The plugin provides actions for players and allows to execute it if somebody triggered it!
- Many triggers to execute actions
- If a player reached cords
- If a player entered/leaved the region (requires WGEvents)
- if a player joined/quited the server, or died
- Execute actions if a player triggered it
- Specify that only one action will be executed randomly!
- Also, can be enabled debug mode to view any errors in console
- And provided updates checker for your comfort
- Optimized (90% code runs async and config doesn't cals every time)
- You can execute many actions when players reaching the selected cords
- Command from console
- Command from player
- Send message
- Send message to all online players
- Play sound
- Show a message in above hotbar (In actionbar)
- Show a message on display (In Title/Subtitle)
- Give an effect
- Teleport to specified location
- Change gamemode
- Enable or disable updates checker
- /voidfall - reload plugin configuration
- voidfall.reload - allows you to use the reload command
- [CONSOLE] - execute a command as the console
- [PLAYER] - execute a command as the player (Do not write any /)
- [TITLE] - display a message to the player on the screen (title) (Usage title;subtitle;fadeIn;stay;fadeOut)
- [ACTIONBAR] - display a message to the player above the hotbar (In the action bar)
- [MESSAGE] - send a message to the player in chat
- [PLAY_SOUND] - play a sound to the player (Usage SOUND;VOLUME;PITCH (Volume and pitch are optional))
- [PLAY_SOUND_ALL] - play a sound to all players (Usage SOUND;VOLUME;PITCH (Volume and pitch are optional))
- [EFFECT] - give the player a potion effect (Usage EFFECT;STRENGTH;DURATION (Strength and duration are optional))
- [BROADCAST] - send a message to all players online
- [TELEPORT] - teleport the player (Usage WORLD;X;Y;Z;YAW;PITCH ("yaw" and "pitch" are optional))
- You can also use ~ to get player position for value (For example '[TELEPORT] ~;~;~100;~;~;~' will teleport player in the same world, with the same x and z cord, but 100 blocks above, and also with the same yaw and pitch)
- [GAMEMODE] - set the player's game mode (0 or survival | 1 or creative | 2 or adventure | 3 or spectator)