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Julius Bañgate edited this page Apr 15, 2023 · 5 revisions
Annotation 2023-04-14 180134_HydrologicalModel

Path: Library models/Toy Models/Flood Simulation/models/Hydrological Model.gaml

* Name: Hydrological Model
* Author: Patrick Taillandier
* Description: A model showing how to represent a flooding system with dykes and buildings. It uses 
* 	a grid to discretize space, and has a 3D display. The water can flow from one cell to another considering 
* 	the height of the cells, and the water pressure. It is also possible to delete dyke by clicking on one of them 
* 	in the display.
* Tags: shapefile, gis, grid, 3d, gui, hydrology

model hydro

global {
   //Shapefile for the river
   file river_shapefile <- file("../includes/RedRiver.shp");
   //Shapefile for the dykes
   file dykes_shapefile <- file("../includes/Dykes.shp");
   //Shapefile for the buildings
   file buildings_shapefile <- file("../includes/Building.shp");
   //Data elevation file
   file dem_file <- file("../includes/mnt50.asc");  
   //Diffusion rate
   float diffusion_rate <- 0.6;
   //Height of the dykes
   float dyke_height <- 15.0;
   //Width of the dyke
   float dyke_width <- 15.0;
   //Shape of the environment using the dem file
   geometry shape <- envelope(dykes_shapefile);
   //List of the drain and river cells
   list<cell> drain_cells;
   list<cell> river_cells;
   float step <- 1#h;
   init {
   	 //Initialization of the cells
      do init_cells;
     //Initialization of the water cells
      do init_water;
     //Initialization of the river cells
     river_cells <- cell where (each.is_river);
     //Initialization of the drain cells
      drain_cells <- cell where (each.is_drain);
     //Initialization of the obstacles (buildings and dykes)
      do init_obstacles;
      //Set the height of each cell
      ask cell {
         obstacle_height <- compute_highest_obstacle();
         do update_color;
   //Action to initialize the altitude value of the cell according to the dem file
   action init_cells {
      ask cell  {
         altitude <- grid_value;
         neighbour_cells <- (self neighbors_at 1) ;
   //action to initialize the water cells according to the river shape file and the drain
   action init_water {
      geometry river <- geometry(river_shapefile);
      ask cell overlapping river  {
         water_height <- 10.0;
         is_river <- true;
         is_drain <- grid_y = matrix(cell).rows - 1;
   //initialization of the obstacles (the buildings and the dykes)
   action init_obstacles{
      create buildings from: buildings_shapefile  {
         do update_cells;
      create dyke from: dykes_shapefile;
      ask dyke  {
          shape <-  shape + dyke_width;
            do update_cells;
   //Reflex to add water among the water cells
   reflex adding_input_water {
   	  float water_input <- rnd(100)/100;
      ask river_cells {
         water_height <- water_height + water_input;
   //Reflex to flow the water according to the altitute and the obstacle
   reflex flowing {
      ask (cell sort_by ((each.altitude + each.water_height + each.obstacle_height))) {
      	already <- false;
         do flow;
   //Reflex to update the color of the cell
   reflex update_cell_color {
      ask cell  {
         do update_color;
   //Reflex for the drain cells to drain water
   reflex draining {
      ask drain_cells {
         water_height <- 0.0;
//Species which represent the obstacle
   species obstacle  {
   	  //height of the obstacle
      float height min: 0.0;
      //Color of the obstacle
      rgb color;
      //Pressure of the water
      float water_pressure update: compute_water_pressure();
      //List of cells concerned
      list<cell> cells_concerned ;
      //List of cells in the neighbourhood 
      list<cell> cells_neighbours;
      //Action to compute the water pressure
      float compute_water_pressure {
      	//If the obstacle doesn't have height, then there will be no pressure
         if (height = 0.0) {
            return 0.0;
         } else {
         	//The leve of the water is equals to the maximul level of water in the neighbours cells
            float water_level <- cells_neighbours max_of (each.water_height);
            //Return the water pressure as the minimal value between 1 and the water level divided by the height
            return min([1.0,water_level / height]);
      //Action to update the cells
      action update_cells {
      	//All the cells concerned by the obstacle are the ones overlapping the obstacle
         cells_concerned <- (cell overlapping self);
        	ask cells_concerned {
        	//Add the obstacles to the obstacles of the cell
            add myself to: obstacles;
            water_height <- 0.0;
         //Cells neighbours are all the neighbours cells of the cells concerned
         cells_neighbours <- cells_concerned + cells_concerned accumulate (each.neighbour_cells);
         //The height is now computed
      	 do compute_height();
         if (height > 0.0) {   
         	//We compute the water pressure again
            water_pressure <- compute_water_pressure();
         } else {water_pressure <- 0.0;}
      action compute_height;
      aspect geometry {
         int val <- int( 255 * water_pressure);
         color <- rgb(val,255-val,0);
         draw shape color: color depth: height*5 border: color;
   //Species buildings which is derivated from obstacle
   species buildings parent: obstacle schedules: [] {
   	 //The building has a height randomly chosed between 2 and 10
      float height <- 2.0 + rnd(8);
   //Species dyke which is derivated from obstacle
   species dyke parent: obstacle {
       int counter_wp <- 0;
       int breaking_threshold <- 24;
      //Action to represent the break of the dyke
       action break{
         ask cells_concerned  {
            do update_after_destruction(myself);
         do die;
      //Action to compute the height of the dyke as the dyke_height without the mean height of the cells it overlaps
      action compute_height
      	   height <- dyke_height - mean(cells_concerned collect (each.altitude));
      //Reflex to break the dynamic of the water
      reflex breaking_dynamic {
      	if (water_pressure = 1.0) {
      		counter_wp <- counter_wp + 1;
      		if (counter_wp > breaking_threshold) {
      			do break;
      	} else {
      		counter_wp <- 0;
      //user command which allows the possibility to destroy the dyke for the user
      user_command "Destroy dyke" action: break; 
   //Grid cell to discretize space, initialized using the dem file
   grid cell file: dem_file neighbors: 8 frequency: 0  use_regular_agents: false use_individual_shapes: false use_neighbors_cache: false schedules: []  {
      //Altitude of the cell
      float altitude;
      //Height of the water in the cell
      float water_height <- 0.0 min: 0.0;
      //Height of the cell
      float height;
      //List of the neighbour cells
      list<cell> neighbour_cells ;
      //Boolean to know if it is a drain cell
      bool is_drain <- false;
      //Boolean to know if it is a river cell
      bool is_river <- false;
      //List of all the obstacles overlapping the cell
      list<obstacle> obstacles;
      //Height of the obstacles
      float obstacle_height <- 0.0;
      bool already <- false;
      //Action to compute the highest obstacle among the obstacles
      float compute_highest_obstacle {
         if (empty(obstacles))
            return 0.0; 
         } else {
            return obstacles max_of(each.height);
      //Action to flow the water 
      action flow {
      	//if the height of the water is higher than 0 then, it can flow among the neighbour cells
         if (water_height > 0) {
         	//We get all the cells already done
            list<cell> neighbour_cells_al <- neighbour_cells where (each.already);
            //If there are cells already done then we continue
            if (!empty(neighbour_cells_al)) {
               //We compute the height of the neighbours cells according to their altitude, water_height and obstacle_height
               ask neighbour_cells_al {height <- altitude + water_height + obstacle_height;}
               //The height of the cell is equals to its altitude and water height
               height <-  altitude +  water_height;
               //The water of the cells will flow to the neighbour cells which have a height less than the height of the actual cell
               list<cell> flow_cells <- (neighbour_cells_al where (height > each.height)) ;
               //If there are cells, we compute the water flowing
               if (!empty(flow_cells)) {
                  loop flow_cell over: shuffle(flow_cells) sort_by (each.height){
                     float water_flowing <- max([0.0, min([(height - flow_cell.height), water_height * diffusion_rate])]); 
                     water_height <- water_height - water_flowing;
                     flow_cell.water_height <-flow_cell.water_height +  water_flowing;
                     height <- altitude + water_height;
         already <- true;
      //Update the color of the cell
      action update_color { 
         int val_water <- 0;
         val_water <- max([0, min([255, int(255 * (1 - (water_height / 12.0)))])]) ;  
         color <- rgb([val_water, val_water, 255]);
         grid_value <- water_height + altitude;
      //action to compute the destruction of the obstacle
      action update_after_destruction(obstacle the_obstacle){
         remove the_obstacle from: obstacles;
         obstacle_height <- compute_highest_obstacle();

experiment Run type: gui {
   parameter "Shapefile for the river" var:river_shapefile category:"Water data";
   parameter "Shapefile for the dykes" var:dykes_shapefile category:"Obstacles";
   parameter "Shapefile for the buildings" var:buildings_shapefile category:"Obstacles";
   parameter "Height of the dykes" var:dyke_height category:"Obstacles";
   parameter "Diffusion rate" var:diffusion_rate category:"Water dynamic";
   output { 
   //layout vertical([0::5000,1::5000]) tabs:false editors: false;
      display map type: 3d {
         grid cell triangulation: true;
         species buildings aspect: geometry refresh: false;
         species dyke aspect: geometry ;
      display chart_display refresh: every(24#cycles)  type: 2d  { 
         chart "Pressure on Dykes" type: series legend_font: font("Helvetica", 18)  label_font: font("Helvetica", 20, #bold)  title_font: font("Helvetica", 24, #bold){
            data "Mean pressure on dykes " value: mean(dyke collect (each.water_pressure)) style: line color: #magenta  ;
            data "Rate of dykes with max pressure" value: (dyke count (each.water_pressure = 1.0))/ length(dyke) style: line color: #red ;
            data "Rate of dykes with high pressure" value: (dyke count (each.water_pressure > 0.5))/ length(dyke) style: line color: #orange ;
            data "Rate of dykes with low pressure" value: (dyke count (each.water_pressure < 0.25))/ length(dyke) style: line color: #green ;
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  3. Global Species
    1. Regular Species
    2. Defining Actions and Behaviors
    3. Interaction between Agents
    4. Attaching Skills
    5. Inheritance
  4. Defining Advanced Species
    1. Grid Species
    2. Graph Species
    3. Mirror Species
    4. Multi-Level Architecture
  5. Defining GUI Experiment
    1. Defining Parameters
    2. Defining Displays Generalities
    3. Defining 3D Displays
    4. Defining Charts
    5. Defining Monitors and Inspectors
    6. Defining Export files
    7. Defining User Interaction
  6. Exploring Models
    1. Run Several Simulations
    2. Batch Experiments
    3. Exploration Methods
  7. Optimizing Model Section
    1. Runtime Concepts
    2. Optimizing Models
  8. Multi-Paradigm Modeling
    1. Control Architecture
    2. Defining Differential Equations
  1. Manipulate OSM Data
  2. Diffusion
  3. Using Database
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  3. Built-in Architecture
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  5. Data Type
  6. File Type
  7. Expressions
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    2. Units and Constants
    3. Pseudo Variables
    4. Variables And Attributes
    5. Operators [A-A]
    6. Operators [B-C]
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