Developed by Günter Neumann,, Feb. 2016
Uses a semi-supervised approach by using a supervised training set in form of CONLL tables, and a set of unlabeled data for creating word vectors.
Uses liblinear as basic Machine Learning tool.
Currently it uses the following set of features for all tasks:
- suffix: compute a list of all possible suffixes from training set
- shape: compute a bit vector which characterizes the shape of a token
- cluster: uses cluster id for tokens from training set
- vector: create word vectors from unlabeled data set
Integration of new feature functions is possible. Integration of pos-processing is easy.
Training and application phase is very fast.
- POS tagging with tests on EN and DE
- NER with tests on EN and DE
- Morphology with tests on DE
- Twitter-based POS tagging for DE
I defined a simple GntTokenier class to process text files. Need to be improved soon.
Evaluation is based on file format of form
token-index token gold-label predicted-label
for example: 4 eines DET PRON
means that the correct POS tag should be DET, but GNT predicted PRON
for each experiment and test file X, such a eval file is created in folder resources/eval/X.txt
all errors are also stored in file X.txt.debug using the same format, i.e., keeping the token and its order as given from the test file.
Using this file, we also create an error file, which stores the token-free wrong labels pairs and their counts in form of
gold-label:predicted-label count
these pairs are sorted by frequency