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Releases: geoserver/geoserver-cloud

Release 1.0-RC15

23 Mar 21:19
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What's Changed

  • Fix data-dir backend race conditions loading or creating ServiceInfos by @groldan in #205
  • Add missing GWC REST payload converter by @groldan in #206
  • Fix JAVA_TOOL_OPTS Dockerfile env variable quoting by @groldan in #207
  • GWC REST API fix to fill in the TileLayerInfo blanks when creating a TileLayer by @groldan in #208
  • Fix 'null' string in restconfig URIs by @groldan in #211
  • Fix invalid virtual service endpoints not returning 404 by @groldan in #214

Full Changelog: v1.0-RC14...v1.0-RC15

Release 1.0-RC12

02 Mar 20:55
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Release candidate 1.0-RC12, comes with a full upgrade to Java 17, GeoWebcache direct-WMS integration, and WMS reflector enablement through externalized configuration.

What's Changed

  • Switch to Java17 with default docker images supporting cgroups v2 by @groldan in #193
  • Add a request mapping for the WMS reflector by @groldan in #195
  • Make WMS reflector enablement configurable by @groldan in #196
  • Build/fmt maven plugin coordinates changed by @groldan in #197
  • Remove dependency on gs-web-gwc from blobstores by @groldan in #198
  • Contribute known org.geoserver.config.ServiceFactoryExtension implementations by @groldan in #200
  • GeoWebCache direct WMS integration by @groldan in #199
  • Handle virtual services in gwc-service by @groldan in #201
  • Move modules to src/ folder, leaving the root pom as a pure bom by @groldan in #203
  • Set up a geoserver submodule to build the geoserver-cloud_integration branch by @groldan in #204

Full Changelog: v1.0-RC11...v1.0-RC12

Release 1.0-RC11

24 Feb 13:04
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Switch from discovery-first to config-first bootstrap. Now the config-service runs before all other services, instead of requiring discovery-service.

Upgrade from 1.0-RC10:

If you're using the official config just update to the latest master, or better yet, peg to the v1.0-RC11 tag.
For custom configurations:

  • note application.yml is gone as the common property source for all services. geoserver.yml replaces it for geoserver-specific microservices, all other ones that require an external property source shall have its own file.
  • you may need to explicitly set the config-service URL. Services resolve it through the config.server.url config property. Use either a system property or an environment variable (CONFIG_SERVER_URL=http://my.fixed.config.url).

What's Changed

  • Add missing Kvp parser beans in wms-service from gs-wfs jar by @groldan in #182
  • Add an X-gs-cloud-instance-id response header if geoserver.debug.instanceId=true by @groldan in #183
  • Switch to config-first bootstrap default configuration, support discovery-first and standalone by @groldan in #177
  • Fetch eureka service registry only on services that use it by @groldan in #184
  • Remove custom docker-healthcheck java app by @groldan in #186
  • Add a NativeHint to config-service to include gs_cloud_bootstrap_profiles.yml by @groldan in #185
  • Dependency upgrade: spring-boot 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3 by @groldan in #187
  • depency upgrade: spring-native 0.11.0 -> 0.11.2 by @groldan in #188
  • Use different session cookie names in web-ui and gwc-service by @groldan in #189
  • gwc: fix blobstore remote event handling, CompositeBlobStore didn't notice by @groldan in #190
  • GWC static resources break if gateway is configured with a geoserver.base-path by @groldan in #191

Full Changelog: v1.0-RC10...v1.0-RC11

Release 1.0-RC10

11 Feb 01:43
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1.0-RC10 comes packed with features, of most relevance:

  • Consolidated GeoWebCache integration: the new gwc-service microservice runs independently of the WMS, and reacts instantly to web-ui configuration changes thanks to the event-bus integration. Still missing support for disk-quota, whose config page won't be shown in the web-ui, and to distribute cache seeding and truncation tasks across all running service instances.
  • GWC Azure and S3 blobstores
  • MBStyle extension
  • AuthKey security extension

What's Changed

  • ci: use actions/setup-java@v2 with maven cache directive by @groldan in #167
  • gs-jackson-bindings: workaround erroneous Locale serialization, model i18n strings as Map<String, String> by @groldan in #168
  • web-ui calls Catalog.add() with a ModificationProxy, not allowed by CatalogPlugin. by @groldan in #169
  • Integrate GWC with spring-cloud-bus by @groldan in #164
  • gwc: disable diskquota and force hide it from the web UI. by @groldan in #170
  • Use a lazy gwc xml configuration provider by @groldan in #171
  • Externalized configuration for GeoWebCache component enablement by @groldan in #172
  • Validate source code formatting before proceeding with the CI builds by @groldan in #174
  • strict configuration of gwc.cache-directory and gwc.config-directory by @groldan in #173
  • Add simple service registry page to webui by @groldan in #175
  • Build a native-image version of config-service Docker image by @groldan in #176
  • Add support for GWC Azure and S3 blobstore types by @groldan in #178
  • Add MBStyle extension (wms, gwc, and webui services) by @groldan in #179
  • Integrate AuthKey security extension by @groldan in #180

Full Changelog: v1.0-RC9...v1.0-RC10

Release 1.0-RC9

01 Feb 22:40
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Bug fix release candidate, mostly related to cascading WMS and WMTS data sources, to seamlessly support HTTP proxy and configuration with jdbcconfig catalog backend.

What's Changed

  • web-ui: add geostyler extension by @groldan in #153
  • RemoteApplicationEvent event serialization fails on remote style infos by @groldan in #155
  • Cascaded OWS Stores with HTTP proxy externalized configuration by @groldan in #154
  • gs-jackson-bindings: add new property AttributeType.source:String by @groldan in #158
  • Add vector tiles output format by @groldan in #159
  • Web UI: hide unused global configuration UI controls by @groldan in #160
  • Remove junit-vintage-engine where it's easy, full junit5 upgrade pending by @groldan in #161
  • Initial gwc integration: standalone app and web-ui by @groldan in #162
  • Make sure all known XStreamServiceLoaders are provided to GeoServerLoader by @groldan in #163
  • gt-geojson is no longer a gt-wms dependency, it's been retire by @groldan in #165
  • Fix WMTS stores and layers with jdbcconfig catalog backend by @groldan in #166

Full Changelog: v1.0-RC8...v1.0-RC9

Release 1.0-RC8

14 Jan 14:12
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What's Changed

  • web-ui: add geostyler extension by @groldan in #153
  • RemoteApplicationEvent event serialization fails on remote style infos by @groldan in #155
  • Cascaded OWS Stores with HTTP proxy externalized configuration by @groldan in #154

Full Changelog: v1.0-RC7...v1.0-RC8

Release 1.0-RC7

07 Jan 03:49
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Focuses on startup stability running containers in rootless mode and reducing library-level Trivy reported docker image vulnerability scans

What's Changed

  • Fix config-service configuration to run smoothly with provided deployment files by @groldan in #149
  • Create the directory where the default datadir volume is mounted and make it writable by @groldan in #151
  • Trivy vulnerability analysis and fixes to docker images at the library level by @groldan in #152

Full Changelog: v1.0-RC6...v1.0-RC7


04 Jan 21:40
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First release candidate after upgrading to spring-cloud:2021.0.0 / spring-boot:2.6.1

Upgrade from 1.0-RC5

If you're using the provided docker-compose.yml files (either for shared data direcory or jdbcconfig backend deployments), you can just download them, or change the docker image tags to v1.0-RC6 and set the following environment variable to the config service:


So it downloads the proper set of config files from the repository.

If you've set up a separate config (for example, a helm chart for Kubernetes), there are some configuration changes to apply:

  • Rename the property geoserver.backend.jdbcconfig.datasource.jdbcUrl as geoserver.backend.jdbcconfig.datasource.url
  • Rename all spring.profiles: entries as spring.config.activate.on-profile:

That should be it.

Here're the full changes applied to the config repository:


Set up liveness and readiness probes in Kubernetes

Proceed as explained in Spring Boot's Kubernetes Probes documentation:

    path: "/actuator/health/liveness"
    port: <actuator-port>
  failureThreshold: ...
  periodSeconds: ...

    path: "/actuator/health/readiness"
    port: <actuator-port>
  failureThreshold: ...
  periodSeconds: ...

The ports are:

  • 8080 for the admin, config, discovery, and gateway services (i.e. all "support" microservices)
  • 8081 for the rest, wcs, webui, wfs, and wms services (i.e. all GeoServer microservices)

What's Changed

  • Upgrade to spring-cloud:2021.0.0 / spring-boot:2.6.1 by @groldan in #127
  • specify user:group in docker-compose.yml for each service by @groldan in #145
  • Change GeoServer microservices management port to 8081 and add liveness and readiness probes by @groldan in #146
  • GeoServerSecurityManager startup configuration improvements by @groldan in #147
  • jdbc resource store cache causes startup failures due to stale resource metadata by @groldan in #148

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0-RC5...v1.0-RC6

Release 1.0-RC5

04 Jan 21:37
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Tag release before upgrading to Spring Cloud 2021.0 / Spring Boot 2.6.1

What's Changed

  • Remove remanent unused creation of users in support services Dockerfiles be3304d
  • Update config submodule URL to use https instead of git protocol 9985ab1
  • Add simple deployment docs and simplify podman instructions 78cdd83

Full Changelog: v1.0-RC4...v1.0-RC5

Release 1.0-RC4

04 Jan 21:30
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What's Changed

  • Remove custom postgres image, any standard one should work with jdbcconfig's initdb=true now by @groldan in #120
  • feature: add gs-cloud-admin-service based on de.codecentric:spring-boot-admin-starter-server by @groldan in #121
  • Initial documentation for GeoServer Cloud and podman #110 by @allanin in #111
  • Remove custom user:group from Dockerfile by @groldan in #125

Full Changelog: v1.0-RC3...v1.0-RC4