This git repository helps you get up and running quickly w/ a Django CMS installation on OpenShift Express. The Django project name used in this repo is 'mycms' but you can feel free to change it. Right now the backend is mysql.
When you push this application up for the first time, the mysql database is created, synced and migrated. It will then check to see if you have a django admin user, if not it will create one and give it a default password. You should immediately login to the django admin and change the password.
This repo was inspired by and Check them out, they were very helpful to me.
For more details, I have written a full blog post covering all of these steps in more detail at
Create an account at
install the client (You need git installed first.) Here are my steps for Mac OSX
sudo gem install json_pure
sudo gem install rhc
Create a domain. replace $mydoman and $loginemail with your own domain and the login email you used when creating an account.
rhc-create-domain -n $mydomain -l $loginemail
Create a wsgi-3.2 application
rhc-create-app -a blog -t wsgi-3.2
Add mysql to your app.
rhc-ctl-app -a blog -e add-mysql-5.1
Add phpmyadmin to help you manage your database.
rhc-ctl-app -a blog -e add-phpmyadmin-3.4
Add this upstream repo from github
cd blog
git remote add upstream -m master git://
git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master
Then push the repo upstream
git push
That's it, you can now checkout your application at (default admin account is admin/):