Run your Alby Hub with phoenixd as a backend.
- Linux distribution
- Runs pretty much on any VPS or server (512MB+ memory recommended)
To run Alby Hub with phoenixd use docker-compose using the docker-compose.yml file.
$ wget # <- edit for your needs, but defaults should work well
$ mkdir -p ./albyhub-phoenixd/phoenixd && mkdir -p ./albyhub-phoenixd/albyhub # <- create the data directories for phoenixd and albyhub. make sure to have backups of this
$ docker-compose up # or docker-compose up --pull=always <- to make sure you get the latest images
It will run on localhost:8080 by default. You can configure the port by editing the docker-compose.yml file.
Note: for simplicity it uses a preconfigired phoenixd password (see docker-compose.yml) this is fine as long as the service is not publicly exposed (change this password if you like).
Make sure to backup the albyhub-phoenixd
which is used as volume for albyhub and phoenixd data files.
$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ ./
The install script will prompt you for a installation folder and will install phoenixd and Alby Hub there.
Optionally it also creates a systemd services.
It will run on localhost:8080 by default.
Either use systemd:
$ sudo systemctl [start|stop] phoenixd.service
$ sudo systemctl [start|stop] albyhub.service
Or us the start scripts:
$ [your install path]/phoenixd/
$ [your install path]/albyhub/
Make sure to backup your data directories:
[your install path]/phoenixd/data
[your install path]/albyhub/data