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Releases: gocd/kubernetes-elastic-agents

Experimental: 4.0.0-518

04 Feb 01:22
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Changelog v4.0.0-516-exp..e590067

667d87f - Update Gradle Wrapper from 8.5 to 8.6.

SHA256 Checksums

014051c9580451d96cce4ed8ddb5c9d56d695805a9b3e7ec2af1947b521fafb6 *kubernetes-elastic-agent-4.0.0-518.jar

Experimental: 4.0.0-516

03 Feb 06:57
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Changelog v4.0.0-515-exp..136d786

136d786 - Automatically update Gradle wrapper

SHA256 Checksums

d7a641671a3afcf471eea2781bea2bd3dda452a03970f92e33b42f22cdd42a91 *kubernetes-elastic-agent-4.0.0-516.jar

Experimental: 4.0.0-515

26 Jan 14:15
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Changelog v4.0.0-513-exp..0412bbd

8297457 - Bump org.mockito:mockito-core from 5.9.0 to 5.10.0

SHA256 Checksums

194e6151f2a643c3c21cb3fbfda73a135580637f19bbc4a76eeefc437f6f1afc *kubernetes-elastic-agent-4.0.0-515.jar

Experimental: 4.0.0-513

26 Jan 14:14
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Changelog v4.0.0-511-exp..374eeca

94cd619 - Bump org.assertj:assertj-core from 3.25.1 to 3.25.2

SHA256 Checksums

5c8b16dced5a94044692f4e110c95d300c4209feb8e13c142bc36d73f02da751 *kubernetes-elastic-agent-4.0.0-513.jar

Experimental: 4.0.0-511

19 Jan 15:05
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Changelog v4.0.0-507-exp..2a55e4e

a2636c9 - Bump org.mockito:mockito-core from 5.8.0 to 5.9.0
54869cf - Bump from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6

SHA256 Checksums

f3b363f32b59a5a1b24b2f7270bc57a7e4eae5fb1cbf04eee213713aa71533a8 *kubernetes-elastic-agent-4.0.0-511.jar

Experimental: 4.0.0-509

19 Jan 15:05
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Changelog v4.0.0-507-exp..bd1d7a0

a2636c9 - Bump org.mockito:mockito-core from 5.8.0 to 5.9.0

SHA256 Checksums

4ec2101ae6056ce7e8e928301589a765894b32c23141fa90b666e604784dbc4f *kubernetes-elastic-agent-4.0.0-509.jar

Experimental: 4.0.0-507

12 Jan 15:03
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Changelog v4.0.0-505..10a9afe

f69c8b9 - Bump io.fabric8:kubernetes-client-api from 6.9.2 to 6.10.0

SHA256 Checksums

8ecad96f868d348f4b5529f114a33f14d7a92733c1c24324296bb6ecaa676303 *kubernetes-elastic-agent-4.0.0-507.jar


07 Jan 14:45
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Auto-configuration of all cluster information now possible

This version changes the plugin's default behavior to reduce configuration requirements when the server itself is deployed to Kubernetes, and agent pods are being created in the same cluster as the server.

Most configuration fields in Cluster Profile > Cluster Information are now optional, and the plugin supports auto-refreshing of ephemeral bound service account tokens for the server pod, rather than relying on a long-lived service account token.

For now, users will still need to use long-lived tokens if running their server outside Kubernetes, or creating agents in a different cluster to the GoCD server. If this is a use case you'd like to address, please raise an issue.

If you meet the requirements from the documentation, you should be able to remove your configuration values for all or some of Cluster URL, Namespace, Security Token & CA Certificate Data and rely on Kubernetes defaults.

Breaking Changes

As a side-effect of this, there is a change in the behaviour for the namespace field in some limited cases.

You should ensure your Cluster Profiles have the namespace deliberately set to default if:

  • any existing cluster profiles do not have namespace set but expect agent pods to be created in the default namespace
  • and you run your GoCD server in a Kubernetes pod outside the default namespace
  • and have a service account attached to the pod, with auto-mounted service tokens (as is default with the GoCD Helm Chart)

If any of these are not true, you are not affected and can ignore this.

Changelog v3.9.1-501..f4dfc72

70b7882 - Change cluster URL and security tokens to be optional, defaulting to that mounted into the pod
9466554 - Support use of EC keys to secure cluster API servers
c737e63 - Clarify token permissions

SHA256 Checksums

56838ecb2b4bd66779e3b0720b8deeb056539695781441347d55603e2b2705ea *kubernetes-elastic-agent-4.0.0-505.jar

Experimental: 4.0.0-505

07 Jan 14:42
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Changelog v3.9.1-502-exp..f4dfc72

70b7882 - Change cluster URL and security tokens to be optional, defaulting to that mounted into the pod
9466554 - Support use of EC keys to secure cluster API servers

SHA256 Checksums

dcac04691c8fe3b9f164d9f0e171d7c4301b7370485f178fb629e2fab4a25b88 *kubernetes-elastic-agent-4.0.0-505.jar


06 Jan 16:25
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Changelog v3.9.0-480..1734c76

a8499d5 - Treat blank CA Cert data as null
800cbdc - Bump cd.go.plugin:go-plugin-api from 23.4.0 to 23.5.0
231bce9 - Bump org.assertj:assertj-core from 3.24.2 to 3.25.1
a792fad - Bump default agent image versions
d589920 - Bump org.jsoup:jsoup from 1.17.1 to 1.17.2
5883780 - Bump org.mockito:mockito-core from 5.7.0 to 5.8.0
1758e33 - Bump Gradle to 8.5
93a8429 - Bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4
7fc90d9 - Bump org.jsoup:jsoup from 1.16.2 to 1.17.1
06fd4ef - Fix #191 - default size units to bytes if not present
dce36b4 - Bump plugin version
69b28e6 - Minor tidies to location of the config
bd77d46 - adding cluster timeout config

SHA256 Checksums

1bc6e47c922f4f39575da9ac6775c23f74b610b146a443c021c63363345ef3cc *kubernetes-elastic-agent-3.9.1-501.jar