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How to upgrade from the upstream Firefox theme II

Alexander Seleznev edited this page May 30, 2014 · 2 revisions
  1. Update vanilla branch.

    Put code of the default theme to theme/chrome-@VERSION@/ dir. You can use script:

    $ ./ -t 32.0a1
    :: Starting upgrade to 32.0 alpha 1...
    :: Checking environment...
    :: Downloading tarball...
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100 43.8M  100 43.8M    0     0  1323k      0  0:00:33  0:00:33 --:--:-- 2327k
    :: Unpacking...
    :: Moving files...
    rm: cannot remove ‘../theme/chrome-32/browser’: No such file or directory
    rm: cannot remove ‘../theme/chrome-32/global’: No such file or directory
    rm: cannot remove ‘../theme/chrome-32/mozapps’: No such file or directory
    :: Cleaning...
    :: Creating commit...
    [vanilla 7f4341b] Upgrade to Firefox 32.0 alpha 1
     578 files changed, 27229 insertions(+)
     create mode 100644 theme/chrome-32/browser/Geolocation-16.png
  2. Check diff bitween chrome-31 and chrome-32 dirs in vanilla branch.

    $ git diff --no-index --stat theme/chrome-31 theme/chrome-32
     theme/{chrome-31 => chrome-32}/browser/browser.css |  10 ++---
     .../browser/devtools/alerticon-warning@2x.png      | Bin 0 -> 432 bytes
     .../browser/devtools/common.css                    |   4 ++
     .../browser/devtools/dark-theme.css                |   2 +-
     .../browser/devtools/light-theme.css               |   2 +-
     .../browser/devtools/ruleview.css                  |  10 ++++-
     .../browser/devtools/webaudioeditor.css            |  10 ++++-
     .../browser/devtools/widgets.css                   |  39 +++++++++++++++----
     .../browser/newtab/newTab.css                      |   2 +-
     .../browser/preferences/in-content/help-glyph.png  | Bin 0 -> 280 bytes
     .../preferences/in-content/help-glyph@2x.png       | Bin 0 -> 500 bytes
     .../browser/preferences/in-content/preferences.css |  42 +++++++++++++++++++++
     .../browser/tabbrowser/connecting.png              | Bin 8540 -> 16913 bytes
     .../browser/tabbrowser/loading.png                 | Bin 13906 -> 6864 bytes
     .../global/alerts/alert.css                        |  14 +++----
     theme/{chrome-31 => chrome-32}/global/findBar.css  |   3 +-
     .../mozapps/downloads/downloads.css                |   4 --
     17 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
  3. Add changes to css files under theme/chrome/ dir in master branch.

    Following command can be useful for it:

    $ git diff --no-index theme/chrome-31 theme/chrome-32

    For new code:

    %if APP_VERSION != 29 && APP_VERSION != 30 && APP_VERSION != 31
    /* Firefox 32 and later */

    For replacement code:

    %if APP_VERSION == 29 || APP_VERSION == 30 || APP_VERSION == 31
    /* Firefox 29-31 */
    /* Firefox 32 and later */
  4. Just copy chrome-32/browser/devtools/ from vanila branch to master branch.

  5. Copy all binary files into chrome-32 dir.

    For example,



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