diff --git a/docs/product/explore/traces/index.mdx b/docs/product/explore/traces/index.mdx index 8272df960c866..f67b8349cc707 100644 --- a/docs/product/explore/traces/index.mdx +++ b/docs/product/explore/traces/index.mdx @@ -80,13 +80,6 @@ All events have built-in key fields or custom tags, this includes our span data. ### Syntax -The Query Builder syntax is identical to [Sentry's Search syntax](/concepts/search/). After you enter a key field from above or a custom tag, you can use any of the referenced syntax. For example, `count()` gives you the number of times an event occurs. This can be written in the following ways: +The Query Builder syntax is identical to [Sentry's Search syntax](/concepts/search/). After you enter a key field from above or a custom tag, you can use any of the referenced syntax. For example, `count()` gives you the number of times an event occurs. -- Exact match (is equal to): `span.duration:99` -- Upper bounds (is less than or equal to): `span.duration:<99` or `span.duration:<=99` -- Lower bounds (is more than or equal to): `span.duration:>99` or `span.duration:>=99` -- Multiple bounds (is more and less than): `span.duration:>10 span.duration:<20` - -Use `OR` and `AND` search conditions between filters. However `OR` cannot be used between aggregate and non-aggregate filters. For more details about these conditions, see [Using `OR` and `AND`](/concepts/search/#using-or-and-and). - -You can also search multiple values for the same key by putting the values in a list. For example, "x:[value1, value2]" will find the same results as "x:value1 `OR` x:value2". You can learn more in our content covering [Multiple Values on the Same Key](/concepts/search/#multiple-values-on-the-same-key). +Use `OR` and `AND` to search conditions between filters. However `OR` cannot be used between aggregate and non-aggregate filters. For more details about these conditions, see [Using `OR` and `AND`](/concepts/search/#using-or-and-and).