- New: Settings introduced to enable read-only or read-write stance to be taken with webdav
- Fix: Issue #27 - incorrect call to display column information from database (redmine 1.x fragment).
- Fix: Issue #28 - incompatible SQL in db migration script for postgresql
- Fix: Issue #23 - Incorrect call to to_s for displaying time in certain views
- Fix: Issue #24 - Incorrect times shown on revision history / documents
- Fix: Issue #25 - Character in init.rb stops execution
- Fix: Issue #34 - Incorrect scope when accessing deleted files prevented notification.
- Fix: Issue #22 - Webdav upload with passenger/nginx fails with server error (passenger class for request.body does not contain length method.
- Fix: Additional check implemented before reading settings to prevent server error when setting is not set and default does not apply.
- Fix: Issue #20 - Listing not functional when using sqlite adapter
- Fix: Issue #21 - Webdav not functional under bitnami (or sub directory)
- Fix: Testcase failed to cleanup after itself
- Fix: Webdav index object identified itself as having parent under prefix'ed path (in error)
- Fix: Addition of a path_prefix routine for webdav to be able to correct redirects
- New: Locking model updated to support shared and exclusive write locks. [At present UI and Webdav only support exclusive locking however]
- New: Folders are now write lockable (shared and exclusively) [UI upgraded to support folder locking, however only exclusively]
- New: Locks can now have a time-limit [Not yet supported from UI]
- New: Inereted lock support (locked folders child entries are now flagged as locked)
- Fix: Some testcases erroniously passed when files are locked, when they should be unlocked
- Update: Webdav locks files for 1 hour at a time (requested time is ignored)
- New: Files are now stored in project relevent folder
- New: Implementation of lockdiscovery and supportedlock property requests
- New: Locks store a timestamp based UUID string enabling better interaction with webservices
- Fix: Issue #16 - unable to add new project when plugin enabled due to bug in UI
- Fix: Issue #17 - dav4rack not installable on some systems - it is now vendored
- Fix: Issue #18 - Warnings thrown due to space between function and parentheses
- New: Hook into project copy functionality to permit (although not attractively) functionality for DMSF to be duplicated accross projects
- Update: Project patch defines linkage between DMSF files and DMSF folders.
- Update: Data linkage allowing dependent items to be deleted (project deletion for example) this needs to be revised as files marked deleted are not affected by this at present
- Update: README.md updated with Bundler requirement (Issue #13)
- Fix: Error in entity details page UI prevented revision management.
- New: Integration test cases for webdav functionality
- Update: Documentation has been converted from Simpletext to Markdown
- Update: Features listed in documentation
- Fix: Issue #3 - "webdav broken until set in Administrator -> Settings"
- Fix: Issue #5 - "Webdav incorrectly provides empty listing for non-DMSF enabled projects"
- Fix: Issues identified by test cases
- New: DAV4Rack requirement added (Gemfile makes reference to github repository for latest release).
- New: Webdav functionality included, additional administrative settings added
- Fixed: Issue #2 - extended xapian search fixed with Rails 3 compatible code.
- New: Redmine 2.0 or higher is required