchanges and thus correspond to more than one symbol.

So far so good. Now, let us look at a slightly more complex example. Yahoo! Finance actually offers a lot more financial data when asking for a stock quote. The get-quote example given at the beginning of this section only returned a small subset of this data. Let us now see how we can pick and choose what data we want to include in our stock quotes.

user> raw-quote-keys
(:symbol :Name :PERatio :EarningsShare :EPSEstimateNextYear
 :PercebtChangeFromYearHigh :ChangeFromTwoHundreddayMovingAverage
 :TwoHundreddayMovingAverage :ChangeinPercent :Bid :DaysLow ...)

Var raw-quote-keys lists all the keys to the data contained in a raw stock quote (what we can get from Yahoo! Finance). Let's say we want to get custom stock quotes including the values of the keys :symbol, :Name, and :MarketCapitalization.

user> (def parser (build-quote-parser {:symbol :symbol
                                       :name :Name
                                       :cap :MarketCapitalization}))

user> (get-quote parser "YHOO")
{:symbol "YHOO", :name "Yahoo! Inc.", :cap 2.0873E10}

Function get-quote takes a quote parser as an optional first parameter. The quote parser function is given the raw quote (with all the keys listed in raw-quote-keys) and returns a parsed quote as a map with the requested keys (:symbol, :name, and :cap in this case). All we had to do was call build-quote-parser with a map specifying the correspondences between the keys we want in the final quote and the keys in the raw quote. So get-quote can get us back a result as a map with exactly the info we want, no more, no less; note also that we are completely free to use whatever names we want for the keys of the resulting map.

Should we require even more flexibility, we can write our own quote parser directly:

user> (defrecord MyQuote [stock-symbol company-name last last-date-time])

user> (defn my-parser [q]
        (let [stock-symbol (parse-quote-item q :symbol)
              company-name (parse-quote-item q :Name)
              last (parse-quote-item q :LastTradePriceOnly)
              last-date-time (parse-last-trade-date-time q)]
          (MyQuote. stock-symbol company-name last last-date-time)))

user> (get-quote my-parser "YHOO")
#:user.MyQuote{:stock-symbol "YHOO",
               :company-name "Yahoo! Inc.",
               :last 16.02,
               :last-date-time #<DateTime 2011-05-27T20:00:00.000Z>}

The quote parser does not have to return a map; it can actually return any type you like. Function parse-quote-item is used to parse one field of the raw quote; it knows the data type (string, double, int, etc.) of every field and will return the correct value and type. Function parse-last-trade-date-time combines the values of :LastTradeDate and :LastTradeTime and returns them as a org.joda.time.DateTime object in UTC. You will want to use this function if you need access to the last trade time and date because the data returned by Yahoo! Finance for these fields is a bit inconsistent; the date value is in UTC, but the time value is in the time zone of the North American East Coast! Function parse-last-trade-date-time corrects for this and returns a date time in UTC.

Stockings includes even more data and functions to help you dig into it. Please, consult the API Reference Guide at for more details.


Most of the financial data is downloaded from Yahoo! Finance using YQL, the Yahoo! Query Language to query the,,,,, and data tables.

Google Stock is used as an alternate data source for current and historical stock quotes if desired (see stockings.alt namespace).

NASDAQ keeps lists of the companies traded on the NASDAQ, NYSE, and AMEX exchanges at All the data in these lists can be accessed through the stockings.exchanges namespace. Note that the grouping of companies into industries and sectors used by NASDAQ does not match exactly those used by Yahoo! Finance, so you may find some discrepancies between the groupings you get through the stockings.exchanges and stockings.core namespaces.