(TODO: more descriptions)
Since our planning packages are always under continuous development, please do the following to update the submodules whenever you pull from integral_timber_joints
to make sure that the submodules are up-to-date:
git pull --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --remote --recursive
If you are using a GUI tool for git, there should be already an easy way to do this.
Search git submodule update + <your GUI tool>
will usually give you the right answer.
if you use PowerShell, the variables can be supplied in the beginning before running the following commands:
# from any dir, with the proper conda env is activated
$design_dir = "220407_CantiBoxRight"
$problem = "CantiBoxRight_process.json"
PDDL Planning (Will archive and overwrite original problem json file in the design folder.)
p -m integral_timber_joints.planning.pddlstream_planning.run --write --design_dir $design_dir --problem $problem
To plan everything of a process file:
python -m integral_timber_joints.planning.run --problem $problem --design_dir $design_dir --reinit_tool --write
To plan a single seq_i
with UI
python -m integral_timber_joints.planning.run --problem $problem --design_dir $design_dir --reinit_tool --write --solve_timeout 21600 --rrt_iterations 1000 --seq_n 30
Re-plan a single seq_id:
python -m integral_timber_joints.planning.run --problem $problem --design_dir $design_dir --reinit_tool --write --solve_timeout 21600 --rrt_iterations 1000 --seq_n 30
Re-plan a single beam_id
python -m integral_timber_joints.planning.run --problem $problem --design_dir $design_dir --reinit_tool --write --solve_timeout 21600 --rrt_iterations 1000 --beam_id b10
Re-plan a single movement_id
python -m integral_timber_joints.planning.run --problem $problem --design_dir $design_dir --reinit_tool --write --solve_timeout 21600 --rrt_iterations 1000 --solve_mode movement_id --movement_id A167_M0
Intense re-plan for a set of movement_id
python -m integral_timber_joints.planning.run_global --design_dir 220407_CantiBoxMid --problem CantiBoxMid_process --write --solve_timeout 21600 --rrt_iterations 1000 --mesh_split_long_edge_max_length 50 --movement_id A69_M0,A123_M0,A149_M0,A205_M1
Draw exploration in viewer while planning a single Free Movement by movement_id
in a detailed way (with long edge subdivision)
p -m integral_timber_joints.planning.run --problem $problem --design_dir $design_dir --reinit_tool --write --solve_timeout 21600 -v --debug --draw_mp_exploration --step_sim --watch --diagnosis --buffers_for_free_motions --solve_mode movement_id --movement_id A235_M0 --mesh_split_long_edge_max_length 150
Check planned trajectory of entire Process File
python -m integral_timber_joints.planning.check_states --problem $problem --design_dir $design_dir --verify_plan --traj_collision --mesh_split_long_edge_max_length 100
Generate a statistic file of all planned result
python -m integral_timber_joints.planning.statistics --problem CantiBoxRight_process.json --design_dir 220407_CantiBoxRight
Using check_states to check with higher mesh resolution
p -m integral_timber_joints.planning.check_states --problem $problem --design_dir $design_dir --verify_plan --traj_collision --movement_id A15_M0 --mesh_split_long_edge_max_length 100
Using check_states to visualize a problematic trajectory that was flagged with traj_polyline_collision
python -m integral_timber_joints.planning.check_states --problem $problem --design_dir $design_dir --reinit_tool --debug --viewer --mesh_split_long_edge_max_length 100 --verify_plan --traj_collision --movement_id A139_M0
Re-planning one move with higher mesh resolution to avoid collision
p -m integral_timber_joints.planning.run --problem $problem --design_dir $design_dir --write --movement_id A15_M0 --mesh_split_long_edge_max_length 100 --solve_mode movement_id