The TAG includes several community roles which are defined in this document. The TAG doesn't have a member role. Everyone who joins the TAG starts out as a contributor, from where one can progress into one of the existing, more scoped roles within the TAG. The contributor path document gives some idea how to progress as a contributor in the TAG throughout the roles.
Whenever "member" is mentioned in this document it means the member of the specific role group.
- Roles within the TAG Environmental Sustainability
Contributors fulfilling any roles in the TAG are responsible for understanding and abiding by the governance defined in this group.
Each role has a scope and responsibility to it, please refer to the role specific sections below for more information in terms of process, requirements and expectations.
If you serve in any of the roles described in this document please add yourself as a role group member with a Pull Request (PR) to tag-env-sustainability
in the cncf/people/config.yaml
- Members SHOULD remain active and responsive in their Roles.
- Members taking an extended leave of 1 or more months SHOULD coordinate with other members to ensure the role is adequately staffed during the leave.
- Members going on leave for 1-3 months MAY work with other members to identify a temporary replacement.
- Members of a role SHOULD remove any other members that have not communicated a leave of absence and either cannot be reached for more than 1 month or are not fulfilling their documented responsibilities for more than 1 month. This may be done through a super-majority vote of members, or if there are not enough active members to get a super-majority of votes cast, then removal may occur through a super-majority vote of the Chairs.
- Members contribute to projects, according to the process.
- Membership disagreements may be escalated to the Chairs. Disagreements among the Chairs may be escalated to a Environmental Sustainability TAG TOC Liaison.
- Members MAY decide to step down at anytime and optionally propose a replacement.
The Chairs serve in administrative roles, guiding the TAG and support the decision taking. However, due to the pure complexity of the TAG topic, the role of the chairs include also the activities of technical leads.
- Primary role of Chairs is to run operations and the governance of the group.
- The Chairs are responsible for ensuring that group meetings are planned and facilitated effectively, while also engaging group contributors in leadership roles. Effective facilitation includes (but is not limited to) the following activities:
- setting the agenda for meetings
- extending discussion via asynchronous communication to be inclusive of contributors who cannot attend a specific meeting time.
- scheduling discussion of proposals that have been submitted
- asking for new proposals to be made to address an identified need
- partnering with Technical Leads to establish a roadmap and manage ongoing projects
Technical Leads (TLs) expand the bandwidth of the leadership team. Proposals must have a TL or Chair working as an active sponsor (as detailed in TAG process).
The general list of activities for TL are:
- Establish new sub-projects
- Decommission existing sub-projects
- Resolve cross-sub-project technical issues and decisions
- Propose agenda items for meetings to ensure that open issues are discussed with the group when needed
Environmental Sustainability TAG TL nomination process
On the occasion where a project becomes long term, a working group can be formed. The process document gives information how to form a working group.
Depending on the expected length of the project, Project Leads may be assigned as OWNERS of the project directory in this repository to help facilitate and moderate new content to the project.
Working group chairs are responsible for the following:
- Adhering to the project process
- Proposing and refining the working group scope, goal and schedule as a charter document
- Ensure smooth day-to-day operations of the working group. This includes:
- Ensuring meetings are scheduled, announced and recorded
- Facilitation of meetings, ensuring minutes are recorded
- Ensure progress and status reports are communicated to the TAG representative of the working group
- Resolving conflict within the working group and escalating to leadership when required
- Outreach and recruitment for the working group
Working group tech leads are executive contributors of the project. Tech leads extend the working group chair leadership team.
TAG ENV representatives are appointed through the following process:
- A member of the leadership indicates that they would like to be a TAG representative on a project by:
- editing the issue's "TAG Representative" field to their github ID.
- setting the issue milestone to the corresponding milestone created for their github ID.
- TAG representatives may change based on discretion of co-chairs.
Environmental Sustainability TAG representatives are responsible for the following:
- Reporting back to the leadership on the status of the project, indicating when the project requires external governance help. For example, these include:
- Project is understaffed or suffers from rampant scope creep.
- Project is inactive and needs to be discontinued.
- Inter-personal issues within leads and/or contributors causing disruption.
- Provide feedback to project lead to whether the current scope and operation of a project is in line with the vision and governance of the TAG.
- Mentorship of project leads on matters of leadership and governance process.
- Provide privilege facilities that a project lead does not have access to.
Examples are:
- Creating a ServiceNow ticket with the CNCF for design help
- Uploading of meeting recordings to youtube
- Approval of messages to TAG mailing list
A project can be formed if cross-contributor collaboration is needed. The process document gives information how to form a project.
Depending on the expected length of the project, Project Leads may be assigned as OWNERS of the project directory in this repository to help facilitate and moderate new content to the project.
Project leads are responsible for the following:
- Adhering to the project process
- Proposing and refining the project scope, goal and schedule
- Ensure smooth operations of the project. This includes:
- Ensuring meetings are scheduled, announced and recorded. Recordings are facilitated by a TAG lead.
- Ensure progress and status reports are communicated to the TAG representative of the project
- Resolving conflict within the project and escalating to leadership when required
- Provide retrospective of a project to the TAG
The TOC Liaison for the Environmental Sustainability TAG is nominated by the TOC. The TAG Chairs are responsible for establishing effective communication with the TOC liaison, including further communication to the wider TOC upon request.
The TOC Liaison will occasionally prioritize TAG activities, as needed by the TOC, to further the CNCF mission.
Contributors often contribute by working in small groups that research and discuss options and then share their findings with the rest of the group in a presentation and typically contribute to the body of work in this repository (via Pull Request). Some tasks can be effectively executed by simply chiming in on a github issue and independently contributing a PR without any particular role or authorization.
This section describes roles where more coordination is helpful and the work benefits from identifying one or more contributors who will take on specific responsibilities. Our goal is to empower contributors to move forward independently, while defining an approval process designed to support communication and alignment across the wider group.
New roles in this section are typically defined after someone has acted in that role for some time informally, then proposed as an on-going role by Pull Request which must be approved by a majority of Chairs. Process clarifications are welcome and PRs can be approved by any single Chair.
The group meetings are an important part of community building and the facilitator ensures a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. In keeping with these goals, the meeting facilitator has the following responsibilities:
- prepares the meeting notes with template and agenda
- coordinates with presenter, if applicable
- ensures there are scribes
- runs meeting check-in, including partner groups
- leads the meeting through the agenda
- active contributor
- history of regular attendance
One or more of the following:
- served in another facilitator role
- leader on a project team
- tech lead
- co-chair
Any contributor who meets the above qualifications is encouraged to add themselves to the list of people in this role.
Each meeting must have at a minimal one scribe and preferable with two.
Scribe is expected to perform the following:
- Plan to coordinate/review meeting Agenda with facilitator via Slack before start of meeting
- Summarize discussions and capture into meeting notes (not transcribe verbatim)
- Clarify and annotate actions as discussion progresses with assignee and due dates
- Partner with Facilitator to capture major occurring items in the meeting
- Add links to issues being discussed if not already in Agenda
- Open new issues to track action items from meeting
Some ongoing projects may have teams where members are identified for additional roles and may be required to have specific expertise. If needed, this roles will be specify within each project.