I# - return camera information
V# - get the maximum power
v# - get the minimum power
c# - get the current power
d# - get the low power distance
s# - get the stop distance
C# - get encoder values
b# - break all engines
R# - reset encoders
Vxxx# - set the maximum power
vxxx# - set the minimum power
cxxx# - set the current power
dxxx# - set the low power distance
sxxx# - set the stop distance
mxxx,yyy# - move or rotate with distance or rotate with degree (if it is interrupted return the distances with I in front)
Mxxx,yyy# - move or rotate until stop command
ru# - raise rfid
rl# - lower rfid
rp# - get rfid possition
P# - get acc power level
Pxxxx# - play the xxxx file
l - lcd operation
lc# - clear lcd
ln,xx,message# - print message on lcd on next line with xx font
lf,xx,file# - print the file on lcd with xx font (only the number of messages that could be printed will be printed)
n# - clear command list (from memory)
Nfrxxx# - remove command file xxxx
Nfsxxx# - save the navigation data to file xxx from SD
Nflxxx# - load the navigation data from file xxx from SD
Nxxxx# - add the xxxx command to navigation data (this should not have D or B command)
D# - move direct (with navigation data) using navigation from memory
B# - move reverse (with navigation data) using navigation from memory
NDxxx# - move direct (with navigation data) using xxx file
NBxxx# - move reverse (with navigation data) using xxx file
NR# - move using RFID stickers
Txvalue# tilt the camera on horizontaly with the value from the actual possition
Tyvalue# tilt the camera on vertically with the value from the actual possition
T# start streaming camera (only on raspeberry pi zero w)
t# stop streaming camera (only on raspeberry pi zero w)