Shivam Goel
Based on:
Table of Contents
- Getting Started
a. Docker link
b. Requirements - Running the experiments
a. Run docker
b. Clear all previously running processes
c. Experiment - Visual on Gazebo
- Useful Docker Commands
Docker link
Wil be updated soon
Host machine: Ubuntu 16, CUDA Version: 10.1
Run the docker
sudo docker run --runtime=nvidia -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -it gym-gazebo_v6.1
Clear all previously running processes
ps -ef | grep ros | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
ps -ef | grep python | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
ps -ef | grep xvfb | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
# Install conda
conda activate tf-gpu-1-5
# For entering docker
# Open two different terminals and run
sudo docker exec -it ef6dd4c9b971 bash
# One is for running pose estimation and the other for dqn
# On terminal 1
cd /usr/local/gym/gym-gazebo/examples/scripts_turtlebot
run -xvfb
nohup python -u > results_withAtt_Feb16.out &
# On terminal 2 (simultaneously)
cd /usr/local/gym/tf-pose-estimation#
nohup python --model=mobilenet_thin > pose.out &
# Monitor results on terminal 1
tail -f results_withAtt_Feb16.out
To view the robot acting in the environment using gzserver do the following
export GAZEBO_ID=`sudo docker ps | grep gym-gazebo | awk '{print $1}'`
export GAZEBO_MASTER_IP=$(sudo docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $GAZEBO_ID)
# Note: With sudo (just copy and make sure the grep is able to get the name of the current docker)
export GAZEBO_ID=`sudo docker ps | grep gym_gazebo | awk '{print $1}'`
Check running containers
sudo docker ps -a
Start a running docker
sudo docker start <container-id>
sudo docker attach <container-id>
Creating volume
docker volume create erlerobot_test_v1
sudo docker volume ls
docker volume rm my-vol
Commit docker changes
sudo docker commit <container-id> gym-gazebo_v1.1
Create a compressed docker image to transfer to another system
sudo docker save gym-gazebo_v1.1 > gym-gazebo_v1.1.tar.gz
Load a docker image
sudo docker image load --input gym_gazebo_v1.2.0.tar.gz
Get files from the docker to hard disk
sudo docker cp c6dbab3a187a:/data/turtlebotExperiments_v1/. turtlebotExperiments_v1/.
Vice Versa:
sudo docker cp 0cccde0d68ff:/usr/local/gym/
Removing docker
docker rm <container-id>