We'd love to have your project listed here!
If your project meets least one of these criteria:
- has over 10 stars
- been downloaded more than 250 times
- or other official metrics (such as visit count) that's considerable
... then look no further on adding it here!
To add an entry, clone the repository or go to the README.md file and click on the pen-like button in the upper-right corner to make your changes and then create a pull-request.
Please make sure that your entry:
- is in the appropriate language and category
- is placed in alphabetical order
- Note: if you think that no existing category suits your project, feel free to suggest one.
- uses the following template:
[project name](https://github.com/account/repository) - description
- and that the linked repository contains a proper readme file.
If you think that something could be improved, or you spot a mistake, feel free to make an issue or a pull request to discuss about it.
Entries aren't usually removed.