Summary Beginner Level HTML & CSS Basics How to create an HTML page Doctypes CSS rules CSS Properties Position Display Overflow Content Float CSS selector All elements selector Id and class selectors Ancestor selectors Direct ancestor selectors Comparing ancestor selectors Siblings selectors Grouping selectors Pseudo classes Pseudo elements Selectors by attribute Specificity Box Model What is it? Box sizing differences CSS Units Text Units Colors Alignment Vertical centering techniques Centering the unknown Layout Basic Layout Architecture Cascading and Inheritance Global scopes Reset Vs. Normalize Accessibility What is it? How to make the web more accesible? Medium Level Layout Flexbox Flexbox layouts Sticky footer Centering the unknown Boxes Accordion-like Fixed sidebars with fluid center Media queries layouts Boxes Components What are they? How can i think of components? Real life examples Architecture OOCSS BEM SMACSS Stacking context Block formatting context Vertical rhythm Advanced Level Preprocessors SASS LESS COMPASS Grids What are they? Grids with bootstrap Grids with susy Custom grids How to face a refactor? When do i need a refactor? What do i need to take into account before start changing code? Defining an standard Modularizing the app How can you make the old css and new css coexist? Where do i start? Performance Minimizing browser reflow