In this analyzer, L1RC Jet Energy Corrections(JECs) are derived using root tuples. The documentaion of all available files and their purpose can be found in Appendix B.
For more information on L1Offset see Section 4 of .
Find the CMSSW release for your dataset. eg. CMSSW_10_6_2. Now, we set up the work area.
cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_2
cd CMSSW_10_6_2/src
mkdir test
cd test
git clone
cd OffsetTreeMaker
scram b
voms-proxy-init -voms cms
Here we are running the framework /plugins/ using the configuration file . The cmsRun command executes the .py file and gives us an output root file named Offset_Data.root or Offset_MC.root depending upon the choice we made in the isMC statement. This runs the code interactively.
Another option is to copy a segment of data locally to test the file. This can be done using the code or xrdcp command.
- Extract corresponding pileup JSON from this site:
OR on lxplus at: /afs/
Using the convert the json file(pileup_latest.txt) to ascii (pileup_20XX.txt) and move a copy of 'pileup_20XX.txt' to /plugins.
python pileup_latest.txt >pileup_20**XX**.txt cp pileup_20**XX**.txt ./plugins
Modify plugins/parsePileUpJSON2.h to include the new pileup file.
int parsePileUpJSON2(string filename="pileup_20**XX**.txt")
Modify the following lines in
isMC = cms.bool(False)
Add the address to a root file from the dataset.
readFiles.extend( ['/store/data/__*root file from DAS for your dataset*__.root' ] );
Depending on the dataset download the latest JECs into the current folder and specify the era accordingly. For example, If we were going to process UL18 to calculate JECs, we can use the JECs for 2018 RECO dataset. To find and download the appropriate JECs go to:
We also need to select the 'jetType_name' depending on the type of jet's you want to apply Jet Energy corrections to.
run = "A" OutputName = "_Data_UL2018"+run eraName = "Summer19UL18_Run"+run+"_V2_SimpleL1_DATA" jetType_name = "AK4PFchs" # or "AK4PF"
Add the global tag for the corresponding dataset from DAS.
process.GlobalTag = GlobalTag( process.GlobalTag, '__*Global Tag for your dataset from DAS*__' )
Change the value of numSkip to another prime number depending on the number of events you want. Typically we need atmost 1.5 million events for each era.
numSkip = cms.int32(***),
Change the pileup file name.
puFileName = cms.string("pileup_20**XX**.txt"),
Execute the code.
Note: Pileup information is not needed to process the MC, the code still requires the file to run.
Perform the steps 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 as given above for data with two modifications in Step 4.
isMC = cms.bool(True)
OutputName = "_MC_UL2018"
eraName = "Summer19UL18_V2_SimpleL1_MC"
jetType_name = "AK4PFchs" # or "AK4PF"
To run on entire dataset locally is expensive and time consuming, so we submit CRAB jobs.
- Include the new pileup file and JECs for Data:
config.JobType.inputFiles = ["pileup_20**XX**.txt", "Summer19UL18_Run**XX**_V2_SimpleL1_DATA"]
- Add the outputFiles depending upon the name of the output root file from
config.JobType.outputFiles = ["Offset_Data.root"]
- Add the name of dataset we are analysing
config.Data.inputDataset = '/ZeroBias/--*Dataset name from DAS*--/RECO'
- To split the task in jobs, we use Lumibased method for data.
config.Data.splitting = 'LumiBased'
- Apply lumi-mask to the input dataset analysis. The golden-json file can be found at: Download the certificate into the present working directory.
config.Data.lumiMask = 'Cert_--*golden json file*--.txt'
- The last modification is the path to the storage site.
config.Data.outLFNDirBase = '/store/user/--*username*--'
We make modifications to submit CRAB jobs for MC.
Include the new pileup file and the JECs for MC:
config.JobType.inputFiles = ["pileup_20**XX**.txt", "Summer19UL18_Run**XX**_V2_SimpleL1_MC"]
Change the outputFiles depending upon the name of the output root file from
config.JobType.outputFiles = ["Offset_MC.root"]
Change the name of dataset we are analysing .
config.Data.inputDataset = '/SingleNeutrino/--*Dataset name from DAS*--/AODSIM'
To split the task in jobs, we use FileBased method for MC.
config.Data.splitting = 'FileBased'
Comment out the lumiMask statement.
The last modification is the path to the storage site.
config.Data.outLFNDirBase = '/store/user/--*username*--/--*MCstorage*--'
To modify the environment for running crab job we use the following commands:
source /cvmfs/
voms-proxy-init -voms cms
Submit CRAB jobs:
crab submit
Once CRAB job finishes, add the .root files using the following command:
hadd Total_Data.root Offset_Data*.root
hadd Total_MC.root Offset_MC*.root
NOTE: To calculate the integrated luminosity for the datasets use BrilCalc on lxplus. Look at Appendix A for instructions.
Once we have the output files for both data and MC we can process them using the
The value 0.4 or 0.8 is the distance parameter(R) for anti-kT jet clustering.
nohup histomaker false 0.4(0.8) Total_Data.root
We are reweighting MC with respect to the data file : Total_Data.root
nohup histomaker true 0.4(0.8) Total_Data.root Total_MC.root (Total_Data.root is the file that you reweight wrt)
Use ./ to create plots. Make changes to as needed.
We will have to run this shell script twice:
- once with a random nPU range (n1, n2, topX, topY) and,
- second time with the nPU range (n1, n2, topX, topY) extracted from the nPU hist produced in the previous run.
./ <Run> <Luminosity>
Use the same nPU range (n1, n2, topX, topY) as in Step 4 and make changes to as needed.
./ <Run> <Luminosity>
Once the MCTruth information is available we can produce the L1FastJet files for 3 parametrisations:
- Simple
- SemiSimple
- Complex
Make the changes to l1fastjet_adapted2020.c as needed. For running this you'll need L1FastJet MC file. This script also produces scalefactor vs. eta plots for each era with uncertainties.
root -l -b -q 'l1fastjet_adapted.c("chs")'
root -l -b -q 'l1fastjet_adapted.c("all")'
To calculate the integrated luminosity for the datasets use BrilCalc on lxplus. Get the normtag at:
Get CRAB report.
crab report crab_project/<path to the folder containing the results folder>
Rename and copy the processeddLumis.json to lxplus.
mv processedLumis.json <new name>.json
On lxplus:
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/afs/$PATH
pip uninstall -y brilws
pip install --install-option="--prefix=$HOME/.local" brilws
brilcalc lumi -b "STABLE BEAMS" --byls --normtag /cvmfs/<normtag_file> -u /fb -i <new name>.json
List of all files in this folder along with the purpose of each.
File/Folder | Purpose |
bin | Contains and its build file |
Adding other files | Under development |
Here is a record of the dataset processed and their location on lpc.
Dataset | Location of root tuples |
2016 - ZeroBias | /eos/uscms/store/user/gagarwal/offset/L1Offset2018/Data/2016/Data_RunX.root where X = B, C, D, E, F, G, H |
2016 - SingleNeutrino | /eos/uscms/store/user/gagarwal/offset/L1Offset2018/Data/2016/RunIISummer16_MC_Tree.root |
UL2016 - ZeroBias | Location not known |
UL2016 - SingleNeutrino | Location not known |
2017 - ZeroBias | /eos/uscms/store/user/gagarwal/offset/L1Offset2018/Data/2018/Total_Data17Nov2017X.root where X = B, C, D, E, F |
2017 - SingleNeutrino | /eos/uscms/store/user/gagarwal/offset/L1Offset2018/Data/2018/Total_MC_Fall2017.root |
UL2017 - ZeroBias | /eos/uscms/store/group/lpcjme/L1Offset/UltraLegacy17_scalefactors/jetSort/RunX_try2/Total_Data_UL2017X.root where X = B, C, D, E, F |
UL2017 - SingleNeutrino | /eos/uscms/store/group/lpcjme/L1Offset/UltraLegacy17_scalefactors/jetSort/MC_try3/Total_MC_UL2017.root |
2018 - ZeroBias | /eos/uscms/store/user/gagarwal/offset/L1Offset2018/Data/2018/Total_Data17Sep2018X.root where X = A, B, C, D |
2018 - SingleNeutrino | /eos/uscms/store/user/gagarwal/offset/L1Offset2018/MC/2018/Total_MC_Autumn2018.root |
UL2018 - ZeroBias | /eos/uscms/store/group/lpcjme/L1Offset/UltraLegacy18_scalefactors/Total_Data_UL2018X.root where X = A, B, C, D |
UL2018 - SingleNeutrino | /eos/uscms/store/group/lpcjme/L1Offset/UltraLegacy18_scalefactors/Total_MC_UL2018.root |