ElixirST (Session Types in Elixir) applies session types to a fragment of the Elixir language.
It statically checks that the programs use the correct communication structures (e.g. send
) when dealing with message passing between processes.
The design decisions of ElixirST and its underlying theory are described in the following papers co-authored by Gerard Tabone and Adrian Francalanza:
- ElixirST: A Session-Based Type System for Elixir Modules. JLAMP 2023. (doi, pdf)
- Session Fidelity for ElixirST: A Session-Based Type System for Elixir Modules. ICE 2022. (doi, pdf)
- Session Types in Elixir. AGERE 2021. (doi, pdf)
- Static Checking of Concurrent Programs in Elixir Using Session Types. Technical report, 2022. (pdf)
To session typecheck modules in Elixir, add use ElixirST
and include any assertions using the annotations @session
and @dual
preceding any public function (def
). The following is a simple example
, which receives one label (?Hello()
defmodule Example do
use ElixirST
@session "server = ?Hello().end"
@spec server(pid) :: atom()
def server(_pid) do
receive do
{:Hello} -> :ok
@dual "server"
@spec client(pid) :: {atom()}
def client(pid) do
send(pid, {:Hello})
ElixirST runs automatically at compile time (mix compile
) or as a mix task (mix sessions [module name]
$ mix sessions SmallExample
[info] Session typechecking for client/1 terminated successfully
[info] Session typechecking for server/0 terminated successfully
If the client sends a different label (e.g. :Hi) instead of the one specified in the session type (i.e. @session "!Hello()"
), ElixirST will complain:
$ mix sessions Examples.SmallExample
[error] Session typechecking for client/1 found an error.
[error] [Line 7] Expected send with label :Hello but found :Hi.
In the next example, session typechecking fails because the session type !Hello()
was expecting to find a send action with {:Hello}
but found {:Yo}
defmodule Module2 do
use ElixirST
@session "!Hello().end"
@spec do_something(pid) :: {:Yo}
def do_something(pid) do
send(pid, {:Yo})
mix compile
== Compilation error in file example.ex ==
** (throw) "[Line 7] Expected send with label :Hello but found :Yo."
Session types are used to ensure correct communication between concurrent processes.
The session type operations include the following: !
refers to a send action, ?
refers to a receive action, &
refers to a branch (external choice), and +
refers to an (internal) choice.
Session types accept the following grammar:
S =
!label(types, ...).S (send)
| ?label(types, ...).S (receive)
| &{?label(types, ...).S, ...} (branch)
| +{!label(types, ...).S, ...} (choice)
| rec X.(S) (recurse)
| X (recursion var)
| end (terminate)
types =
| boolean
| number
| atom
| pid
| {types, types, ...} (tuple)
| [types] (list)
The following are some session type examples along with the equivalent Elixir code.
- Sends label:Hello
Equivalent Elixir code:
send(pid, {:Hello})
- Receives a label:Ping
with a value of typenumber
.Equivalent Elixir code:
receive do {:Ping, value} -> value end
&{ ?Option1().!Hello(number), ?Option2() }
The process can receive either
. If the process receives the former, then it has to send{:Hello}
. If it receives{:Option2}
, then it terminates.Equivalent Elixir code:
receive do {:Option1} -> send(pid, {:Hello, 55}) # ... {:Option2} -> # ... end
+{ !Option1().!Hello(number), !Option2() }
The process can choose either
. If the process chooses the former, then it has to send{:Hello}
. If it chooses{:Option2}
, then it terminates.Equivalent Elixir code:
send(pid, {:Option1}) send(pid, {:Hello, 55}) # or send(pid, {:Option2})
X = &{?Stop(), ?Retry().X}
- If the process receives{:Stop}
, it terminates. If it receives{:Retry}
it recurses back to the beginning.Equivalent Elixir code:
def rec() do receive do {:Stop} -> # ... {:Retry} -> rec() end end
The package can be installed by adding elixirst
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:elixirst, "~> 0.8.4"}
Documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/elixirst.
To session typecheck a module, link the ElixirST library using this line:
use ElixirST
Insert any checks using the @session
attribute followed by a function that should be session typechecked, such as:
@session "pinger = !Ping().?Pong()"
def function(), do: ...
The @dual
attribute checks the dual of the specified session type.
@dual "pinger"
# Equivalent to: @session "?Ping().!Pong()"
Other examples can be found in the examples
Feel free to cite ElixirST as follows (or use .bib file):
Francalanza, A., & Tabone, G. (2023). ElixirST: A session-based type system for Elixir modules. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 135, 100891. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlamp.2023.100891
Some code related to Elixir expression typing was adapted from typelixir by Cassola (MIT licence).
This project is licenced under the GPL-3.0 licence.