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Releases: gocd/gocd-ecs-elastic-agent

Experimental: 7.1.0-110

05 Mar 00:53
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Changelog v7.1.0-104-exp..df01701

3be0d1b - Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3
41829c6 - Bump guava from 31.0.1-jre to 31.1-jre
71bfb0b - Bump aws-java-sdk-ec2 from 1.12.167 to 1.12.172

SHA256 Checksums

905eb5d265292e8cf3b65f464c64f5e27f453d7ba9433daab79880de2d140617 *ecs-elastic-agent-plugin-7.1.0-110.jar

Experimental: 7.1.0-108

05 Mar 00:53
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Changelog v7.1.0-104-exp..d83dd94

3be0d1b - Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3
71bfb0b - Bump aws-java-sdk-ec2 from 1.12.167 to 1.12.172

SHA256 Checksums

ad6579d4de304d4e755a0a0095852cbabe14bd4174c128e720126da092cc32c1 *ecs-elastic-agent-plugin-7.1.0-108.jar

Experimental: 7.1.0-106

05 Mar 00:52
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Changelog v7.1.0-104-exp..b70252e

71bfb0b - Bump aws-java-sdk-ec2 from 1.12.167 to 1.12.172

SHA256 Checksums

2e441513ee23117632d6ffd79a3cce45ad4a9cc82135562b755465147fb606fc *ecs-elastic-agent-plugin-7.1.0-106.jar

Experimental: 7.1.0-104

26 Feb 04:55
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Changelog v7.1.0-103-exp..4102ef9

4102ef9 - Use existing Junit System Stubs extension to avoid environment pollution

SHA256 Checksums

4b742055e39be780fc1248180d168754de3a1a57a6edb40083422331b7ac84d2 *ecs-elastic-agent-plugin-7.1.0-104.jar

Experimental: 7.1.0-103

26 Feb 00:39
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Changelog v7.1.0-102-exp..2a03ddd

2a03ddd - Bump aws-java-sdk-ec2 from 1.12.162 to 1.12.167

SHA256 Checksums

dab1fc839e0ed5ba46786a053f0e8ff14eb3df512b1108112b388099a1b23881 *ecs-elastic-agent-plugin-7.1.0-103.jar

Experimental: 7.1.0-102

26 Feb 00:36
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Changelog v7.1.0-101..782a669

782a669 - Bump aws-java-sdk-ecs from 1.12.162 to 1.12.167

SHA256 Checksums

a8d3b3382e28046bd05ebdfafa0200668d5c100332381d45964b176b33a7b4d2 *ecs-elastic-agent-plugin-7.1.0-102.jar


19 Feb 07:51
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  • Upgrade dependencies to latest patched versions as noted below
  • Fixes a bug that can in some instances block creating/launching instances across multiple ECS profiles and subnets

Changelog v7.0.0-4..fd0589a

209bfa0 - Bump aws-java-sdk-ec2 from 1.12.158 to 1.12.162
3b920f1 - Bump aws-java-sdk-ecs from 1.12.158 to 1.12.162
9dc4780 - Fix misleading/incorrect logging for scheduling in plugin log
60ef53c - Fix bug that blocks creating/launching instances across multiple ECS profiles and subnets
13005b1 - Bump aws-java-sdk-ecs from 1.12.153 to 1.12.158
fb394e7 - Bump jcl-over-slf4j from 1.7.35 to 1.7.36
8b94664 - Bump gson from 2.8.9 to 2.9.0
fffa84c - Bump aws-java-sdk-ec2 from 1.12.153 to 1.12.158
2850cad - Bump Gradle from 7.3.3 to 7.4
bcf470a - Properly replace commons-logging with jcl-over-slf4j
b14858d - Bump aws-java-sdk-ec2 from 1.11.454 to 1.12.153
2c4154b - Correct test expectation for newer AWS SDK version
c3e17e5 - Bump aws-sdk-importexport in /contrib/cloudformation-template
c2aa9ba - Bump aws-sdk-iotsitewise in /contrib/cloudformation-template
9aa9bea - Bump freemarker from 2.3.28 to 2.3.31
61fde8c - Bump aws-sdk-costandusagereportservice
60c601a - Remove dependabot transitive dependency bumping
4827ca8 - Bump aws-sdk-iotthingsgraph in /contrib/cloudformation-template
ed09d50 - Bump aws-sdk-ioteventsdata in /contrib/cloudformation-template
81059f8 - Bump aws-sdk-amplify in /contrib/cloudformation-template
aa10e97 - Bump aws-sdk-datapipeline in /contrib/cloudformation-template
74435c2 - Bump aws-sdk-dynamodb in /contrib/cloudformation-template
e56db37 - Bump aws-sdk-directconnect in /contrib/cloudformation-template
528fe57 - Bump aws-sdk-health in /contrib/cloudformation-template
9b2eef1 - Bump assertj-core from 3.21.0 to 3.22.0
6baa7a5 - Bump aws-sdk-acmpca in /contrib/cloudformation-template
aceb052 - Bump aws-sdk-mediapackagevod in /contrib/cloudformation-template
216c9bc - Bump aws-sdk-sagemaker in /contrib/cloudformation-template
44bc9f0 - Bump commons-collections4 from 4.2 to 4.4
83106d0 - Bump aws-sdk-mediaconnect in /contrib/cloudformation-template
f1e571c - Bump aws-sdk-autoscalingplans in /contrib/cloudformation-template
3c65a70 - Bump aws-sdk-codestar in /contrib/cloudformation-template
5f7215f - Bump aws-sdk-storagegateway in /contrib/cloudformation-template
d9e00c7 - Bump aws-sdk-imagebuilder in /contrib/cloudformation-template
126c318 - Bump aws-sdk-ssm in /contrib/cloudformation-template
28ead34 - Bump mockito-core from 4.2.0 to 4.3.1
3a8b2bd - Bump aws-java-sdk-ecs from 1.11.454 to 1.12.153
0dfd2db - Bump jcl-over-slf4j from 1.7.25 to 1.7.35
f70b2d7 - Bump lombok from 1.18.4 to 1.18.22
6e75583 - Bump joda-time from 2.10.1 to 2.10.13
2a62239 - Bump commons-lang from 3.8.1 to 3.12.0
5756d26 - Bump Guava from 24.0 to 31.0.1-jre
d0755d6 - Bump gson from 2.8.5 to 2.8.9
9d14ca7 - Allow dependabot to help us with the Cloudformation template DSL
552f340 - Explicitly target Java 11 to avoid ambiguity
31b807a - Bump test dependencies to latest versions
42b333a - Upgrade Gradle to 7.3.3
2eefe3b - Switch dependencies to syntax dependabot can understand
a123861 - Set distribution for Java setup action
698e1ad - Correct distribution
7d0951a - Correct distribution
2649a38 - Correct distribution
ff14d85 - Bump actions/setup-java from 1 to 2.3.1
685265d - Add GH actions into dependabot config
9ebcd66 - Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot
7a7b456 - Updating to github actions
b0d9683 - add question in faq regarding agents getting killed while running jobs
5356a13 - Fix small typo
99deb18 - Improve the table of contents
e2ee69f - Upgrade gradle, rubygems

SHA256 Checksums

2cde88ffc137a732e49f1d375aca608601bb42705508a16cdbb4df8b677ad4c8 *ecs-elastic-agent-plugin-7.1.0-101.jar

Experimental: 7.1.0-99

19 Feb 05:07
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Changelog v7.1.0-97-exp..cccae64

3b920f1 - Bump aws-java-sdk-ecs from 1.12.158 to 1.12.162

SHA256 Checksums

99bc50f2b4a11ca2b6fbf89820e6dd52b49929ff57bdd5ede1d9a77cfb92698a *ecs-elastic-agent-plugin-7.1.0-99.jar

Experimental: 7.1.0-101

19 Feb 05:10
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Changelog v7.1.0-99-exp..fd0589a

209bfa0 - Bump aws-java-sdk-ec2 from 1.12.158 to 1.12.162

SHA256 Checksums

c6374bfc62abe856b221ce54753aca86395b15b1552bbeaf562bc859cac3c954 *ecs-elastic-agent-plugin-7.1.0-101.jar

Experimental: 7.1.0-97

14 Feb 14:10
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Changelog v7.1.0-96-exp..9dc4780

9dc4780 - Fix misleading/incorrect logging for scheduling in plugin log

SHA256 Checksums

57eb780befe70031408cf1c23fcd24088cab6c9e64a50b6f7a4d726b268f96ab *ecs-elastic-agent-plugin-7.1.0-97.jar