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291 lines (180 loc) · 6.08 KB

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  1. Tired of choosing between mocks and stubs?
  2. Tired of argument matchers and thrown exceptions when expectations not met?
  3. Or you just don't like 'mocks/stubs' approach entirely?

Then you've come to the right place, meet backstub - stubbing library for Scala 3 inspired by scalamock and compatible with any testing framework out of the box



Add to your build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "io.github.goshacodes" %% "backstub" % "<version_from_badge>"

Library hugely relies on experimental scala 3 features, so consider also adding

Test \ scalacOptions += "-experimental"


For ZIO integration also add:

libraryDependencies += "io.github.goshacodes" %% "backstub-zio" % "<version_from_badge>"

Cats Effect

For Cats Effect integration also add:

libraryDependencies += "io.github.goshacodes" %% "backstub-cats-effect" % "<version_from_badge>"


Basic Stubs

Should be mixed with your test-suite, to provide clean-up API if you create your stubs per suite

package backstub

trait Stubs:
  final given stubs: CreatedStubs = CreatedStubs()

  final def resetStubs(): Unit = stubs.clearAll()

Using it as simple as:

import backstub.*

class MySpec extends munit.FunSuite with Stubs:
  override def afterEach(context: AfterEach) =

ZIO Stubs

Gives you instance of StubEffect, allowing to integrate ZIO

package backstub

import zio.*

trait ZIOStubs extends Stubs:
  // this method is actually in Stubs
  final def resetStubsIO[F[+_, +_]: StubEffect]: F[Nothing, Unit] =
  given effect.StubEffect[IO] with
    def unit[T](t: => T): UIO[T] = ZIO.succeed(t)
    def flatMap[E, EE >: E, T, T2](fa: IO[E, T])(f: T => IO[EE, T2]): IO[EE, T2] = fa.flatMap(f)

Cats Stubs

Gives you instance of StubEffect.Mono, allowing to integrate Cats Effect

package backstub

import cats.effect.*

trait CatsEffectStubs extends Stubs:
  // this method is actually in Stubs
  final def resetStubsF[F[+_]: StubEffect.Mono]: F[Unit] =

  given StubEffect.Mono[IO] = new StubEffect.Mono[IO]:
    def unit[T](t: => T): IO[T] = IO(t)
    def flatMap[E, EE >: E, T, T2](fa: IO[T])(f: T => IO[T2]): IO[T2] = fa.flatMap(f)


Generates a stub. Without expectations setup just throws NotImplementedError

import backstub.*

trait Foo:
  def zeroArgs: String
  def oneArg(x: Int): Int
  def moreArgs(x: Int, y: String): Option[String]


Will generate you:

new Foo:
  def zeroArgs: String = ???
  def oneArg(x: Int): Int = ???
  def moreArgs(x: Int, y: String): Option[String] = ???


Compile time configuration allowing you to setup stub methods results.
Expectation on method can be set only once, so if you want to differentiate calls - use different data.
This also generates a collector for your calls.

import backstub.*

val foo = stub[Foo]:
      case 1 => 2
      case 2 => 3
    .method(_.moreArgs).returns(_ => None)

Will generate you:

new Foo:
  def zeroArgs: String = ???
  val calls$oneArg$1 = new AtomicReference[List[Int]](Nil)
  def oneArg(x: Int): Int =
    calls$oneArg$1.getAndUpdate(_ :+ x)
    x match
      case 1 => 2
      case 2 => 3

  val calls$moreArgs$2 = new AtomicReference[List[(Int, String)]](Nil)
  def moreArgs(x: Int, y: String): Option[String] =
    calls$moreArgs$2.getAndUpdate(_ :+ (x, y))

Also expectations can be provided via an inline given:

import backstub.*

inline given Expect[Foo] = Expect[Foo]
    case 1 => 2
    case 2 => 3
  .method(_.moreArgs).returns(_ => None)

val foo = stub[Foo]

ZIO Expect

The only difference is - you should choose method using methodIO.

Cats Effect Expect

The only difference is - you should choose method using methodF0 (if no arguments) or methodF.


backstub won't verify anything for you, it only returns the data.

It gives you 2 extension methods for your stubs:

  1. calls gives you the data
  2. times gives you the number of times a method was called
import backstub.*

val foo = stub[Foo]


foo.times(_.oneArg) // 2
foo.calls(_.oneArg) // List(1, 2)

foo.twoArgs(5, "foo")

foo.times(_.twoArgs) // 1
foo.calls(_.twoArgs) // List((5, "foo"))

Verify ZIO

You can use callsIO and timesIO methods

Verify Cats Effect

You can use callsF and timesF methods

Overloaded methods

To set expectations for overloaded methods - method type should be specified

import backstub.*

trait Overloaded:
  def overloaded(x: Int, y: Boolean): Int
  def overloaded(x: String): Boolean
  def overloaded: String

val overloaded = stub[Overloaded]:
    .method(_.overloaded: String).returnsOnly("foo")
    .method(_.overloaded: String => Boolean).returns(_ => true)
    .method(_.overloaded: (Int, Boolean) => Int).returns((x, y) => x)

Generic types support

Current implementation has restriction of 1 expectation per method. It is same for generic types (Maybe it will change in the future if I find a solution).

import backstub.*

trait TypeArgs:
  def typeArgs[A](x: A): A

val typeArgsStub = stub[TypeArgs]:
    .method(_.typeArgs[Int]).returns(x => x)




Model - SessionCheckService.scala

Suite - SessionCheckServiceSpec.scala

Search Optimization

scala tests, scala test, testing in scala, scala testing, scalatest, specs2, scalamock, zio mock, mockito scala, backstub, backstub scala