Sample geospatial datasets with style, ready to load and edit in QGIS.
These are from my personal working files and I'm making them available AS IS (bugs and all).
Isometric basic
Isometric sketch
Natural Earth
Transit-style roadmap
*See respective img folders for screenshots
Download and install QGIS if you don't already have it: QGIS Downloads.
Add a useful browser panel to navigate and load files:
> Panel
> Browser
Load a GPKG file by navigating to the downloaded file in the Browser Panel
, double-click to expand the layer(s) saved in the file, select the layer(s) you want and drag them to the Layer Panel
or right-click and select Add Layer to Project
For step-by-step instructions on how to use QGIS, refer to the official docs:
A gentle introduction to GIS
Training manual
User guide
Or the excellent tutorials at:
Natural Earth downloads
Direct download for all vector layers in a single geopackage
BBike city extracts
GeoFabrik country and region extracts