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Modular Manipulation (MoMa)

DeepMind's library for building modular robotic manipulation environments, both in simulation and on real robots.

Quick Start

An quick-start introductory tutorial can be found at this Colab: Open In Colab


MoMa builds on DeepMind's Composer library (part of dm_control). Composer helps build simulation environments for reinforcement-learning, providing tools to define actions, observations, and rewards based on MuJoCo entities.

MoMa wraps Composer to make it easy to build manipulation environments, and the abstractions MoMa introduces allow these environments to work in both simulation and the real world.

Important Abstractions

MoMa is designed to be modular with respect to the robots in an environment, whether running in simulation or reality, and the task-specific game logic for a single RL environment.

MoMa does this by separating an RL environment into 2 components, the physical setup and the task logic.

Abstractions diagram

Hardware Abstraction

MoMa enforces that the only way to interact with an RL environment is via a set of sensors and effectors, which define the input-output interface of the environment.

Sensors provide an abstraction for real hardware sensors, but they can be used in simulation as well. They read in information from the simulated or real world and produce the observations in an RL environment. The sensors package provides several ready-to-use sensors. You will see examples of sensors that are used to collect robot joint positions, object positions, gripper state, etc.

Effectors consume the actions in an RL environment and actuate robots, again either in simulation or the real world. The effectors package provides several commonly-used effectors.

At MoMa's core is BaseTask, a variant of composer.Task which contains a set of sensors and effectors. With this abstraction, BaseTask can encapsulate a manipuation environment for any robot arm(s) and gripper(s), in either simulation or in reality.

Hardware abstractions diagram

Task Logic

BaseTask represents a "physical" environment (e.g. a single Sawyer arm and Robotiq gripper with 2 cameras, running either in simulation or reality), but that alone doesn't define a complete RL environment. For an RL environment, we need to define the agent's actions, the observations, and the rewards.

We use 2 abstractions from DeepMind's AgentFlow to help define things.

  1. agentflow.ActionSpace maps the agent's actions to a new space or to relevant effectors in the BaseTask.

  2. agentflow.TimestepPreprocessor modifies the base RL timestep before returning it to the agent. They can be used to modify observations, add rewards, etc. They can also be chained together. The name "timestep preprocessor" comes from the fact that the timestep is preprocessed before being passed on to the agent. The agentflow.preprocessors package contains many useful, ready-to-use timestep preprocessors.

Together, the ActionSpace and TimestepPreprocessor define the "game logic" for an RL environment, and they are housed inside an agentflow.SubTask.

Task logic diagram

If you have a fixed physical setup and you just want to change the task, all you need to change is the af.SubTask. Likewise, if you have a single task but want to switch the hardware or switch between sim and real, you can fix the af.SubTask and just change the BaseTask. See the AgentFlow documentation for more information.

Putting It All Together

Single Task

In cases where there is only one objective for the RL agent (i.e. one instance of the game-logic), you can use MoMa's SubtaskEnvironment, which exposes a single agentflow.SubTask with Deepmind's standard RL environment interface, dm_env.Environment.

Here is a diagram presenting the different components of a MoMa subtask environment along with an explanation of information flow and different links to the code.

SubtaskEnv diagram

  1. The agent sends an action to a MoMa SubTaskEnvironment which serves as a container for the different components used in a task. The action is passed to an AgentFlow ActionSpace that projects the agent's action to a new action space that matches the spec of the underlying effector(s).

  2. The projected action is given to effectors. This allows us to use both sim or real robots for the same task.

  3. The effectors then actuate the robots either in sim or in real.

  4. The sensors then collect information from the robotics environment. Sensors are an abstraction layer for both sim and real, similar to Effectors.

  5. The BaseTask then passes the timestep to an AgentFlow TimestepPreprocessor. The preprocessor can change the timestep's observations and rewards, and it can terminate an RL episode if some termination criteria are met.

  6. The modified timestep is then passed on to the agent.

Multiple Tasks

Given a single BaseTask which represents a collection of robots and sensors, we can support multiple RL tasks and "flow" between them. Each RL task is an agentflow.SubTask, containing its own "game logic" specifying the agent's action space, observations, rewards, and episode termination criteria.

AgentFlow contains utilities to specify these different subtasks and define how the agent can move from subtask to subtask. Please see the AgentFlow docs for more information.

Creating a task with MoMa

Creating a task in a new environment

To build a new MoMa environment, you can use the subtask_env_builder pattern. An example of this pattern can be found in our example task and in the tutorial linked at the top.