Welcome to AWS Docs! We thrive on your contribution. ❤️
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following:
We use GitHub Issues to organize all significant work. Any external contributions will first take the form of issues.
Briefly review all open issues for the following reasons:
- Search for contribution opportunities
- Verify that your contribution idea is not already in progress
To create a new issue, use the following two (2) templates:
All contributions that are not bug fixes must be pre-approved by the maintainers.
At any time, you can close issues that you create yourself.
Follow these steps when you are ready to begin writing code:
- Fork the repository.
- Modify your fork using the CLI or GitHub flow.
- When your fork contains your finished and tested code, create a pull request.
For single-line bug fixes, you can optionally edit the file directly on the Github website without needing to create a fork.
- Follow coding best practices such as DRY and SOLID where possible.
- Carefully read the pull request template and follow it closely.
- Don't include AWS account identifiers or secret keys in your examples.
Review the following important disclaimers before contributing to this project.
This project abides by the Amazon Open Source Code of Conduct. For additional help, contact opensource-codeofconduct@amazon.com.
If you discover a potential security issue, please notify AWS Security via our vulnerability reporting page. Please do not create a public issue on GitHub.
See the LICENSE file for this project's licensing.
To request help or clarification on this CONTRIBUTING.md
, add a comment in your issue and we will reply within 5 business days.