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TightBlog 3.5 - UI improvements and database tuning

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@gmazza gmazza released this 16 Jun 18:30
· 132 commits to master since this release

Numerous UI improvements have been made utilizing Bootstrap (new screenshots), in particular with pop-ups, tables, and buttons. On the backend, database caching has been implemented for most queries, providing another performance optimization besides the weblog page caching already being done.

Upgrading from 3.4 Notes:

For upgrading from 3.4 to 3.5 several minor database changes will be needed. To view the necessary changes:

1.) Go here: e2afb9a...3fc4a3d
2.) Click on "Files Changed"
3.) Search on mysql-createdb.sql, apachederby-createdb.sql, or postgresql-createdb.sql.

For MySQL, I ran these commands:
alter table weblog drop column emailcomments;
alter table user_weblog_role drop column pending;
alter table user_weblog_role add column email_comments tinyint(1) default 1 not null;
alter table weblog_template drop column relative_path;
alter table weblog_entry_comment add column weblogid varchar(48);
-- for above statement, will also need to weblogid with appropriate values --
alter table weblogger_properties drop column newsfeed_items_page;
alter table weblogger_properties drop column users_upload_media_files;
alter table weblogger_properties drop column allowed_file_extensions;
alter table weblogger_properties drop column disallowed_file_extensions;
alter table weblogger_properties drop column max_file_size_mb;
alter table weblogger_properties drop column last_weblog_change;
alter table blogroll_link drop foreign key bl_weblogid_fk;
alter table blogroll_link drop index bl_name_uq;
alter table blogroll_link add constraint bl_weblogid_fk
foreign key ( weblogid ) references weblog( id ) ;

2.) The file will need renaming to