diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
index 3812503..b145dea 100644
--- a/.vscode/settings.json
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
"window.title": "Data Portal - ${dirty}${activeEditorShort}${separator}${rootName}${separator}${profileName}${separator}${appName}",
"cSpell.words": ["devcontainer", "devkit", "metldata", "TOTP", "ghga"],
- "cSpell.language": "en-GB",
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"[html]": {
diff --git a/src/app/portal/features/site-footer/site-footer.component.html b/src/app/portal/features/site-footer/site-footer.component.html
index 5104a41..3ef1aed 100644
--- a/src/app/portal/features/site-footer/site-footer.component.html
+++ b/src/app/portal/features/site-footer/site-footer.component.html
@@ -2,18 +2,16 @@
globeGHGA WebsitedatabaseBrowse DatahelpFAQdocsGHGA User
diff --git a/src/app/portal/features/site-header/site-header.component.scss b/src/app/portal/features/site-header/site-header.component.scss
index b28a31e..0f7bdcf 100644
--- a/src/app/portal/features/site-header/site-header.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/portal/features/site-header/site-header.component.scss
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ a {
a#activePage {
- background-color: var(--mat-sys-tertiary);
+ background-color: var(--mat-sys-secondary);
button {
diff --git a/src/assets/scss/ghga_colors.scss b/src/assets/scss/ghga_colors.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d3e48f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/scss/ghga_colors.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+// This file was generated by running 'ng generate @angular/material:theme-color'.
+// Proceed with caution if making changes to this file.
+@use 'sass:map';
+@use '@angular/material' as mat;
+// Note: Color palettes are generated from primary: #00393f, secondary: #e84614, tertiary: #cfe7cd, neutral: #005a5a
+$_palettes: (
+ primary: (
+ 0: #000000,
+ 10: #001f23,
+ 20: #00363c,
+ 25: #0e4248,
+ 30: #1d4d53,
+ 35: #2a595f,
+ 40: #37656c,
+ 50: #517e85,
+ 60: #6a989f,
+ 70: #85b3ba,
+ 80: #a0cfd6,
+ 90: #bbebf2,
+ 95: #cdf8ff,
+ 98: #ecfcff,
+ 99: #f5feff,
+ 100: #ffffff,
+ ),
+ secondary: (
+ 0: #000000,
+ 10: #3b0900,
+ 20: #601400,
+ 25: #741a00,
+ 30: #882000,
+ 35: #9c2600,
+ 40: #b12d00,
+ 50: #db3d08,
+ 60: #ff5625,
+ 70: #ff8b6b,
+ 80: #ffb5a1,
+ 90: #ffdbd1,
+ 95: #ffede8,
+ 98: #fff8f6,
+ 99: #fffbff,
+ 100: #ffffff,
+ ),
+ tertiary: (
+ 0: #000000,
+ 10: #0c2010,
+ 20: #213523,
+ 25: #2c402e,
+ 30: #374c39,
+ 35: #435844,
+ 40: #4e644f,
+ 50: #677d67,
+ 60: #809780,
+ 70: #9ab199,
+ 80: #b5cdb4,
+ 90: #d1e9cf,
+ 95: #dff7dd,
+ 98: #ebffe8,
+ 99: #f6fff2,
+ 100: #ffffff,
+ ),
+ neutral: (
+ 0: #000000,
+ 10: #002020,
+ 20: #003737,
+ 25: #004343,
+ 30: #004f4f,
+ 35: #055c5c,
+ 40: #1c6868,
+ 50: #3b8281,
+ 60: #579c9b,
+ 70: #72b7b6,
+ 80: #8dd3d2,
+ 90: #a9efee,
+ 95: #b7fdfc,
+ 98: #e2fffe,
+ 99: #f1fffe,
+ 100: #ffffff,
+ 4: #001111,
+ 6: #001717,
+ 12: #002424,
+ 17: #003030,
+ 22: #003c3c,
+ 24: #004141,
+ 87: #a0e6e6,
+ 92: #aef5f4,
+ 94: #b4fbfa,
+ 96: #c1fffe,
+ ),
+ neutral-variant: (
+ 0: #000000,
+ 10: #151d1e,
+ 20: #2a3233,
+ 25: #353d3e,
+ 30: #404849,
+ 35: #4c5455,
+ 40: #586061,
+ 50: #70787a,
+ 60: #8a9293,
+ 70: #a5adae,
+ 80: #c0c8c9,
+ 90: #dce4e5,
+ 95: #eaf2f3,
+ 98: #f3fbfc,
+ 99: #f6feff,
+ 100: #ffffff,
+ ),
+ error: (
+ 0: #000000,
+ 10: #410002,
+ 20: #690005,
+ 25: #7e0007,
+ 30: #93000a,
+ 35: #a80710,
+ 40: #ba1a1a,
+ 50: #de3730,
+ 60: #ff5449,
+ 70: #ff897d,
+ 80: #ffb4ab,
+ 90: #ffdad6,
+ 95: #ffedea,
+ 98: #fff8f7,
+ 99: #fffbff,
+ 100: #ffffff,
+ ),
+$_rest: (
+ secondary: map.get($_palettes, secondary),
+ neutral: map.get($_palettes, neutral),
+ neutral-variant: map.get($_palettes, neutral-variant),
+ error: map.get($_palettes, error),
+$primary-palette: map.merge(map.get($_palettes, primary), $_rest);
+$tertiary-palette: map.merge(map.get($_palettes, tertiary), $_rest);
+@function _high-contrast-value($light, $dark, $theme-type) {
+ @if ($theme-type == light) {
+ @return $light;
+ }
+ @if ($theme-type == dark) {
+ @return $dark;
+ }
+ @if ($theme-type == color-scheme) {
+ @return light-dark(#{$light}, #{$dark});
+ }
+ @error 'Unknown theme-type #{$theme-type}. Expected light, dark, or color-scheme';
+@mixin high-contrast-overrides($theme-type) {
+ @include mat.theme-overrides((
+ primary: _high-contrast-value(#002226, #caf8ff, $theme-type),
+ on-primary: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
+ primary-container: _high-contrast-value(#00393f, #9ccbd2, $theme-type),
+ on-primary-container: _high-contrast-value(#cbf8ff, #000e10, $theme-type),
+ inverse-primary: _high-contrast-value(#a0cfd6, #1e4e55, $theme-type),
+ primary-fixed: _high-contrast-value(#205056, #bbebf2, $theme-type),
+ primary-fixed-dim: _high-contrast-value(#00393f, #a0cfd6, $theme-type),
+ on-primary-fixed: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
+ on-primary-fixed-variant: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #001417, $theme-type),
+ secondary: _high-contrast-value(#591200, #ffece7, $theme-type),
+ on-secondary: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
+ secondary-container: _high-contrast-value(#8c2100, #ffaf99, $theme-type),
+ on-secondary-container: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #1e0300, $theme-type),
+ secondary-fixed: _high-contrast-value(#8c2100, #ffdbd1, $theme-type),
+ secondary-fixed-dim: _high-contrast-value(#641500, #ffb5a1, $theme-type),
+ on-secondary-fixed: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
+ on-secondary-fixed-variant: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #290400, $theme-type),
+ tertiary: _high-contrast-value(#0e2212, #def7dc, $theme-type),
+ on-tertiary: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
+ tertiary-container: _high-contrast-value(#233725, #b1c9b0, $theme-type),
+ on-tertiary-container: _high-contrast-value(#def6dc, #000f03, $theme-type),
+ tertiary-fixed: _high-contrast-value(#3a4e3b, #d1e9cf, $theme-type),
+ tertiary-fixed-dim: _high-contrast-value(#233725, #b5cdb4, $theme-type),
+ on-tertiary-fixed: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
+ on-tertiary-fixed-variant: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #031506, $theme-type),
+ background: _high-contrast-value(#e2fffe, #001717, $theme-type),
+ on-background: _high-contrast-value(#002020, #a9efee, $theme-type),
+ surface: _high-contrast-value(#e2fffe, #001717, $theme-type),
+ surface-dim: _high-contrast-value(#7fc5c4, #001717, $theme-type),
+ surface-bright: _high-contrast-value(#e2fffe, #005a5a, $theme-type),
+ surface-container-lowest: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
+ surface-container: _high-contrast-value(#a9efee, #003737, $theme-type),
+ surface-container-high: _high-contrast-value(#9be1e0, #004343, $theme-type),
+ surface-container-highest: _high-contrast-value(#8dd3d2, #004f4f, $theme-type),
+ on-surface: _high-contrast-value(#000000, #ffffff, $theme-type),
+ shadow: _high-contrast-value(#000000, #000000, $theme-type),
+ scrim: _high-contrast-value(#000000, #000000, $theme-type),
+ surface-tint: _high-contrast-value(#37656c, #a0cfd6, $theme-type),
+ inverse-surface: _high-contrast-value(#003737, #a9efee, $theme-type),
+ inverse-on-surface: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
+ outline: _high-contrast-value(#262d2f, #eaf1f3, $theme-type),
+ outline-variant: _high-contrast-value(#434b4c, #bcc4c5, $theme-type),
+ error: _high-contrast-value(#600004, #ffece9, $theme-type),
+ on-error: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
+ error-container: _high-contrast-value(#98000a, #ffaea4, $theme-type),
+ on-error-container: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #220001, $theme-type),
+ surface-variant: _high-contrast-value(#dce4e5, #404849, $theme-type),
+ on-surface-variant: _high-contrast-value(#000000, #ffffff, $theme-type),
+ ))
+ }
diff --git a/src/assets/scss/ghga_colours.scss b/src/assets/scss/ghga_colours.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f58e17..0000000
--- a/src/assets/scss/ghga_colours.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-// This file was generated by running 'ng generate @angular/material:theme-color'.
-// Proceed with caution if making changes to this file.
-@use 'sass:map';
-@use '@angular/material' as mat;
-// Note: Colour palettes are generated from primary: #00393f, secondary: #cfe7cd, tertiary: #e84614, neutral: #005a5a
-$_palettes: (
- primary: (
- 0: #000000,
- 10: #001f23,
- 20: #00363c,
- 25: #0e4248,
- 30: #1d4d53,
- 35: #2a595f,
- 40: #37656c,
- 50: #517e85,
- 60: #6a989f,
- 70: #85b3ba,
- 80: #a0cfd6,
- 90: #bbebf2,
- 95: #cdf8ff,
- 98: #ecfcff,
- 99: #f5feff,
- 100: #ffffff,
- ),
- secondary: (
- 0: #000000,
- 10: #0c2010,
- 20: #213523,
- 25: #2c402e,
- 30: #374c39,
- 35: #435844,
- 40: #4e644f,
- 50: #677d67,
- 60: #809780,
- 70: #9ab199,
- 80: #b5cdb4,
- 90: #d1e9cf,
- 95: #dff7dd,
- 98: #ebffe8,
- 99: #f6fff2,
- 100: #ffffff,
- ),
- tertiary: (
- 0: #000000,
- 10: #3b0900,
- 20: #601400,
- 25: #741a00,
- 30: #882000,
- 35: #9c2600,
- 40: #b12d00,
- 50: #db3d08,
- 60: #ff5625,
- 70: #ff8b6b,
- 80: #ffb5a1,
- 90: #ffdbd1,
- 95: #ffede8,
- 98: #fff8f6,
- 99: #fffbff,
- 100: #ffffff,
- ),
- neutral: (
- 0: #000000,
- 10: #002020,
- 20: #003737,
- 25: #004343,
- 30: #004f4f,
- 35: #055c5c,
- 40: #1c6868,
- 50: #3b8281,
- 60: #579c9b,
- 70: #72b7b6,
- 80: #8dd3d2,
- 90: #a9efee,
- 95: #b7fdfc,
- 98: #e2fffe,
- 99: #f1fffe,
- 100: #ffffff,
- 4: #001111,
- 6: #001717,
- 12: #002424,
- 17: #003030,
- 22: #003c3c,
- 24: #004141,
- 87: #a0e6e6,
- 92: #aef5f4,
- 94: #b4fbfa,
- 96: #c1fffe,
- ),
- neutral-variant: (
- 0: #000000,
- 10: #151d1e,
- 20: #2a3233,
- 25: #353d3e,
- 30: #404849,
- 35: #4c5455,
- 40: #586061,
- 50: #70787a,
- 60: #8a9293,
- 70: #a5adae,
- 80: #c0c8c9,
- 90: #dce4e5,
- 95: #eaf2f3,
- 98: #f3fbfc,
- 99: #f6feff,
- 100: #ffffff,
- ),
- error: (
- 0: #000000,
- 10: #410002,
- 20: #690005,
- 25: #7e0007,
- 30: #93000a,
- 35: #a80710,
- 40: #ba1a1a,
- 50: #de3730,
- 60: #ff5449,
- 70: #ff897d,
- 80: #ffb4ab,
- 90: #ffdad6,
- 95: #ffedea,
- 98: #fff8f7,
- 99: #fffbff,
- 100: #ffffff,
- ),
-$_rest: (
- secondary: map.get($_palettes, secondary),
- neutral: map.get($_palettes, neutral),
- neutral-variant: map.get($_palettes, neutral-variant),
- error: map.get($_palettes, error),
-$primary-palette: map.merge(map.get($_palettes, primary), $_rest);
-$tertiary-palette: map.merge(map.get($_palettes, tertiary), $_rest);
-@function _high-contrast-value($light, $dark, $theme-type) {
- @if ($theme-type == light) {
- @return $light;
- }
- @if ($theme-type == dark) {
- @return $dark;
- }
- @if ($theme-type == color-scheme) {
- @return light-dark(#{$light}, #{$dark});
- }
- @error 'Unknown theme-type #{$theme-type}. Expected light, dark, or color-scheme';
-@mixin high-contrast-overrides($theme-type) {
- @include mat.theme-overrides(
- (
- primary: _high-contrast-value(#002226, #caf8ff, $theme-type),
- on-primary: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
- primary-container: _high-contrast-value(#00393f, #9ccbd2, $theme-type),
- on-primary-container: _high-contrast-value(#cbf8ff, #000e10, $theme-type),
- inverse-primary: _high-contrast-value(#a0cfd6, #1e4e55, $theme-type),
- primary-fixed: _high-contrast-value(#205056, #bbebf2, $theme-type),
- primary-fixed-dim: _high-contrast-value(#00393f, #a0cfd6, $theme-type),
- on-primary-fixed: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
- on-primary-fixed-variant: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #001417, $theme-type),
- secondary: _high-contrast-value(#0e2212, #def7dc, $theme-type),
- on-secondary: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
- secondary-container: _high-contrast-value(#233725, #b1c9b0, $theme-type),
- on-secondary-container: _high-contrast-value(#def6dc, #000f03, $theme-type),
- secondary-fixed: _high-contrast-value(#3a4e3b, #d1e9cf, $theme-type),
- secondary-fixed-dim: _high-contrast-value(#233725, #b5cdb4, $theme-type),
- on-secondary-fixed: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
- on-secondary-fixed-variant: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #031506, $theme-type),
- tertiary: _high-contrast-value(#591200, #ffece7, $theme-type),
- on-tertiary: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
- tertiary-container: _high-contrast-value(#8c2100, #ffaf99, $theme-type),
- on-tertiary-container: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #1e0300, $theme-type),
- tertiary-fixed: _high-contrast-value(#8c2100, #ffdbd1, $theme-type),
- tertiary-fixed-dim: _high-contrast-value(#641500, #ffb5a1, $theme-type),
- on-tertiary-fixed: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
- on-tertiary-fixed-variant: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #290400, $theme-type),
- background: _high-contrast-value(#e2fffe, #001717, $theme-type),
- on-background: _high-contrast-value(#002020, #a9efee, $theme-type),
- surface: _high-contrast-value(#e2fffe, #001717, $theme-type),
- surface-dim: _high-contrast-value(#7fc5c4, #001717, $theme-type),
- surface-bright: _high-contrast-value(#e2fffe, #005a5a, $theme-type),
- surface-container-lowest: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
- surface-container: _high-contrast-value(#a9efee, #003737, $theme-type),
- surface-container-high: _high-contrast-value(#9be1e0, #004343, $theme-type),
- surface-container-highest: _high-contrast-value(#8dd3d2, #004f4f, $theme-type),
- on-surface: _high-contrast-value(#000000, #ffffff, $theme-type),
- shadow: _high-contrast-value(#000000, #000000, $theme-type),
- scrim: _high-contrast-value(#000000, #000000, $theme-type),
- surface-tint: _high-contrast-value(#37656c, #a0cfd6, $theme-type),
- inverse-surface: _high-contrast-value(#003737, #a9efee, $theme-type),
- inverse-on-surface: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
- outline: _high-contrast-value(#262d2f, #eaf1f3, $theme-type),
- outline-variant: _high-contrast-value(#434b4c, #bcc4c5, $theme-type),
- error: _high-contrast-value(#600004, #ffece9, $theme-type),
- on-error: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #000000, $theme-type),
- error-container: _high-contrast-value(#98000a, #ffaea4, $theme-type),
- on-error-container: _high-contrast-value(#ffffff, #220001, $theme-type),
- surface-variant: _high-contrast-value(#dce4e5, #404849, $theme-type),
- on-surface-variant: _high-contrast-value(#000000, #ffffff, $theme-type),
- )
- );
diff --git a/src/styles.scss b/src/styles.scss
index 28e3d6e..c0a7cd8 100644
--- a/src/styles.scss
+++ b/src/styles.scss
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// For more information: https://material.angular.io/guide/theming
@use '@angular/material' as mat;
// Plus imports for other components in your app.
-@use './assets/scss/ghga_colours';
+@use './assets/scss/ghga_colors';
@use './assets/scss/material_symbols';
@use './assets/scss/fontawesome';
@use './assets/scss/fontawesome_brands';
@@ -28,20 +28,14 @@
color: (
theme-type: light,
- primary: ghga_colours.$primary-palette,
- tertiary: ghga_colours.$tertiary-palette,
+ primary: ghga_colors.$primary-palette,
+ tertiary: ghga_colors.$tertiary-palette,
typography: Lexend,
-:root {
- --mat-sys-primary: #00393f;
- --mat-sys-secondary: #cfe7cd;
- --mat-sys-tertiary: #e84614;
body {
height: 100%;