Common utilities with sub-packages that are shared between products and components
General collection of useful functions that are shared between Gladius Packages and Projects.
Gladius Projects use a common configuration pattern. Below are instructions to setup a project using this pattern.
- Dependencies
The only current dependency we use is viper. We use the default singleton class to manage state of our projects.
- Setup
// Dependencies
import (
// Setup config environment
func initializeConfiguration() {
// Grab the Gladius Base Directory
base, err := utils.GetGladiusBase()
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Error retrieving base directory")
// Add config file name and searching
viper.SetConfigName("gladius-config-example") // looks for gladius-config-example.toml in utils.GetGladiusBase()
// Setup env variable handling
r := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_")
// Load config
err = viper.ReadInConfig()
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Error reading config file, it may not exist or is corrupted. Using defaults.")
// Build our config options
// Set up defaults using helper functions
func buildOptions(base string) {
// Example option
ConfigOption("Example.SubOption", "Default Value")
// More can go here
// Add the GladiusBase to access Gladius Folder
ConfigOption("GladiusBase", base)
// Helper function for above
func configOption(key string, defaultValue interface{}) string {
viper.SetDefault(key, defaultValue)
return key