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Contributing Guidelines

grayghostvisuals edited this page Sep 29, 2012 · 2 revisions

WP–Flex Contribution Guidelines

We strictly follow the WordPress coding guidelines and so should you if you're going to contribute to this repo. Thanks for abiding by these guidelines. WP–Flex contributors and myself love you for this.

We use a Gitflow Branching Model.

This means our branching is kept nice and clean allowing everyone else to see commits, merges and releases in a logical fashion. Please take the time to review this model to ensure your Pull Requests are accepted. The following items listed are the branches and naming conventions we adhere to.

Master, Develop, Release, Hotfix, Feature

Code Contributions and Pull Requests

In order to submit a Pull Request for a new feature or fix Please do the following...

  1. Update Your master branch with the original project's master branch
  2. Make sure you're following our coding standards and if you're not sure, please ask.
  3. Make a new branch for your new fix and name that branch accordingly
  4. Once you've made your changes and your commit, push your new branch to your project repo
  5. Now that your new branch has been created and pushed, you're ready for a Pull Request.
  6. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL PR's to the Develop branch instead of the Master branch.

Keep it simple and as blank as possible –with the exception of the demo styles. Feel free to give back to the demo styles if you feel inclined.

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