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Basic Required Customizations

geerlingguy edited this page Aug 27, 2012 · 2 revisions

The following changes are required in order to get the Catholic Diocese App for Android working for your own organization.


  • res/drawable/about_icon.png (250x250, used as header image in 'About' tab)
  • res/drawable/news_icon.png (100x100, image to left of news stories in 'News' tab).
  • res/drawable_[size]/icon.png (Various sizes (see below), for App icon)
    • xhdpi: 96x96
    • hdpi: 72x72
    • mdpi: 48x48
    • ldpi: 36x36

File: AndroidManifest.xml

  • package name (currently 'com.midwesternmac.catholicdiocese')
  • android application name (currently '.CatholicDiocese')
  • Replace 'com.midwesternmac.catholicdiocese' in tag with your package name.

File: res/values/other.xml

  • string: "news_feed" (change to your organization's news RSS feed)
  • string: "google_maps_api_key" (change to your organizations API key)
  • string: "map_center_latitude"
  • string: "map_center_longitude"

File: res/values/strings.xml

  • string: "app_name"
  • string: "webview_sharetext"
  • string: "about_copyright"

File: src/[package name]/

  • Search and replace 'com.midwesternmac.catholicdiocese' with your package name.

Other changes (use the 'Refactor' feature of Eclipse to save time!)

  • Change package container in 'src' folder to new package name.
  • Change '' to '[MyNewApplicationName].java'.
  • Use your own locations.csv (in assets folder), following the general format of the supplied locations.csv.