This repository contains the code for the Airflow training environment.
Check that you have enough memory allocated to your codespaces instance. In the terminal (ctrl + ` ) check you have more than 4GB of allocated memory:
docker run --rm "debian:bullseye-slim" bash -c 'numfmt --to iec $(echo $(($(getconf _PHYS_PAGES) * $(getconf PAGE_SIZE))))'
An no, 3.9 is not enough. If you see 3.9 means that you did not selected the right machine in step 2.
Run database migrations (ONLY RUN ONCE)
You need to run database migrations and create the first user account. It is all defined in the docker compose file so just run:
docker compose up airflow-init
Now you can start all services:
docker compose up
This will make Airflow available at: http://localhost:8080
Login to Airflow:
If for some reason its not possible to you to run Airflow using docker, you can also do it using python.
Install airflow
pip install apache-airflow
poetry add apache-airflow
Make sure you have a virtual environment activated in which you can isolate your code/dependencies
initialize the database
airflow db init
Create a new user
airflow users create --username airflow --password airflow --firstname anon --lastname nymus --role Admin --email
Copy your dags to the dags/ folder
cp dags/ ~/airflow/dags/
In a termnial initialize the webserver
airflow webserver -p 8080
In a second terminal initialize the scheduler
airflow scheduler