- bugreport: send a message
- commands: send
- help: send a query, all
- invite: send
- roll: roll 5d6>4 # comment, H5, E5, 2d6k1, 2d6l1, 3d6!6>4, repeat a roll # comment, 6d1>5 for underflow, devil roll
- chip: help, rule, folder, ??, blank, category, tag, navi, lookup multiple, query a tag, query a category, query darkchips, query megachips, query incident chips, query by license, query by crossover content, query by Genso Network
- power: help, rule, query by virus passive powers, query by cost powers, query by speed powers, query by sense roll powers, lookup multiple powers
- ncp: help, rule, query by 1EB, query by crossover content, query by Genso Minus Cust, lookup multiple NCPs
- virus: help, rule, query category, query virus tags, lookup multiple viruses (simple), lookup multiple viruses (detailed), lookup omega virus, lookup mega virus
- tag: lookup battlechip tag, lookup virus category, lookup virus tag, lookup chip category
- query: mystic lilies (chips + ncps), night drifters (virus only), chip category, ncp EB, npu, powers by skill, daemon, network mod, weather, bond powers, heart home (no chips, NCPs, or viruses)
- bondpower: help, rule, lookup multiple bond powers
- mysterydata: roll common, uncommon, rare, sunny, violet, sapphire, mystery reward
- rulebook: send, lookup beta 4 advance 3, lookup beta 7 mobile
- element: roll a number, roll a number in a category
- daemon: list all, list a name
- npu: query a power for its NPUs, lookup npu description, do both in one query
- crimsonnoise: roll uncommon, common, rare
- networkmod: help, list, lookup multiple
- audience: start, view
- audiencecheer: list, add 5, add 5, spend, spend 2, spend 5
- audiencejeer: list, add 5, add 5, spend, spend 2, spend 5
- audience: view, end, start, let timeout
- virusrandom: send, roll 4, roll number=1, artillery=1, disruption=1, disruption=1, striker=1
- playermaderepo: net agent, shared universe, link
- adventure: send, adv_type=Chaos, Core
- fight: send
- sheet: send
- spotlight: start w/ 4 names, edit one name to another, submit just one name, submit the name again, submit two other names, reset, view, help, remove a name, add another name, end, view
- weather: rule, help, list, LiquidTime DiamondDust ChromaticFlux MementoBorealis
- weatherforecast: send, roll 6, roll 6 glitch weathers
- achievement: list, hello, perfectionist
- glossary: target, accurate, bond, virus, spotlight, ncp, navipower, blank chip
- safety: any
- find: lookup chip and power at same time
- DM: commands, chip sword
- chip alias, real name, wrong name
- power alias, wrong name, real name
- not found: achievement, weather
- weatherforecast: roll more