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File metadata and controls

285 lines (229 loc) · 13.2 KB

Note on deprecations

A tick-tock release cycle allows easy migration to new software versions. Obsolete code is marked as deprecated for one major release. Deprecated code produces compile-time warnings. These warning serve as notification to users that their code should be upgraded. The next major release will remove the deprecated code.

Gazebo Sim 8.x to 9.0

  • Modified:
    • In the Physics system, all *VelocityCmd components are now deleted after each time step, whereas previously the component values were set to 0 after each time step. Persistent velocity commands should be reapplied at each time step.
    • Default priority values are specified for the Physics and UserCommands systems to ensure that Physics::Update and UserCommands::PreUpdate execute before systems with default execution priority. Several constants for system priority are defined in gz/sim/System.hh.
    • The ForceTorque system has been changed from updating sensor data during the parallelized PostUpdate phase to use the sequential Update phase and writing directly to the ECM if a sensor entity has a WrenchMeasured component. The ForceTorque system priority is specified to use the gz::sim::systems::kPostPhysicsSensorPriority constant to ensure that its Update phase executes after Physics::Update and before systems with default priority.

Gazebo Sim 7.x to 8.0

  • Deprecated
    • gz::sim::components::Factory::Register(const std::string &_type, ComponentDescriptorBase *_compDesc) and gz::sim::components::Factory::Register(const std::string &_type, ComponentDescriptorBase *_compDesc, RegistrationObjectId _regObjId) have been deprecated. Instead, please use gz::sim::components::Factory::Register(const char *_type, ComponentDescriptorBase *_compDesc, RegistrationObjectId _regObjId)
    • gz::sim::components::Factory::Unregister() has been deprecated. Instead, please use gz::sim::components::Factory::Unregister(RegistrationObjectId _regObjId).
  • The type of the static data member gz::sim::components::Component::typeName has been changed from std::string to const char*.

Gazebo Sim 6.x to 7.0

  • Deprecated

    • The ParticleEmitter2 system was renamed to ParticleEmitter. The ParticleEmitter2 system is now deprecated. Please use the ParticleEmitter system.
  • The ignition::gazebo namespace is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Use gz::sim instead.

  • Header files under ignition/... are deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Use gz/... instead.

  • Configuration and log files are stored under $HOME/.gz/sim instead of $HOME/.ignition/gazebo

  • The following IGN_GAZEBO_ prefixed environment variables are deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Use the GZ_SIM_ prefixed versions instead!

  • The following IGN_GAZEBO_ prefixed macros variables are deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Use the GZ_SIM_ prefixed versions instead!

  • The gazebo command line verb is deprecated. Use sim instead (e.g. ign gazebo -> gz sim).

  • The shared libraries have gz where there used to be ignition.

    • Using the un-migrated version is still possible due to tick-tocks, but will be removed in future versions.
  • The WorldStatistics message published on the 'stats' topic now has a stepping field that should be used in place the 'step' field in the message's header.

  • Breaking Changes

    • The project name has been changed to use the gz- prefix, you must use the gz prefix!

      • This also means that any generated code that use the project name (e.g. CMake variables, in-source macros) would have to be migrated.
      • Some non-exhaustive examples of this include:
        • CMake -config files
        • Paths that depend on the project name
    • The Scene3D plugin has been removed and replaced with gz-gui's MinimalScene plugin. See this same document for the instructions to replace it when it was deprecated 5.x to 6.x. Setting <legacy>false</legacy> is no longer required for TransformControl and ViewAndle plugins.

  • Python library imports such import ignition.gazebo and from ignition import gazebo should be replaced with import gz.sim7 and from gz import sim7. Note the change from ignition to gz and the addition of the major version number as a suffix to the package name.

Ignition Gazebo 6.11.X to 6.12.X

  • Modified:
    • In the Hydrodynamics plugin, inverted the added mass contribution to make it act in the correct direction.

Gazebo Sim 6.11.X to 6.12.X

  • Modified:
    • In the Hydrodynamics plugin, inverted the added mass contribution to make it act in the correct direction.

Gazebo Sim 6.1 to 6.2

  • If no <namespace> is given to the Thruster plugin, the namespace now defaults to the model name, instead of an empty string.

Gazebo Sim 5.x to 6.x

  • The ParticleEmitter system is deprecated. Please use the ParticleEmitter2 system.

  • Marker example has been moved to Gazebo GUI.

  • Some GUI plugins have been moved to Gazebo GUI. Gazebo Sim users don't need to change their configuration files, the plugins will be loaded the same way.

    • Grid Config
    • Tape Measure
  • dynamic_pose/info topic is removed from LogRecord and LogPlayback since pose information is being logged in the changed_state topic.

  • The internal management of entities and components in the EntityComponentManager has been updated to improve runtime performance. As a result, several methods have been deprecated, and a few types have changed.

    • Deprecated:
      • All EntityComponentManager methods that use ComponentKey as an input parameter.
      • The EntityComponentManager::First method.
      • The ComponentId and ComponentKey types are now deprecated. A combination of Entity and ComponentTypeId should be used instead.
      • The components::StorageDescriptorBase and components::StorageDescriptor<ComponentTypeT> classes.
      • Methods in components::Factory that have deprecated input parameter types and/or deprecated return types.
        • The version of components::Factory::Register which has a StorageDescriptorBase * input parameter.
        • components::Factory::NewStorage
      • The ComponentStorageBase and ComponentStorage<ComponentTypeT> classes.
    • Modified:
      • EntityComponentManager::CreateComponent now returns a pointer to the created component instead of a ComponentKey.
      • ComponentKey has been modified to be a std::pair<ComponentTypeId, Entity> (it used to be a std::pair<ComponentTypeId, ComponentId>) since the ComponentId type is now deprecated. ComponentKey has also been deprecated, so usage of this type is discouraged (see the Deprecated section above for more information about how to replace usage of ComponentKey).
  • The GzScene3D GUI plugin is being deprecated in favor of MinimalScene. In order to get the same functionality as GzScene3D, users need to add the following plugins:

    • MinimalScene: base rendering functionality
    • GzSceneManager: adds / removes / moves entities in the scene
    • EntityContextMenuPlugin: right-click menu
    • InteractiveViewControl: orbit controls
    • CameraTracking: Move to, follow, set camera pose
    • MarkerManager: Enables the use of markers
    • SelectEntities: Select entities clicking on the scene
    • Spawn: Functionality to spawn entities into the scene via GUI
    • VisualizationCapabilities: View collisions, inertial, CoM, joints, etc.

    SDF code for all these can be found in:

    <!-- 3D scene -->
    <plugin filename="MinimalScene" name="3D View">
    <title>3D View</title>
    <property type="bool" key="showTitleBar">false</property>
    <property type="string" key="state">docked</property>
    <ambient_light>0.4 0.4 0.4</ambient_light>
    <background_color>0.8 0.8 0.8</background_color>
    <camera_pose>-6 0 6 0 0.5 0</camera_pose>
    <!-- Plugins that add functionality to the scene -->
    <plugin filename="EntityContextMenuPlugin" name="Entity context menu">
    <property key="state" type="string">floating</property>
    <property key="width" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="height" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="showTitleBar" type="bool">false</property>
    <plugin filename="GzSceneManager" name="Scene Manager">
    <property key="resizable" type="bool">false</property>
    <property key="width" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="height" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="state" type="string">floating</property>
    <property key="showTitleBar" type="bool">false</property>
    <plugin filename="InteractiveViewControl" name="Interactive view control">
    <property key="resizable" type="bool">false</property>
    <property key="width" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="height" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="state" type="string">floating</property>
    <property key="showTitleBar" type="bool">false</property>
    <plugin filename="CameraTracking" name="Camera Tracking">
    <property key="resizable" type="bool">false</property>
    <property key="width" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="height" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="state" type="string">floating</property>
    <property key="showTitleBar" type="bool">false</property>
    <plugin filename="MarkerManager" name="Marker manager">
    <property key="resizable" type="bool">false</property>
    <property key="width" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="height" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="state" type="string">floating</property>
    <property key="showTitleBar" type="bool">false</property>
    <plugin filename="SelectEntities" name="Select Entities">
    <anchors target="Select entities">
    <line own="right" target="right"/>
    <line own="top" target="top"/>
    <property key="resizable" type="bool">false</property>
    <property key="width" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="height" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="state" type="string">floating</property>
    <property key="showTitleBar" type="bool">false</property>
    <plugin filename="VisualizationCapabilities" name="Visualization Capabilities">
    <property key="resizable" type="bool">false</property>
    <property key="width" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="height" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="state" type="string">floating</property>
    <property key="showTitleBar" type="bool">false</property>
    <plugin filename="Spawn" name="Spawn Entities">
    <anchors target="Select entities">
    <line own="right" target="right"/>
    <line own="top" target="top"/>
    <property key="resizable" type="bool">false</property>
    <property key="width" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="height" type="double">5</property>
    <property key="state" type="string">floating</property>
    <property key="showTitleBar" type="bool">false</property>

    Moreover, legacy mode needs to be turned off for the following plugins for them to work with MinimalScene (set <legacy>false</legacy>):

    • TransformControl: Translate and rotate
    • ViewAndle: Move camera to preset angles
  • The gui.config and server.config files are now located in a versioned folder inside $HOME/.gz/sim, i.e. $HOME/.gz/sim/6/gui.config.

  • The Component::Clone method has been marked const to reflect that it should not mutate internal component state. Component implementations that overrode the Clone method must also be marked const.

Gazebo Sim 5.2 to 5.3

  • If no <namespace> is given to the Thruster plugin, the namespace now defaults to the model name, instead of an empty string.

Gazebo Sim 4.x to 5.x

  • Use cli component of gz-utils1.

  • gz::sim::RenderUtil::SelectedEntities() now returns a const std::vector<Entity> & instead of forcing a copy. The calling code should create a copy if it needs to modify the vector in some way.

  • Default generated topic name for thermal cameras now includes the /image suffix. The camera_info topic has also been fixed to include the sensor name in the generated topic string. The naming scheme should be consistent with a normal camera sensor. Topic changes:

    • /<prefix>/<sensor_name> -> /<prefix>/<sensor_name>/image
    • /<prefix>/camera_info -> /<prefix>/<sensor_name>/camera_info
  • Various GuiEvents were deprecated in favor of their Gazebo GUI equivalents.

    • Deprecated gz::sim::gui::SnapIntervals
    • Replacement gz::gui::SnapIntervals
    • Deprecated gz::sim::gui::Render
    • Replacement gz::gui::Render
    • Deprecated gz::sim::gui::SpawnPreviewModel
    • Replacement gz::gui::SpawnFromDescription
    • Deprecated gz::sim::gui::SnapPreviewPath
    • Replacement gz::gui::SnapFromPath
  • The <direction> tag of spot lights was previously not parsed by the scene, so all spot lights shone in the direction corresponding to the default 0 0 -1. Since 5.x, the <direction> tag is correctly processed.

Gazebo Sim 4.0.0 to 4.X.X

  • Gazebo Sim 4.0.0 enabled double sided material by default but this caused shadow artifacts to appear on some meshes. Double sided material is now disabled and made an opt-in feature. Users can configure this property in SDF by setting the <visual><material><double_sided> SDF element.

Gazebo Sim 3.x to 4.x

  • The RenderUtil::SetEnabledSensors callback in gazebo rendering has a new required function argument for the Entity of the sensor.

    • Removed public: void SetEnableSensors(bool, std::function< std::string(const sdf::Sensor &, const std::string &)>)
    • Replacement public: void SetEnableSensors(bool, std::function< std::string(const sim::Entity &, const sdf::Sensor &, const std::string &)>)
  • Log playback using <path> SDF parameter is removed. Use --playback command line argument instead.

  • rendering::SceneManager

    • Deprecated: Entity EntityFromNode(const rendering::NodePtr &_node) const;
    • Replacement: Entity entity = std::get<int>(visual->UserData("gazebo-entity"));

Gazebo Sim 3.12.0 to 3.X.X

  • Some sensors will only have the SensorTopic component after the 1st iteration.

Gazebo Sim 2.x to 3.x

  • Use gz-rendering3, gz-sensors3 and gz-gui3.

Gazebo Sim 1.x to 2.x

  • Changed component data types:

    • Altimeter now uses sdf::Sensor
    • JointVelocity now uses std::vector<double>
  • Deprecated components:

    • JointVelocity2: use JointVelocity's vector instead.
  • The --distributed command line argument has been deprecated. Use --network-role instead.

  • The -f/--file command line argument has been deprecated. The SDF file can now be loaded without a flag.

  • The gz-sim command line tool is deprecated. The new tool is gz sim, which has all the same options, except for --distributed and --file/-f, which have been removed.

  • The entity_name field in the messages published by the imu system is updated to report its scoped name.

  • Log files generated from Gazebo Sim 1.X are no longer compatible with Gazebo Sim 2+ for playback. BitBucket pull request #257 added an SDF message to the start of log files.

  • Log playback using <path> SDF parameter is deprecated. Use --playback command line argument instead.

Gazebo Sim 1.0.2 to 1.1.0

  • All headers in gazebo/network are no longer installed.

  • The ignition-gazebo1-gui library has been changed to a gui component of ignition-gazebo. To use the gui component downstream, update the find package call in cmake to request for the component, e.g. gz_find_package(ignition-gazebo1 REQUIRED COMPONENTS gui), and link to the libgz-sim1::gui target instead of libgz-sim1-gui