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GitOps-Bridge: KubeCon/ArgoCon NA 2023


Before you begin, make sure you have the following command line tools installed:

  • git
  • terraform
  • kubectl
  • argocd
  • akuity

Get a free trial account on Akuity Platform, and create an API Key with org access

export AKUITY_API_KEY_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxx
export AKUITY_API_KEY_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
export TF_VAR_akp_org_name="your org name"
akuity login

Set the password you want to access argocd

export TF_VAR_argocd_admin_password=xxxxxxxxxxx

Set the GKE project ID you want to create the cluster in.

export TF_VAR_gke_project_id=xxxxxxxxxxx

(Optional) Fork the GitOps git repositories

See the appendix section Fork GitOps Repositories for more info on the terraform variables to override.

Deploy the Kubernetes Cluster

Initialize Terraform and deploy the EKS cluster:

terraform init
terraform apply

Retrieve kubectl config, then execute the output command:

terraform output -raw configure_kubectl

List the instances and clusters you created

akuity argocd instance list --organization-name <org-name>
akuity argocd cluster list --organization-name <org-name> --instance-name gitops-bridge

Terraform added GitOps Bridge Metadata to ArgoCD Instance. The annotations contain metadata for the addons' Helm charts and ArgoCD ApplicationSets.

akuity argocd cluster get \
ex-gke-akuity \
--organization-name <org-name> \
--instance-name gitops-bridge \
-o json | jq .data.annotations

The output looks like the following:

  "addons_repo_basepath": "gitops/",
  "addons_repo_path": "bootstrap/control-plane/addons",
  "addons_repo_revision": "main",
  "addons_repo_url": "",
  "workload_repo_basepath": "gitops/",
  "workload_repo_path": "apps",
  "workload_repo_revision": "main",

The labels offer a straightforward way to enable or disable an addon in ArgoCD for the cluster.

akuity argocd cluster get \
ex-eks-akuity-dev \
--organization-name <org-name> \
--instance-name gitops-bridge \
-o json | jq .data.labels | grep -v false | jq .

The output looks like the following:

  "aws_cluster_name": "ex-eks-akuity",
  "enable_aws_cloudwatch_metrics": "true",
  "enable_aws_ebs_csi_resources": "true",
  "enable_aws_for_fluentbit": "true",
  "enable_aws_ingress_nginx": "true",
  "enable_aws_load_balancer_controller": "true",
  "enable_cert_manager": "true",
  "enable_external_secrets": "true",
  "enable_karpenter": "true",
  "enable_kyverno": "true",
  "enable_metrics_server": "true",
  "environment": "dev",
  "kubernetes_version": "1.28"

Login in ArgoCD CLI

export ARGOCD_SERVER=$(terraform output -raw akuity_server_addr)
export ARGOCD_OPTS="--grpc-web"
argocd login $ARGOCD_SERVER --username admin --password $TF_VAR_argocd_admin_password

Monitor GitOps Progress for Addons

Wait until all the ArgoCD applications' HEALTH STATUS is Healthy. Use Crl+C to exit the watch command

watch argocd app list

The output looks like this

NAME                                                         CLUSTER            NAMESPACE          PROJECT  STATUS  HEALTH   SYNCPOLICY  CONDITIONS  REPO                                               PATH                                        TARGET
argocd/addon-ex-eks-akuity-dev-aws-cloudwatch-metrics        ex-eks-akuity-dev  amazon-cloudwatch  default  Synced  Healthy  Auto        <none>                                              main
argocd/addon-ex-eks-akuity-dev-aws-ebs-csi-resources         ex-eks-akuity-dev                     default  Synced  Healthy  Auto        <none>  gitops/charts/addons/aws-ebs-csi/resources  main
argocd/addon-ex-eks-akuity-dev-aws-for-fluent-bit            ex-eks-akuity-dev  kube-system        default  Synced  Healthy  Auto        <none>                                              main
argocd/addon-ex-eks-akuity-dev-aws-load-balancer-controller  ex-eks-akuity-dev  kube-system        default  Synced  Healthy  Auto        <none>                                              main
argocd/addon-ex-eks-akuity-dev-cert-manager                  ex-eks-akuity-dev  cert-manager       default  Synced  Healthy  Auto        <none>                                              main
argocd/addon-ex-eks-akuity-dev-external-secrets              ex-eks-akuity-dev  external-secrets   default  Synced  Healthy  Auto        <none>                                              main
argocd/addon-ex-eks-akuity-dev-ingress-nginx                 ex-eks-akuity-dev  ingress-nginx      default  Synced  Healthy  Auto        <none>                                              main
argocd/addon-ex-eks-akuity-dev-karpenter                     ex-eks-akuity-dev  karpenter          default  Synced  Healthy  Auto        <none>                                              main
argocd/addon-ex-eks-akuity-dev-kyverno                       ex-eks-akuity-dev  kyverno            default  Synced  Healthy  Auto        <none>                                              main
argocd/addon-ex-eks-akuity-dev-metrics-server                ex-eks-akuity-dev  kube-system        default  Synced  Healthy  Auto        <none>                                              main
argocd/cluster-addons                                        in-cluster         argocd             default  Synced  Healthy  Auto        <none>  gitops/bootstrap/control-plane/addons       main

Verify the Addons

Verify that the addons are ready:

kubectl get deployment -A

Monitor GitOps Progress for Workloads

Watch until the Workloads ArgoCD Application is Healthy

watch argocd app get guestbook

Wait until the ArgoCD Applications HEALTH STATUS is Healthy. Crl+C to exit the watch command

Output should look like the following:

Name:               argocd/guestbook
Project:            default
Server:             ex-eks-akuity-dev
Namespace:          guestbook
Target:             update-eks-10-31
Path:               gitops/apps/guestbook
SyncWindow:         Sync Allowed
Sync Policy:        Automated
Sync Status:        Synced to update-eks-10-31 (efd902c)
Health Status:      Healthy

                   Service     guestbook  guestbook-ui  Synced  Healthy        service/guestbook-ui unchanged
apps               Deployment  guestbook  guestbook-ui  Synced  Healthy        deployment.apps/guestbook-ui unchanged  Ingress     guestbook  guestbook-ui  Synced  Healthy created

Verify the Application

Verify that the application configuration is present and the pod is running:

kubectl get -n guestbook deployments,service,ep,ingress

The expected output should look like the following:

NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/guestbook-ui   1/1     1            1           3m7s

NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/guestbook-ui   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    3m7s

NAME                     ENDPOINTS        AGE
endpoints/guestbook-ui   3m7s

NAME                   CLASS   HOSTS   ADDRESS                          PORTS   AGE
ingress/guestbook-ui   nginx   *       <>   80      3m7s

Access the Application using AWS Load Balancer

Verify the application endpoint health using curl:

kubectl exec -n guestbook deploy/guestbook-ui -- \
curl -I -s $(kubectl get -n ingress-nginx svc ingress-nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')

The first line of the output should have HTTP/1.1 200 OK.

Retrieve the ingress URL for the application, and access in the browser:

echo "Application URL: http://$(kubectl get -n ingress-nginx svc ingress-nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')"

Container Metrics

Check the application's CPU and memory metrics:

kubectl top pods -n guestbook

Check all pods CPU and memory metrics:

kubectl top pods -A

Output should look like the following:

NAMESPACE           NAME                                                CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
akuity              akuity-agent-764cc87d89-2gmd6                       1m           10Mi
akuity              akuity-agent-764cc87d89-jjlvt                       1m           10Mi
akuity              argocd-application-controller-66664445b8-mmh8n      8m           154Mi
akuity              argocd-notifications-controller-7646fd4549-xzgjg    1m           19Mi
akuity              argocd-redis-6fd6f6556b-4l8px                       2m           4Mi
akuity              argocd-repo-server-6f8c6f6cf5-454t8                 1m           42Mi
akuity              argocd-repo-server-6f8c6f6cf5-6fj2d                 1m           35Mi
amazon-cloudwatch   aws-cloudwatch-metrics-7fh49                        11m          25Mi
amazon-cloudwatch   aws-cloudwatch-metrics-8879k                        10m          24Mi
cert-manager        cert-manager-55657857dd-xc9ww                       1m           15Mi
cert-manager        cert-manager-cainjector-7b5b5d4786-xtjbk            1m           25Mi
cert-manager        cert-manager-webhook-55fb5c9c88-w66h5               1m           8Mi
external-secrets    external-secrets-cb85c6976-hcg7m                    1m           19Mi
external-secrets    external-secrets-cert-controller-767c998588-ck8xj   1m           38Mi
external-secrets    external-secrets-webhook-9f9c4f65-wzptp             1m           18Mi
guestbook           guestbook-ui-7d6d6cbf96-qvbkg                       1m           9Mi
ingress-nginx       ingress-nginx-controller-7f9796776-gxpn7            1m           68Mi
ingress-nginx       ingress-nginx-controller-7f9796776-hlvmm            2m           68Mi
ingress-nginx       ingress-nginx-controller-7f9796776-v4x7t            2m           70Mi
karpenter           karpenter-799746c7c9-27ggv                          2m           25Mi
karpenter           karpenter-799746c7c9-p987j                          9m           46Mi
kube-system         aws-for-fluent-bit-bmfqf                            1m           19Mi
kube-system         aws-for-fluent-bit-gdxb6                            1m           21Mi
kube-system         aws-load-balancer-controller-55c676478-2dlz4        3m           27Mi
kube-system         aws-load-balancer-controller-55c676478-xc295        1m           20Mi
kube-system         aws-node-659vb                                      3m           56Mi
kube-system         aws-node-hjbkr                                      4m           59Mi
kube-system         coredns-59754897cf-8bct9                            2m           14Mi
kube-system         coredns-59754897cf-rthvl                            1m           14Mi
kube-system         ebs-csi-controller-86497db997-cxxdp                 4m           56Mi
kube-system         ebs-csi-controller-86497db997-qpxzk                 2m           51Mi
kube-system         ebs-csi-node-j2cpt                                  1m           21Mi
kube-system         ebs-csi-node-p6bzr                                  2m           21Mi
kube-system         kube-proxy-9ds98                                    1m           14Mi
kube-system         kube-proxy-hkw2f                                    1m           12Mi
kube-system         metrics-server-5b76987ff-ccdmr                      4m           16Mi
kyverno             kyverno-admission-controller-6f54d4786f-bdmgq       3m           82Mi
kyverno             kyverno-background-controller-696c6d575c-6r5z7      2m           30Mi
kyverno             kyverno-cleanup-controller-79dd5858df-69nkw         2m           19Mi
kyverno             kyverno-reports-controller-5fcd875795-mk2dr         1m           31Mi

Destroy the Kubernetes Cluster

To tear down all the resources and the EKS cluster, run the following command:



Fork GitOps Repositories

To modify the values.yaml file for addons or the workload manifest files (.ie yaml), you'll need to fork this repository: gitops-bridge-dev/kubecon-2023-na-argocon. After forking, update the following environment variables to point to you fork, replacing the default values.

export TF_VAR_gitops_addons_org=<org or user>
export TF_VAR_gitops_addons_repo=kubecon-2023-na-argocon
export TF_VAR_gitops_addons_revision=main

export TF_VAR_gitops_workload_org=<org or user>
export TF_VAR_gitops_workload_repo=kubecon-2023-na-argocon
export TF_VAR_gitops_workload_revision=main

Manually deploy Bootstrap apps

Only applicable if you don't deploy the bootstrap by setting the following variable to false (default true)

export TF_VAR_enable_gitops_auto_bootstrap=false

Deploy the Addons

Bootstrap the addons using ArgoCD:

argocd appset create --upsert ../../gitops/bootstrap/control-plane/exclude/addons-akuity.yaml

Deploy the Workloads

Deploy a sample application located in ../../gitops/apps/guestbook using ArgoCD:

argocd appset create --upsert ../../gitops/bootstrap/workloads/exclude/workloads-akuity.yaml